Both Things Can Be True with Alex & Neil - Transcript

Apologies all reading this, this is a difficult one to follow. My usual platform is not playing ball so I had to use a different one. I will revisit one evening this week.


time hello and welcome to anothere episode of Sut United talk time on podcast it's the Sutton podcast in


association with Lucky Star Jin I'm your host Mike and today's panel is Alex and Neil we're going to be covering the


little match against altering them or altering Dam I don't know where the D


came from in the Highlight show but I'm assured it's it's National League TV and we're going to look forward to the trip


to wheelstone um as always I love putting the engagement thing here it never flows


off the tongue no matter how I do it but I do really really appreciate all the engagement and Alex you're one of the ones who keeps liking and all the rest


of it so thank you very much um it does kind of do the algorithm's job for it so


it gets a picture in other people's names um all those on Tik Tok you're just crazy I'll put anything on Tik Tok


and it's liked within like four seconds and I'm like okay just so thank you all much on Tik Tok


um one little bit housekeeping I guess is if you are a first-time listener and


you've or viewer and you've joined because of the feature in the match Day program yesterday you are very very


welcome but I do have to stress some of the words were lals and any complaints


regarding the trades description act will need to be directed to Lyle um but now let's get on with the oral and


visual treats and


an oral and visual treat is what he put it's oh God


yeah I I don't even know what that means yes so yeah take it up a l um but


yes um it was it was quite good I like I like doing that and hopefully we'll be a to carry that on throughout the whole season um because I think it gives a


nice little insight um and a nice little crossover as well um


we well Neil had you w a couple of weeks ago nearly had you one on Wednesday as


well but um how have you been since a couple of weeks ago just getting happier and happier so


uh you know it's great being a sun United fan again long wasn't great last


year but you know what I mean yeah yeah um Alex great to have you back on um I didn't look up when the last time you on


was but how was your break and I hear there is some news of a new Su United


Support so whichever you want to answer first Yeah well yeah I would think I was last on after sford away I think last


season which was a a one of a few uh a rare Pleasant away trip uh last season


that went very well um but yeah no good break enjoyed playing in the fans game with you Mike of course over the summer


always that was my first time in the fans game and that was genuinely really really good fun um so definitely be


doing that next year and yeah just wanted a quick a quick shout out I know sometimes we do shout outs at the end but quick at the start one of the guys


who you all know Mike is a chat called Dan Golding he's had a season ticket for


um few years now playing the fans game as well and Not only was yesterday his birthday he was unable to make the


fixture yesterday because he and his wife have just given birth to a beautiful little baby girl Nova Nova


Grace Golding and she was dressed in she was she only arrived on Friday and she was dressed in her yellow onesie


yesterday and we won 5- nil so I'm not saying she's a lucky charm yet but she's off to a good start so yeah we've got


another another new SAT United fan amongst us well i' I'd definitely be


changing that name to I missed a five-nil win because of you and I'm Rel reliably informed that


she's going to that's going to be washed and the same outfit will be put on on Tuesday evening away from absolutely for


all time you'll have a hat or something um congratulations Dan yeah


you'll be pleased and thank you Alex and the fans game yeah my my favorite memory


of that was the only one contribution I think I made to the game is Paul had


given us instructions at the start and he was quite clear on his instructions and everyone only ever sees happy Paul


but I've played fo with him before and uh you as the ball came in you shouted


Keepers don't ever do that again it was it was the Keeper's ball it was but he


will tell you when it's coming don't ever and the other other bit was you're telling me to I can't remember who it


was it was one of the whoever was on the wing or on the overlap say you go after him and I started pling after him and


you T tried to tackle the man that you had and then you ran back and pass me to get to the guy that


you teamwork Mike it's teamw Anthony any chance we could it's been four minutes


Mike with it but yeah they are real fun so if anyone does want to do them um the more


people that want to do them the less chance I will have to um right we're going to move on to a new segment I'm


not going to play the video this time because I have the machine and I've worked out how to get it on the machine


so we're not going to have the video but we're going to have the


music this get so good the small wins man that's all you


got so all the small wins um so I wrote


these questions in the summer I didn't really think of long-term things and the


question you guys were set has been kind of changed already because is what does a typical day look like for you neither


you can go on the curve anymore although it was empty yesterday I'm not bitter about that Tim um but um so Neil what


