Absolute Thing of Beauty with Andy & Dan | Transcript

Welcome to the latest episode of Sutton United Talk Time on Podcast, brought to you in association with Lucky Star Gin. I’m your host, Mike, and joining me today are Andy and Dan. In this episode, we dive into Sutton United's recent matches against Dagenham & Redbridge and Southend. Let’s get started!

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:00 PM

Hello and welcome to another episode of Sutton United Talk Time on podcast. It's the Sutton podcast in association with Lucky Star Gin. I'm your host Mike and on the panel today we have got Andy and Dan. And in this episode we're going to cover the trips to Dagenham and Redbridge and Southend. One is going to be given a little bit more attention than the other.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:01 PM

I should imagine. Don't forget we love hearing from you. Join the conversation, stay connected, share your thoughts, share the episode, etc, etc. Thanks to everyone who does that regularly. It's a real big help and I do love all the comments and all the other things get that little ego boost. We're going to jump in. So Dan, it's been about a month for you. How have you been?

Dan - Gandermonium - 7:01 PM

Not bad, mate, not bad. Managed to avoid Tuesday's debacle because I was away with work."

Andy - 7:01 PM

Yeah, it's last season, yeah. Yeah, I've been all right. Unfortunately, I didn't avoid Tuesday's debacle because I wasn't away with work, but we'll come to that very briefly.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:01 PM

Well, very, very, very briefly. So I'm being extra polite to the guys today because they arranged, they agreed to move it to Monday night instead of Sunday night because some div didn't remember it's his missus birthday. So happy birthday for yesterday, missus podcast. But thank you both very much. You were set some homework.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:02 PM

These questions aren't randomly generated, so they're going to be repeated. And I quite like the one that you guys got because this is a lot of years to consider. So it's the knowing me, knowing you section, and everyone's going to have a boogie and Dan's going to get upset. But hey, nevermind.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:02 PM

Of all the crap I've done, I can't believe ABRA have never copyright claimed that. Even that Pizza Cup Master thing was getting a claim on it and then they went, oh no, you're right. No problem. So the questions you were asked were, can you share your fondest memory of supporting Sutton United? That's a combined over 70 years, I think.

Andy - 7:03 PM

It just, the thing is, it changes from time to time. At the moment, probably, I would say AFC Wimbledon, FA Cup replay, yeah, 2017, yeah. The game, the atmosphere, the time back at the bar, yeah. It just encapsulated everything for me."

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:04 PM

I did alright on the Wigan one, I went to about 4 or 5 different places, had one pint and people remember me being there but I didn't get that pissed at all, I was just like wandering around going, hey look at me! Yeah, loved both of those, the replay one was, I kind of ended up standing there for a good 10 minutes afterwards going, what happened?

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:04 PM

How did we do that? And my favourite memory of that game was Crades to Tackle, which he got a lot of grief for and I just remember all of us kind of being like, not quiet but sat alive and everyone up and got behind it and yeah, they were both great. But yeah, I struggled, I was like, oh yeah, like Andy, I was like, well it could be this, could be this, could be this, so I'm asking the question, I don't have to answer it. Anyway, let us know your fondest memories.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:05 PM

at this moment in time and share it on social media, at Sutton Podcast. So, club news, I know there's a wide range of differing opinions about this, but there's been sort of some backlash from the fans the last few weeks. What are your thoughts on the backlash and the club's kind of reaction?

Dan - Gandermonium - 7:06 PM

I assume you mean the negative reaction to the result on Tuesday night and obviously what had come previously. So I actually talked about this on the Facebook group a little bit. Well, I had my two pennies worth in, wasn't there, can't speak to it, so I don't know the level of to which.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:06 PM


Dan - Gandermonium - 7:06 PM

the vitriol that was unleashed. One thing I will say, though, is I'll say what I said on the Facebook group. I'm surprised it took that long for the crowd to just have a paddy, to be brutally honest. The support was overwhelmingly positive, I thought, last year. There's a two or three games last year where.

Dan - Gandermonium - 7:07 PM

People, I'll be brutally honest, could have without doubt just lost their shit and told a few people a few things they might not have wanted to hear, but they didn't. They stuck with them. And even Steve himself said it at the end of last year, he was stunned how, kind of, despite how much trouble we were in, how positive people were. I think it's just more.

Dan - Gandermonium - 7:07 PM

What came before, it's not about the fact that we'd lost twice, 3-0, 8-9 games into a season. It's, you've got a fan base there that's largely been watching losing football for a year, and not only losing football, pretty incompetent losing football. People have limits. People spend a lot of money going away and watching this club. I know I do. So, and I'll tell you for a...