what does a typical game day look like to you you can choose whether it was


last season or what you think it's going to be this season so a typical game day


is depending on whether my wife's at work or not first of all I've got to sort out somebody to perhaps look after


the dog because living the other side of Oxford it's a long day to something so a


long day to leave the dog on his own so that's the first thing so a dog walk


then I'll get in the car and I will um head over and call in on my daughter who


conveniently lives on the outskirts of woking so that's a that's a cup of


coffee and a loose stop being a man of a certain age and uh usually uh there's a


job or something that she needs sorting out yesterday was taking a part of redundant cab cabinet to go in the back


of her little car to take to the tip and then heading off to uh to Su from there


and usually cursing all the roadworks particularly at the moment the A3 Junction which holds me up forever and


then the fact that utilities can dig hold in the road everywhere to hold me up so instead of getting to something at


2:00 so I could work out where the heck the Collingwood road entrance was and where I was going to stand I didn't get


to the ground till about quarter to three so it was a bit of a panic so normally I'd a to get there two o'clock


meet up you know see some friends have a drink sort of get myself orientated and


look forward to the match and read the program so that would be a typical match day for me oh you went into full victim


hre there you with the traffic lights and the utility companies and all the rest of it you can still come in the the


main gates by the way and you just walk around it's not um so you can so if you're late you'll obviously have to


wait for the tunnel to go back in it was to it was a new tradition I was trying to season new Lu and now of course we've


won 5 nil I now have got to stand and do everything exactly the same I'm trying


to break that habit I'm like you know what I've got a chance chance to start stop all this just I must stand here I


must stand here um Alex again new new new new Match Day tradition or what you


usually do yeah what kind what what's your match day like the pre-match is the


same this year as it is last year that's I I live up in up in town by uh in berm


up in London and so I get the I well I get the train down I can do a similar rant to what we've just heard about


trains but I'll probably leave that for the purposes of this podcast but yeah my um my parents and my grandmother live


nearby Saturn so I often pop in to see them before the game particularly because you know my dad comes to the


games with me has done ever since I've been going and that leads my mom to moan


sometimes about how little she sees me she's always offered she was always we always offer that she comes and she gets involved but that is not to her fancy so


I do go and see see her um so that she doesn't mind me spending too much time with Dad and then yeah we did we went in


the main gate yesterday today and and similar to what we've just heard I was considering we were considering you know


we'll stand we still the opposite curver today the new curve if we're allowed to call it that probably not um and we were


going to do that for yesterday's game and then sort of move around different parts of the ground as the fixtures come


upon us but we will be doing exactly the same next week as we did yesterday and


that was the first half in that bit and then the second half in the [ __ ] it's basically going whichever End St the shooting and that will be exactly the


same until results mean we need a change which hopefully doesn't come so that was and then often afterwards you know stay


for a drink and see AG go mental in the draw and I hope my ball comes out of strike as a


key yeah so so mine was um I'm desperately trying to change all


this now lot's working behind the bar it it can change because she she picks up


on my little um Madness so when I walked down a certain Road and have to pass a certain lamp post to then cross the road


can't do it beforehand she's like nah we're crossing the road here just it doesn't affect the game in anyway um


then they did last year they they didn't really open the the park Gates um because I was going through there but I


have been known to wait while whoever was on the gate number one turnar number one when


they went for a l break and there was no nothing going in the other Gates I'm standing there waiting for Mar to come


back to gate one Steward's like oh yeah you're that guy je and then um yeah so I've usually


in the bar now a bit beforehand wanding around say hello to people um which is quite nice um I'm not sure how long I'll


keep getting away with it because um it's all been sort of shut down everywhere now but it was all right yesterday and and then wand around


usually to claim my spot about an hour or so before but again don't me to do that anymore I'll just kind of be free


to go yes yesterday I went in with the young on and the


Ultras do you know what there''s got Saints talk about but they they were brilliant yesterday the noise was


fantastic yesterday really good it already is making me go okay they're


making use to this I I I have always said as long as is a benefit I don't


mind losing my spot I do obviously but if there's a benefit I can cope with it and they they did superb yesterday so


yeah I was just kind of in there with them um which is quite funny um Jenny joined me but yeah the the normal


everyone's kind of spread around a little bit which would be good because especially for me wandering around I can see different people everywhere so yeah


but let us know what your um old or new match day looks like um there is a bit


to talk about later on about the changes um and we will do um but very very


quickly we've got some Club news um lside um one with a brilliant race from


Jazz today um so that is great start for


the new ground there um although I hate to say it Lucy if you listen uh that


means the new 135 goal in twoyear Striker didn't score for sat United have ruined already I don't


know um there was a lot on social media this week


um a bit of uh ants lots of Engagement come on


but I don't know what you guys thought of the um the whole sort of who are altering them where they based thing um