Dan - Gandermonium - 7:07 PM

In fact, probably 99% of other clubs would have had a couple of complete meltdowns from their support in that same time, over a couple of the results that we had and a couple of the performance we had. So, I think it's, I will temper that by saying it's a little unfair on the lads who are there now, because that's not of their doing. You know, they weren't here a year ago, that's not their fault. So, unfortunately, they've copped."

Dan - Gandermonium - 7:08 PM

Should we say people's fuses have finally reached the limit and people have just had a go? Do you like to see it? No, but sometimes I think, sometimes I think it can help, because people just get it off their chest, people can then reset. Saturday was very, I thought, very supportive from the off. Sometimes it's not nice, but sometimes

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:09 PM

Fair enough.

Andy - 7:09 PM

Yeah, I'm kind of the same but different. It's like, it's going into Tuesday, I thought, yeah, this is going to be as rubbish as Saturday. Because, yeah, we'd had one day of training between Tuesday and Saturday. There was a lot of things wrong on the pitch on the Saturday. They weren't going to fix it in one training session. It just wasn't going to happen, as it proved. But I was also thinking, well, hang on.

Andy - 7:09 PM

We've actually had some really good games so far this year. We've got a 5-0 under our belt. We had a really hard fought win at Wildstone. Really good performance at Eastleigh. Slightly unlucky against York. Slightly naive against Forest Green. So, I wasn't as, I certainly wasn't in a position to think, oh my God, you know, as some people were saying, oh, we're in a relegation battle.

Andy - 7:09 PM

Now, we're not in a relegation battle. We won't be in a relegation battle. It's a young team that's still learning. And Dan, you made a really good point about actually, you feel sorry for the lads up there because most of it isn't their fault. You know, we've got people that have been jaded from what was quite a horrific season last year. The fact that Steve managed to get us to a very, very slim chance of survival the last

Andy - 7:10 PM

third of the season is something that we probably couldn't have predicted even as far back as January, February time. So, I always think it's kind of slightly dodgy to kind of almost compare seasons to seasons. This is a completely new team pretty much. And I think as we've seen and we'll talk about when we talk about the Southend game is that we've got some really good talent in here. It's just getting that talent playing in the right way. So, I would

Andy - 7:10 PM

say I was disappointed to say the least. What I didn't like was like a throng of supporters basically going down to the tunnel a few minutes before the final whistle. Basically getting ready to just berate the players and berate the manager. I just don't think that helps anyone. Particularly the young players, it wouldn't help their confidence.

Andy - 7:11 PM

Steve will probably water off a duck's back for him. He doesn't seem to get bothered by anything really. But yeah, we've got a lot of potential. This is a reset season. I still think we're probably going to do better than our current position suggests we are. But that's not going to help. People basically shouting at the players is not going to help that happen. So yeah, I guess.

Dan - Gandermonium - 7:11 PM


Andy - 7:11 PM

I get the point about people's fuses basically blowing and actually I think that's a really fair point. My position was no. I'm just going to kind of step back and maybe not necessarily applaud the team off the pitch, but I'm not going to go out of my way to just basically speak to them. Speak to them in a way that you would speak to a murderer for them having a basically a shit day at the office.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:12 PM

Yeah, I mean, obviously I wasn't there, but I kind of, that kind of reaction, like you just said, not applaud them off, that's very sort of sudden anger. These players aren't getting applauded off. I can kind of understand it if you felt there was no effort going in, so way back, I just don't want to traumatise everyone, but way back when we got that terrible season, all those

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:12 PM

years ago, where you just felt, what's the point? There's just no effort going in. So I didn't necessarily see that for me. So I see this lot making mistakes and at times not being good enough, but I don't think they're not trying. So yeah, I kind of was a bit confused, but as I say, I wasn't there. So I understand everyone's point of view, and as Dan said, people pay their money, they're frustrated, but as Andy says.

Dan - Gandermonium - 7:13 PM

Yeah, it's it's it's you know, that's that's that's the thing with football and it's it's you've got that kind of Emotional and it is irrational as well. Let's be honest. I totally accept that that it is a rational a Lot of what we do and say around football is basically a rational, you know Kind of some of the places we do some of the places we do on a Saturday or midweek irrational

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:13 PM

It's bollocks, it's mostly bollocks.

Dan - Gandermonium - 7:13 PM

So so yeah It can you know fly one way and the other like from Tuesday to as I said Saturday everyone was Was overwhelmingly positive even with the you know, the first half wasn't brilliant, but you know that everyone stuck with the team so See ya

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:13 PM

Yeah, no, you're right, dead right, football's very irrational, and you've got people like me going, oh I can't cross the road yet until I get to certain lampposts, I have to come in this way, I have to do this, like, none of this is going to make any difference to the game whatsoever, but you can't help thinking it all does. And, right, so, podcast news, there's no news, but in the household we've got a new puppy, got a new little doggie, a boy, I've got another boy in the house, yay!