Alex did you have much of an opinion or did you kind of get it's it's not it's not really for us it's to get the name


out there in front of people this actually it actually prompted a bit of a life crisis in that for the first time


in my life looking at social media I realized that this wasn't aimed at me and I'm I've suddenly realized that I'm


in the bracket of being too old for the social media content to be aimed at me so but therefore as a result I mean I


saw this stuff I wasn't you know I don't know that I would have decided to do it


myself if I was in charge of the social media team but there's very several reasons why I'm not in charge of the


social media team and it seems you know as you said mik I was talking to CLA about it and she was rightly pointing out that any engagement is good


engagement I definitely wasn't as anti it as some of the comments on on various socials but I think as you said in your


video after the game Mike yesterday did it ra them did it work who knows but


yeah all engagement is good engagement so I can't get too worked up about it yeah I mean there's a lot a lot of us


aren't going to ever understand about how that works because it's like well surely no it's not right but I do know


and I did say to someone if I completely flipped and made this whole thing about


ranting and raving about how awful we are and how terrible this is and just started just spewing out hate engagement


and listeners would go up by at least 5% not 5% five times um because people love


hate they love arguing they love doing it obviously I'd be miserable and I wouldn't want to do it but um it is one


of the things um Neil what was your take on it did you see it or did you just hear about it yeah I saw it and I got


asked by people on some national football Forums on you know about what


my opinion was and I didn't think it was intended to be derogatory I think it was


just a bit of fun and then I did a bit of a social experiment so I asked 10


people how they would spell altringham and nobody could spell


it I asked the same 10 people where it was and the only shall we say the more


mature people had any idea the younger people had not got a Scooby-Doo where ringham was and then in terms I couldn't


name the nine uh clubs in Greater Manchester I forgot Wigan cuz to me I


thought that was more Liverpool because I always used to seen signs for Wigan when I was going out to visit my


daughter who was at Liverpool uni so I I failed on that one so I don't think


there was anything derogatory about it I think just people tried as seems to


happen these days try and find offence where offense isn't intended yeah what I


thought was relatively I mean I thought it was weird because we weren't playing in ringham so it's like what does why


we're telling people where it is um but I I kind of I think on the I think it


was the fourth one I was like this does seem like something that's going to backfire on us well do you think do you


think alham them their F their Club account do you think they had picked up on it and there were loads of Tweets in


their drafts if they had won responding to if if it had been the other way round


yeah 100% he would have and I wouldn't have blamed if they had absolutely absolutely I'm wondering I didn't


actually asked Jack this directly but I'm wondering if there was supposed to be another one for Saturday morning


saying something like you don't know where altering them is but I can tell you where they'll be today Gander Green


Lane 3 o' come and get your tickets um I don't know that's maybe me being over generous but Jack did say it went too


far he said I I should have stopped it on two or three um because it wasn't it was taken not the way it was meant to be


um so um but the engagement thing is huge it's got the name out there lots of


people lots of national accounts talking about it Neil you said on a national Forum they were talking about it so it's kind of done the job um and yes as I've


said to a lot of people we're all coming to something anyway um so it doesn't actually matter


what the Twitter account does because we're going to be here rain will shine anyway um and that's that was a little


pun I made yesterday and no one got it um but yeah so um that was a bit of fun


but I think he sort of acknowledged he went a little bit too far excuse me sorry um so also the news


about yesterday there was a lot of moving around and as I say obviously something wasn't right because the fans were in the park side not on the curve


as expected um probably good yesterday In fairness because it was boiling hot


um and that wouldn't have been nice they also didn't have any beer in the way end either which is just terrible that's


just that's just not on at all um someone put on what are you scared of if they have a log and it's like no would'