Andy - 7:14 PM

What have you called the puppy? What have you called the puppy? Buddy. You see, you missed a trick there.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:14 PM

Still massively outnumbered. Say again? His name's Buddy. No, I didn't want to push it too far. Didn't want to push it too far. Yeah, I could just start calling all the players Buddy, I'd just go, what's up Buddy, what's up Buddy, yes, it works, it's fine. It helps in my oncoming Alzheimer's, I just call everyone Buddy all day.

Dan - Gandermonium - 7:14 PM

Not a Sutton United related name That's just disappointing very disappointing Likewise

Andy - 7:14 PM

I think you summed it up quite well, really. Yeah, we lost and Pereira had a great game. Pereira was always a decent player. Pereira was one of those players that probably didn't get a chance to shine that much at League 2 in a team that was facing badly. But he's obviously a good player. And yeah, he showed that. Obviously, a little bit of extra incentive, you know, team he knows, manager he knows. Yeah.

Dan - Gandermonium - 7:15 PM


Andy - 7:15 PM

Yeah, but it was it was a poor performance. I don't think it was quite as poor as Boston. Boston was the nadir for me. But yeah, you can tell. I mean, it's just like we weren't really getting many shots on goal. We weren't defending brilliantly. There was one moment, actually, about five minutes before they scored. We were basically almost playing tic-a-tac-a in their six-yard box. It's like six players with a chance to shoot and none of them did.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:15 PM

Yeah, I mean, that's a definite thing. When I had Josh on, I was saying about the whole thing where he used to frustrate the hell out of us, bombing down the wing, turning backwards and passing it back instead of crossing it. And he's like, yeah, because I didn't want everyone getting on my back if it didn't go right. I wanted someone else to take the pressure. And that throws back to the whole giving support rather than the criticism. How was Christian? Did he play well?

Andy - 7:16 PM

To be honest, I didn't even notice him until he was substituted. Didn't notice him at all. Whether that was us not really giving him much to do or whether he just had a quiet game, I don't know. But I hardly noticed him.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:16 PM

Fair enough. I mean, Dan, you said similar about Dion that is another player that just didn't able to get it working at Sutton for whatever reason, or we kind of know the reason.

Dan - Gandermonium - 7:16 PM

Yeah, I mean, he showed it in flashes when he did come on for us. He had a couple of moments where he looked useful and you thought, oh yeah, he's the sort of player you wanted, we really needed last year. Sort of that guy who could drive with the ball, you know, from out wide, get op-ed teams turning. And he showed also because he went on loan two daggers after he left.

Dan - Gandermonium - 7:17 PM

Does in January and had a really good season for them. And then that's why he's ended up signing from permanently. So you could, you could tell that he was off decent, you know, he had something about him. All right. It wasn't the

biggest in the world, but you know, he's quick, good bit of ball at his feet. So, yeah, it's another one of those that just, you know, another one that got away. Unfortunately.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:17 PM


Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:17 PM

I have to admit, when I was doing the preview with the chap last week and he named him as one of the best players he's ever seen in the Dagenham shirt, and he's been supporting him for like 50 years, and I was like, come on, that's a bit strong. And then he goes and destroys us like that, and it's like, oh, OK, maybe we didn't see the best of him. But on to Saturday, we did have quite a lot of things on the socials with Steve being a very potty mouth on this.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:18 PM

Little talk to the players, my goodness, but sort of telling them that it's on me, best job in the world and all the rest of it. But what were you expecting from the match, Dan, we'll start with you, were you expecting the same as, because I think Andy kind of said he was thinking it would be this similar, but what were you expecting from the game?

Dan - Gandermonium - 7:18 PM

Yeah, I think it was one of those ones you didn't go into with high hopes, just because the last couple of results. I mean, obviously, as I said, I only saw the Boston game, but the Boston performance was probably one of the worst I've seen at Gander Green Lane in a long time. Certainly. And it was certainly on a par with some of the sort of the Forest Green and Salford games from last season, where it was just.

Dan - Gandermonium - 7:18 PM

All right, we showed a bit more offensively in that, but there was just so many things just wrong that weren't going our way. So, yeah, went into that thinking they're kind of now on and up. They've sorted out their problems. They're trying to still find their feet and start looking to push back on to get back into League Two. So, I thought we might be in for it. You know, you just hope.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:19 PM


Dan - Gandermonium - 7:19 PM

Look, they've had a couple of days extra training, like Andy said, they've had a couple of days back on the training ground. Let's hope that, I'd have been honest, that I'd have taken a hard-fought close defeat, sort of a 1-0, and at least, you know, if there was stuff there to, you know, give you a bit of hope that things were moving back in the right direction.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:19 PM

Okay, and Andy, sorry I misquoted you there, you said that about the Tuesday night, you weren't expecting much, so what were you expecting out on Saturday?

Andy - 7:19 PM

I was expecting more. I thought they had a few days. There was enough there in the 180 minutes for them to see what they were doing wrong. There was a shake-up in the line-up, which I felt a bit more confident in, without necessarily picking on players."

Andy - 7:20 PM

Tyler French probably needed to sit that game out, because he was probably one of the worst defenders in the last two games. And as a captain as well. I think that's a show from Steve to say, well actually, you might be my captain but I will still drop you if I need to. And that's quite nice. And that's actually quite different from Matt, who would try and play the same eleven every single week, even if those players are out.

Andy - 7:20 PM

out of form or not doing the right thing. So he's not afraid to mix it up in those situations. I don't know, it just felt like he had a nice atmosphere. I think if it was a home game it would have been a bit more down, because it would have been, yeah, here we go again, we saw what happened last time we were at home. This time it was like, oh, new ground, bigger club, decent little atmosphere.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:21 PM


Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:21 PM

That could have switched it. What did you feel? I mean, the news sent about pairing, and you said about the shake-up with Josh as captain. What were your thoughts on that line-up? Because, I mean, Steve had been saying for the last couple of weeks, I know we'd sort of struggled letting in goals, but you'd been saying that it's at the other end, it's our chances, we're not taking our chances. So, did you...

Andy - 7:21 PM


Andy - 7:21 PM

No, I thought actually the weakness in defence was draining the confidence up front. So I was thinking that's where you've got to get it right, particularly away from home. If you come away with the 0-0 from an away game, that's a decent return, particularly after the last three games we had. Josh Coley as captain, I do not know why Steve did not do that from the first day of the season. I think he is going to be our most important player this season. I said that.

Andy - 7:22 PM

I've said that on forums all the way from the very start and that's your fault, Mike, because of the interview you did with him. I just thought that interview you did was kind of like, players, they're great, but they always kind of say the same things. Josh really didn't. Josh seems to think about the game a lot more and seems to be almost more engaged with the game in that respect. So I'm thinking, actually this guy, if you're watching that video,

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:22 PM

Is it?

Andy - 7:22 PM

this guy is captain material. So the fact that a relative unknown came in who, you know, you've got to have a captain to build a team around and actually building a team around Josh seems like a more sensible idea. So I think with that respect, yeah, new signing, fantastic at centre-back as well. Just a shame that Ryan Jackson got injured.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:23 PM


Dan - Gandermonium - 7:23 PM

Yeah, I'll be honest, with a little bit of hindsight here as well, the choice he made at centre-backs, Ransom and Akoli, I'd term that as more a National League pairing in the middle. Both big lads, both good, half-decent in the air, winning headers. That's something we haven't done this year.

Dan - Gandermonium - 7:23 PM

We've conceded a few lame goals from set-pieces as well, so I wasn't overly upset by that. Yeah, I hadn't considered Josh as armband, but then again, when you look at, you know, Steve clearly rates him and he obviously, because he did show a lot of character last year.

Dan - Gandermonium - 7:24 PM

Effectively, he was on his way out, wasn't he? And Steve's gone, well, he's worked his way back in. And everything I've heard about the lad as well, just away from other people and sort of dealing with him, he seems to be a decent guy. He's not, he's still a fairly young player, but he's not full of himself. I think, you know, so I'm not surprised. Knowing that, I wasn't surprised.

Dan - Gandermonium - 7:24 PM

But I was sort of a bit, oh, all right, just because I hadn't personally considered it as an option. But yeah, I mean, you know, someone's got to have the armband. So he's probably one of our longest serving players at the moment. So even by default, I suppose, you know, you've got to consider him for that. But no, I mean, fair play. He took the armband. We didn't have a great first half.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:24 PM

He's, he's, he's a, he's in this squad. He's, yeah."

Dan - Gandermonium - 7:25 PM

To be honest, we still looked a bit, a bit nervous, a little bit, we couldn't, didn't seem to quite, to be able to kind of get what we want to do going. And then we conceded that goal, which was just, yeah, it was like, oh, here we go again. You know, do I have to?

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:25 PM

Go on, talk us through, talk us through the golf, go on. Yeah, Andy's gonna out give his viewer, ain't he? Or he's gonna lose connection, one or the other.