rather you spend your money so I'm not sure why that happened but the big thing is and I'm sure cla's repeated this


yesterday to many people try it try the new things try and keep an open mind it is a change um give


feedback moaning I don't like it isn't feedback so me going I want to go on my


C that's not that's not feedback telling them what worked what didn't work what you like some suggestions that's


feedback um so yeah give the feedback you can fire it over to to CLA I think oh she's going to hate that I've said


that but far to clear far to me and I I'll pass it on as well um but other


than that I think um I'll move on very quickly um podcast news there isn't


really an awful lot but I went out yesterday with some friends and I found out that I'm very famous in Crawley


because um my nephews at school some of his friends said is he is the podcast


guy really your uncle and he was like yeah oh my God can we meet


him sorry so Perry Charlie's offered next time I put around the house that they


can come around and say hello okay and then um n well these are


all close friends that their kids of nephews and nieces um and nce was having a FaceTime conversation with a boy who


may or may not have been a player I'm not Academy player not 100% sure but she


suddenly stopped and went what's Why is my Uncle Mike on the screen behind you


he was watching the podcast while talking to us I was like Yay Fame


everywhere um but other than that no everything's carrying on as it is so let's get to the match quickly um I've


wa waffled a lot so I didn't enter anything on the lineup but I did genuinely get the 11 because I would


have said only one change which Josh coming in for for Dylan um what do you guys feel the lineup and what was your


expectations from the match Neil I thought ners nson might start up


front alongside will um that was what I thought might be I thought we might sort


of finish up with the the side that we had um from halim at Town worth so I'd got 10 out of


the 10 out of the 11 um but um you know


uh he knows what he's doing so I wasn't really complaining you know yeah you got


to try to answer these questions with without the benefit of hindsight it's always hard because you're like oh no it all went perfectly well um Alex what did


you think of the lineup what were you expecting from the M yeah I think I think that similar to to Neil I think it


made sense that Josh came in not just because of the injury to to Dylan but also the fact that Josh scored as well I


think you you know most often I'm in favor of if someone have a goal TI in the way he in the manner he did away to


Tamworth and you give him a start the next game especially when Dylan's injured so I think it yeah I think it made sense and I would pick exactly the


same 11 on Tuesday assuming they're all fit enough yeah um yeah I mean I


thought like you know I'm sort of thinking what's with nadison I think that's his first goal in a year um and


it may well just be we're getting him up to speed um but we all did superb yesterday um but I did think I'll be


honest this may be the suton fan bias of oh my God everything's terrible isn't it awful I thought we look quite shaky and


passes were massively over hereit and we just give them chances I think I think Steve had a couple saves to make in the


first sort of um 15 20 minutes


um were you guys similar you're both nodding um she's great


audio yes Mike well you were kind of thinking the same thing Alex on yeah definitely yeah


completely agree first 15 20 minutes not convinced I think we were fortunate couple of times where they struck shots


straight at Steve there's one I can't remember the lad's name but there I think it's their Winger came inside onto his left foot and if if that go if he


hits it either side of Steve which he probably should have done he had the space to do so it's a goal but fortunately it was straight at him um


yeah wasn't convinced first 20 minutes I thought they looked they looked nervous to be at home you know I think they were


feeling the pressure of you know everyone coming down G glorious day let's see who basically let's see who


you all are you're all new come on prove yourself to us um and I think you could see the nerves from that but they they


stepped up and proved themselves didn't they fair play absolutely um yeah I didn't know until Steve's video that was


all the big family day because obviously that was one of the changes normally being around the bar saying lot of different people and kind of picking


that up but didn't didn't quite get that but Neil what were you thinking for the first 20 minutes uh as I said to the


guys around me it was the pitch that was the problem it was so slick it was so


fast they had absolutely didn't they I wondered whether they'd actually played


or even trained on it but it was such a contrast with the last week you know they were doing slight you know sideways


passes that were shooting out and going off and not controlling and it took them


30 minutes or so and I think actually it affected altering a little bit they were Str struggling to to cope with the pace


of the the pitch and it was um they had to learn how to play on it and as as


they got used to it so it very much played to our played to our strengths


you know we want to play play a fast passing game get the ball forwards and


uh ultimately it uh it works though aling them helped us you can see it for


the first goal couldn't you because their guy misplaces his past slightly


and actually Co Josh doesn't initially react because it's only marginally away from their place you think we're