Dan - Gandermonium - 7:25 PM

Um, it's, yeah, no one likes to see a man cry on camera. It's just unseemly. Yeah, I, I do love Steve Arnold. I think he's a great goalkeeper. I also think we're probably asking him to do something that he's maybe not the most comfortable with. Um, but then.

Dan - Gandermonium - 7:26 PM

I would also say this of us in general, in that occasionally we'll try and play out in a situation where just getting your foot through it as much as possible, clear lines, um, Steve, although to be fair to him, it did bounce up on him a little bit as it got, as he got there, I've watched it on the replay and it, I was like, well, okay, maybe I was being a bit harsh on him. It did sit up on him a bit. Um.

Dan - Gandermonium - 7:26 PM

And he kind of just hooked it, same as the goal on the opening day, just, he's put it away from goal and it's gone straight to the lad, um, who was unmarked and they're one player with any ability, really, with a decent, they're one decent player who just, first time straight back into the goal. Um, yeah.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:26 PM

Yeah, I mean, nine times out of ten, that's not going in the goal. It happens against us all the time, but...

Dan - Gandermonium - 7:26 PM

Um, yeah, I reckon if he'd have taken, I mean, he literally put it straight back, he didn't even take a touch. So, most, most players at this level probably would have taken the touch and that would have been enough for a yellow shirt nearby to kind of at least get close enough to make him think and then, by then, as well him taking the touch, maybe Steve's back a bit more and he can make an attempt at a save. But, yeah, it was, I was just like, oh, here we go.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:27 PM

Andy, go on. Don't collapse. Go on, Andy. What was yours? Ten minutes in, I think it was. No, Andy's pretending he can't hear us now. Hello. Go on. Talk us through that opening goal. How did it make you feel?

Dan - Gandermonium - 7:27 PM

Come on, I've had to do it, it's only fair.

Andy - 7:27 PM

OK, Ransom cocked up, Arnold cocked up, they scored. Done. It's just like, oh, here we go again. But even then I was thinking, we're still not going to lose this game because we weren't making them look good like we made Boston look good the week before.

Dan - Gandermonium - 7:28 PM

Yeah, that was the thing. They had a lot of ball, but even after the goal they didn't do masses with it. They had a couple of chances, sort of off chances, but I think it was also as much, they also came as much from us making a mistake as them actually playing particularly well.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:28 PM

I mean, saying that, Steve did make quite a few saves. Stopped a few. Their keeper made a good few as well. So apart from the goal, it was fairly even. I know when I was watching it back, it was the away, the home team's commentary, and they were basically saying that Southend were all over something, and I was possibly swayed by the fact I knew the result watching it back. But I was like, no, it's a fairly, fairly even game in my opinion.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:29 PM

And that's hard, because I'm normally watching it going, oh my god, we're going to lose. But Josh's goal didn't seem like it was coming. Andy, I'll give you the chance to talk through that one first. Were you queuing for the burgers, or did you actually see it?

Andy - 7:29 PM

No, I actually saw it and it was a thing of beauty. Absolute thing of beauty. They basically went in, two players tried to go for the same ball, they both cocked it up. Josh Rinnan, thank you very much, went on a little run, little jog. Beautifully went past the goalkeeper, scored. It was a class goal from a class player."

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:29 PM

And our leading goal scorer within this squad of all time, not of all time, but within this squad and appearance holder, Dan, when I was watching it live, not live, but I was watching it today, I was watching him going, he's taken this quite far wide, and then he was on his left foot. Were you worried, or did you know that was going in?

Dan - Gandermonium - 7:30 PM

No, because he actually stayed fairly central because that's, I mean, there was just a ball forward. The two defenders kind of left it for each other and then left it for each other again and that's where Josh has just zipped in and he was gone. It was just then down to going around the keeper, but yeah, he stayed fairly central.

Dan - Gandermonium - 7:30 PM

So whilst he, and to be fair, the keeper actually did reasonably well in that he came right to the edge of his box to make Josh make a decision earlier, but his touch was, you know, he kept it, he kept it under control, kept a decent touch so that whilst he skipped a little wide he still had plenty of target to hit and yeah, put it away well. It was, you know, just a little spark.

Dan - Gandermonium - 7:30 PM

Really, really needed both in the game, I thought, and also just generally just a confident, the confidence boost that, you know, with halftime basically looming, a confidence boost to get in at halftime. We've not been brilliant, but we've kept it tight and now we're level and we can, you know, we're starting from scratch again then. So it just makes the second half.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:31 PM


Dan - Gandermonium - 7:31 PM

Yeah, yeah, a lot of, funnily enough, a couple of people did say that after the game about it would have been interesting to see what the reaction would have been with Boston and Dagenham a lot in during the last week. We hadn't been brilliant, all right, still only 1-0, but we hadn't been great if we'd have gone in at 1-0.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:32 PM

Second half, early second half, saw something that I had to rewind and watch it again, which obviously you don't get the chance to do. But, haven't seen this at a football match for donkey's years, but Tyler French got called up for a foul throw. Now, I thought I didn't understand the throw-ons anymore, because loads of throws are foul throws as far as I understood them.