probably going to get it but the speed of the pitch as you say Neil it suddenly fizzed through and was at Cody's feet and they thought orav I can go now but


the initial reaction was not quite there because I think we're not used to it so yeah I think that's a really good point yeah I mean I I don't know exactly but I


do know someone who shouldn't have did walk across the pitch on


Friday um and the players had come out and they could just see these Footprints


walking across the pitch and it was supposed to be they were the first ones on so I think Friday might have been the first day they actually got to be on it


um and someone else had already walked across it who was very naughty wasn't me absolutely not me I I don't step on the


pitch unless I'm invited um but they seem to wilt um and maybe it's as Neil


saying we're getting our eye in with a pitch um but do we think it's because of the the um pressing the I mean the guys


did keep it up and it puts them under pressure a lot and we then had 15 just


glorious minutes it was like I'm sitting going what actually happened in those 15


minutes and I was trying to remember all um but Neil what did you kind of do you think it was the the pressing game as


well as the pitch or was it just we got our eye in for that 15 minutes all through the preseason it's


obvious we're going to the pressing game that's what we've done the guys are seem


to be incredibly fit they were still running around when we were 4-0 up


pressing chasing the ball when you could have forgiven them it was 23 24 degrees


they could have had a stroll in the in in the the second half but they carried on Absolut Will Will Davis particularly


ran himself into the ground and he was a complete nuisance and the same with


Jaden Harris they were just always there and in the end the ultran guys were just


sort of panicking there seemed to be no way out always seem to be four certain players in deep in their half and even


if they got it past them then you'd have um Lewis simper and uh even the the the center


backs pushing up taking up that space in Midfield so it was obviously that's


going to be our way of playing and uh that they're fit enough to actually


carry it out and not drop off yeah if they can do that in that heat we've got


no worries about January um so Alex you agree do you think there was more to it


or I think I know definitely agree I think yeah the fitness really stood out and I think you could may you could


being a bit cynical you could say it is quite easy to run around a lot when you're 4 up in the sunshine it's all


going really well but no I do agree that that they kept going um I think that's actually where it sort of flipp you know


we mentioned earlier about the fact that it was the first home game and the families were there and there's a lot of expectation put pressure on them I


actually think once we went ahead it brought out the best of them because it was kind of you know puffy chest out this is what we are this is what we do


and that's why it was they kept it going for the whole game I my favorite thing about the Press itself was given the


sort of 4411 formation we're having with Will up top by himself and then Harris sort of playing number 10 role you get a


Bolter for press if you play 442 a couple of times we've seen in the last last few seasons the sort of two


Strikers do their press a little bit they amble a bit because you know that's my man okay I'll sort of jog over he'll


pass it he'll press him but because you've got Harris running out from Midfield it accelerates it and it makes


it more intense I think I think that was a really really big part of the game yesterday as you said Neil will running


himself into the ground but then Harris bolting from Midfield to help impressed catches them by surprise more and I


think it really worked excellent well I was shell shocked at halftime because I


was like is this a 4-n performance it didn't feel obviously again this is the


pessimistic bias coming in didn't feel like a 4-n I know it was 4-0 but it didn't feel like it but then thinking


back the keeper had actually made two good saves in the first half as well um so it could have been six um so how how


were you at Hal time were you kind of going with the sutt fan route of oh it's only 40 up it could all go wrong now


which apparently Steve said in the changing room to be fair you four goals in this half they could score four goals


in this half so you've seen how quickly it can change it's like oh he is buying into something but how are you sort of


feeling at halim or is it just bewildered Neil I'll start with you I


might start with you last time but never mind that I sort of compared it in my mind with the Warsaw 4-nil where we last


season 4-0 up at halim when in fact Warsaw have been had more better chances


than us and were probably marginally the better side so that that was what I compared it with I didn't think you know


we'd F you know drop off or fall away I I thought I I expected the second half


to be a bit of a boring not KN and um they perhaps might get a consolation


goal towards the you know towards the end so that's how it was playing out in my mind to stop all the uh clean sheet


bonuses um Alex what what were you thinking at Hal time well yeah stunned


also mildly annoyed only because I always predict as you know Mike I always


predict that we'll win 4-0 and for once they you know I underestimated them I I couldn't believe that we were falling up