Andy - 7:32 PM


Andy - 7:32 PM

I always find it funny because I always find it that, you know, there's always people will shout, you know, you hear people go, foul throw, foul throw all the time or corner he's not kicked it properly and it's like you think yeah well referees never stop that and then this time oh it's a foul throw. Huh? What?

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:33 PM

Yeah, I was amazed.

Dan - Gandermonium - 7:33 PM

I think the worst thing about that was there'd been about, I think the previous five or six throw-ins during the game for both sides had been worse than what he blew French up for. It was just, really? But then again, this is the ref who gave them a throw-in for their bloke, clearly jumping 20 foot above everyone else and just heading it into touch later in the half. So, it was just, yeah, it was a...

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:33 PM

Well, yeah, I mean, it was one of those things that I'd convinced a rule change had come in and I'd missed it, so I've kind of kept my mouth shut on it, because I'm like, I don't want to sound stupid, because it must have changed, it's never happened. But the game kind of felt quite open, still, in that second half, Andy, and it's almost end-to-end is, again, watching it with the knowledge of..."

Andy - 7:34 PM

Yeah, it felt it felt open. The weird thing was at that point it didn't feel like we were going to lose the game. It was very odd. I mean they were stringing some attacks together, we were stringing some attacks together, but they weren't... It seemed like our defence had kind of been bolstered a little bit. That literally, the goal just before halftime, the team talk, defence suddenly came out with their backs up, you know, heads held high.

Dan - Gandermonium - 7:34 PM

No, yeah, I was the same once. I mean, we got ahead quite early in the second half, I think it was about four or five minutes in, after the restart, and it was something we hadn't really done that well first half, was we got it wide and we got a quick ball in across the box. And, all right, it wasn't our lad that put it away, but that's the benefit of just...

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:34 PM

Very, very honest.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:35 PM


Dan - Gandermonium - 7:35 PM

you know, whipping them quick balls in first time, rather than checking, coming back, because it's got to come across... if it's got to come across a defender, a lot of the time the defender will feel obliged to, well, I've got to deal with that. And sometimes you get a break, like we did, where it kicks up off the lad's shin and straight bullets in, and then suddenly from nowhere, you know, you've got five, six minutes.

Dan - Gandermonium - 7:35 PM

to go, you know, game time, you run behind and thinking, oh God, this is going to, you know, what, what are we looking at here? And then the next thing you know, you're two and up and it's, it's game on. And then I'd agree with Andy from that point on, I didn't really feel any huge amount of danger. Um, and I think when we scored the third, I was like, that's it. I can't see us losing this. That, that I thought, I thought that was, that was more than enough.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:35 PM

Yeah, talk us through that one, Dan, and Nara's goal."

Dan - Gandermonium - 7:36 PM

Um, if I remember correctly, I think it was their keeper who made a poor kick out, only reached about halfway. Um, and we just popped it straight back in to midfield, little feed out wide to Davies. And he, he managed to just, again, stick, stick a ball across the box. Um, and Nadasan was completely unmarked. So, striker of his age and experience, you'd expect to just.

Dan - Gandermonium - 7:36 PM

Stick that one away at the back post all on his own, which he did. Um, so yeah, it was, it was good though, because we had done that two or three times. We'd got the ball wide quicker, we'd stretched the play a bit better. We'd done it, we'd just done everything a little bit quicker as well, which is something at times this season, we've looked a little bit, just a bit, I suppose the best way to describe it is just slow.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:36 PM


Dan - Gandermonium - 7:36 PM

We've just, I mean, maybe we've just been thinking about stuff a bit too much, or we're trying to take that extra touch. And with that goal and that confidence, we just, it seemed to just help our flow a bit better. Um, and we just did things with a bit more, a bit more confidence and a bit more purpose. Um, and we, we, we just played to our strengths. We got the ball wide and, you know, tried to make use of the runners by putting balls across.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:37 PM

Andy, what did you think of Nelson's goal and how we saw out the match?

Andy - 7:37 PM

But my memory of the third goal is going to be completely different, only because I kind of only just saw it. The reason why is because about 30 seconds prior Josh Coley had been substituted and he went off the pitch at the nearest point and was walking around in front of the goal. And so obviously he was getting the round of applause he deserved. And you just suddenly felt all the supporters around just suddenly stopped.

Andy - 7:38 PM

And the look of confusion on Josh Coley's face because he's like, well, what are they doing? And he's like, turns around and then just goes, yeah. In a really comical way. I just hope somebody filmed that because it was superb. But yeah, so I didn't actually see much of the goal because.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:38 PM

Fair enough. Andy, like, with that cartoon...

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:39 PM

There was one last other thing. One of their players, one of the Pernickety referees you mentioned, one of their players seemed to get two yellows. I think it was the goal scorer who got a yellow in the second half, and even their commentary team were like, sure he had a yellow in the first half, but obviously it didn't happen. But yeah, a good morale booster, and especially coming from behind, obviously you don't like it.

Dan - Gandermonium - 7:39 PM


Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:39 PM

Not going one down, but to be able to come from behind and show we can do it, great. We had Andrew Jackson saying that the new centre-back, Okoli, was immense, very no-nonsense, which is similar to what you were saying earlier, Dan, and positive moving the ball around, great crosses, and 100% effort. So yeah, that was all marvellous.

Dan - Gandermonium - 7:40 PM

Yeah. I thought you settled in really well."

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:40 PM

Andy's kind of jumped ahead with the good, the bad, and the funny, so we'll play it.

Dan - Gandermonium - 7:40 PM

You only do this for the jingles.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:40 PM

I know, and do you know what, when I asked questions in the last season, what do people want to come, what do people want to see, what do they want more of, what do they want, loads of people go to the jingles. It's like, come on, don't take the piss. They're like, no, they're really funny. Okay. I think it's just my clear joy at how shit they are. But Dan, what was...

Dan - Gandermonium - 7:41 PM

I Just I would say just it was nice to go to a new ground new place Decent stadium with a decent crowd in it We put on a fairly good performance, you know got a result It's a lovely day out Give a few beers good laugh. Just the whole day. Actually. It was just everything was

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:41 PM

Yeah, you did sound very northerly, lovely day out. Andy, if you're still there, your camera's off, but what was your good? Okay.

Andy - 7:41 PM

Yeah, because I keep losing connection. So I thought if I turn my camera off, I've got more chance of hearing it. Yeah. So the good. I'm going to say something a bit, something we haven't mentioned so far, actually. Well, basically another player that really impressed me yesterday, on Saturday, Simpa. Lewis Simpa I thought had an absolutely stunning game.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:42 PM

Okay, what's your bad?

Andy - 7:42 PM

I'm not. I'm here. My bad, Steve Holmes clearance.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:42 PM

Okay, Dan, what was your bad? Okay, and Dan, what was your funny?"

Dan - Gandermonium - 7:42 PM

That Um, oh actually it was quite a good day out so there's plenty going on, um There is there is well, maybe maybe tomorrow I don't know how soon i'll get it done, uh, actually start of the day, uh a certain member of the party who Had gone to get themselves a big large cup of tea from starbucks

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:43 PM

Was Gareth all right? Lovely. Andy, I think I know your answer, but what was your funny? And someone said he gave a little sort of jump in the air skip. Oh, he's such a silly boy.

Andy - 7:43 PM

Yeah, Josh Cody's space for the third goal. Done. Little, like, heel tap. Yeah. Yeah.

Dan - Gandermonium - 7:43 PM

yeah yeah he did he was clever and he was also fair enough he was clever enough that when the goal went in he didn't join in the celebration and cop an inevitable booking for it he actually just carried on went back to the bench

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:44 PM

Yes, exactly. I'd probably make out it was a second yellow. Oh, no, he was on a yellow. He would have been a red. Yeah, right. We're going to jump on to the FreeQ preview. I had a chat with Finn earlier, and he was reviewing the previewing the Ebb Fleet game for us. So that's coming up now. I believe there's a little unmute button somewhere in your top

Dan - Gandermonium - 7:44 PM

Yeah, exactly. Yeah.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:53 PM

right. Couldn't find the unmute button. I'm constantly amazed by these kids and their knowledge. They're damn GCSEs for Christ's sake. But what do we think of how he stood? I mean, it died. I couldn't talk about when the Ebb Fleet did it, but I thought it was a bit mean.

Dan - Gandermonium - 7:53 PM

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Dan - Gandermonium - 7:53 PM

Um, well, if he's fit, um, that's been his problem, isn't it? That's why he was let go by Notts County. He's just, since he's left us, he's just constantly struggled with injuries. It seems, um, if he's, if he's, if he's playing, yeah, I wouldn't put it past him to be a complete pain in the arse. Um, even if he's on for 10 minutes, you can guarantee he's going to probably

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:54 PM

I think he did earlier on in the season, but he hasn't more recently, which could be a variety of reasons. Andy, what do you think about what you had to say?

Andy - 7:54 PM

Yeah, I mean, again, about Will, I mean, if he's on form, he's far too good for this league. But injuries have blighted him, even when he was with us, never mind after he left us. But he's just, yeah, he's... Will Rounder, on his day, he's a League One player. What he's doing at Ebbsfleet, the fact that he couldn't get a side, it's probably to do with his injuries, but this is too much.

Andy - 7:54 PM

It's too low for him. Louis, I'm less worried about. I think Louis has not been the player he was. Again, injuries have blunted him quite a lot. We saw that last season. Yeah, it's always nice to see old faces, but I'm not that worried about either of them for different reasons.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:55 PM

Yeah, and to be fair, they're not going to know that many of the score anyway, but I'm still going to go and put money on Will Randall-Corner or cross DeLandon-Lewis's head to score a goal, because that's going to happen. But onto the game, there's the Prediction League and second place? What the hell are you lot all playing at? How can I gain second place?

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:55 PM

We've like 0% getting the result right. People are clearly forgetting to enter this competition, so do enter, because an idiot like me could be in second. But the code is on the screen. Obviously, it's always stupid, because if you're watching, you can see it on the screen. But guys, what do you think? So Dan, what kind of game do you see it being, and what's the scoreline prediction from you?

Dan - Gandermonium - 7:56 PM

Um, I would hope that we take a lot of confidence from Saturday. Um, Southend are a better side than Ebbsley, um, just by going by current form and I expect the two to finish, you know, I expect Southend to be at least very, at least top half. Um, so I'd hope that we start well. Uh, I think if we can get in front, I think we'll win.

Dan - Gandermonium - 7:56 PM

The only question, Mark, I would have is if we completely banished our mistakes, not to make a stupid error, not to give them a soft goal, really. That's my only concern. But yeah, I think if we take the lead, we should win the game, I think. At least I hope so.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:56 PM

OK, I'm going to put a score in.

Andy - 7:57 PM

Yeah, I think we're going to win. I don't often make predictions, but I've just got a feeling we will. We're not the finished article. We still need some work. I think our defence is still a little bit shaky, particularly as we're not going to have Tyler French on Saturday and we may not have Ryan Jackson. So we're already getting a little bit thin in the back positions.

Dan - Gandermonium - 7:57 PM


Andy - 7:57 PM

I still think we'll come back. We've done that quite a few times this season. It doesn't feel like last season, when you go 1-0 down, you know you're going to lose. It feels like actually we can come back from this. It's been quite a few times this season where we have gone down to a goal. Tamworth, York, Forest Green. OK, not necessarily results came our way, but we did come back."

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:58 PM


Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:58 PM

OK, so it will come as no surprise to anyone whatsoever, I'm going to go 2-1. Because I'm going to keep going 2-1 until we actually win a game 2-1, which may be near.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:58 PM

So, at some stages in the last season, I was doing some crazy scores like 4-0s and 5-0s and 4-3s and stupid things like that, but then I started to go, right, like, come on, be serious, and I kind of started setting up a 2-1 way before halfway, I think it was. I'm just having a bit of a rift. But anyway, it doesn't matter, we will get there one day, and I will not know what to do. And bloody Madison, we were winning 2-1 until he put the ball in the net. Yeah. Anyway, we're going to go 2-1.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:59 PM

So we're going to wrap up the episode for the third time, I think. As always, we appreciate everyone's attention and feedback. Lots of questions for you to get involved in. Tell us your fondest memory of supporting Sutton as of this moment in time, and then tell me tomorrow what it is, and so on and so on. Tell us anything you'd like to be discussed on the podcast, any ideas. Someone did come up with an idea, and I'm going to try and work out how to, if I can possibly fit that into the schedule, but just do a random interview of a fan to find out.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:59 PM

Find out a bit more about different people, and follow, like, and share this episode at Sutton Podcasts on social medias. We are back on Sunday with Neil O and Neil M, and we're going to talk all things Esfleet and get a question sent in. Obviously one thing I haven't mentioned is the launch of the Amber 100 project, and there's going to be lots and lots of people wandering around.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 8:00 PM

You may vaguely recognise, and yeah, the idea is to get people who don't normally come to football, to come to football. So, and it's a bit of a downward ticks on social media on that, people saying stay away. I can't understand that at all. Come and spend your money. But as always, we thank our sponsors Lucky Star Gin. Big thank you to the panel today, Dan and Andy. Thank you to the listeners. I hope you've enjoyed this episode of Sutton Podcasts. Take care.

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