at half time I I thought we would get another one another one or possibly two in the second half so I couldn't believe that I'd somehow managed to underpredict


the score um I think the the thing we we were discussing at halim was obviously there's comparisons as I'm sure we'll


come on to with the knots County game last season the first home game or first the whole season then with with the five


goals we scored then this felt different because I appreciate alham had a couple


of sloppy moments but everything went our way in a knots County game you know errors from them Galore the red cards


all that kind of stuff this felt like we were playing well and we we forced


altringham into the eras they made rather than than just being complete gifts you know partly because the Press


we discussed and so much of the talk at halim was the excitement around that aspect of it yeah we we we had to


fight for the right to do oh God no to get in there to yeah to popular front um


but second half I mean things dropped off um which we now know that Steve was saying the clean sheet is now really


important um but he was glad that we got a goal at our end um but they're both


our ends now um but um there was one little little thing that I was like oh


that needs to stop Jaden managed to talk himself into a yellow card um because I


get it's the fighting thing I get I get it but the defender cleared it off of


him to go out for what he thought should have been a corner and it was a goal kick and he was just livid with it and he was like we're 4-0 up we don't need


to get defit it was definitely a goal kick as well just I think he was trying


to say it came off him and then CLI the defender on the way but it wasn't it


wasn't as obvious I couldn't believe he got so wound up about that yeah and he kept on talking I was like if he gets a


red because of this yeah it's just gonna go mad he it just shows he cares they


all care they want to play they want to win they want to win as well you know he


talked himself Tyler talked himself into a booking in in the first half didn't he which I I don't love because he's the


captain and God don't want him to get sent off but I do I think Neil is right you know the the passion and the desire


and I do think it fact it comes back to the things we were saying earlier about factoring in the first game of the season the pressure first home game of


the season the pressure of all of that they're desperate to put perform and and do well um you know I mean he was he


went straight to the ref after we scored our third goal was talking about his shirt being ped and kept doing this and all that and then eventually talked


himself into a yellow so it's it's you know where' you come down on the passion versus just calm down a bit don't get


set off it is Steve said this about this group as well they all want to win


whatever they're doing whether it's they're on the training ground doing one-on ones or they're playing chess or


whatever in the chain in the thing area um so I'm guessing that they deciding this individual battle is something they


need to win um but yeah was just we're for the alarm come


on it is showing that that that competitive Spirit and the passion go on


I like the mini huddle after the first goal that was new I don't know if you saw that after I think it was after the


first goal Josh's goal um Tyler got everyone bit sorry for Steve Miles Away in the go but but the rest of them


obviously gone to celebrate in that corner and he put them into a little huddle and I imagine he was you know Focus up there's only one come on keep


on it small thing but I like that good leadership yeah I mean and at the end


they all something that didn't happen a lot last season um but they all came back over um to to the the the end and


was giv all the fans makes so much difference having an end doesn't it really felt like you know with cju doing


the fist pums that really felt like almost what we've seen more in the way trips where they've come over to the end


I thought was ftic it is definitely going to be and again not to keep harping on about it but the the the


young ons having their spot rather than having to move old vintage fans away


from a spot this is their new spot so it was great um I mean Ashley got off to


his start with which again first goal in about a year which is great um I should keep calling Ashley I've got to try it


it's nadison NAD yeah that sounds about right not knes done anyway um but on


overall I mean the gate was 2450 or something like that which is about 550


lower than last season's average um but the first game a lot of people say people are away on holidays um and we


kind of expected I believe the figure they were working from was about 500 lower um so if we're only 50 down on


what they're expecting that's pretty damn good and then more people are going to come after that um they're most


definitely going to come watch this um I wasn't sure what the noise sounded


like from outside the wreck end um you guys were sounding different places was


it as yeah good good um and sorry no


nodding yes Mike you're right thank you controversial Mike and say I liked the


drum no it's that's been changed it was we all anti- drum because most drums we


hear are shite and the person can't play them but Seb does really well oh I


thought he was banging the wall no he's got a drum it's a drum that makes sense because it was really good and really


loud I thought it's poor hand yeah no they they went last year and negotiated


with can we bring a drum and um it was only one person's allowed to do it and


there's all sorts of things and if there's any misbehaving from that group they're out um and um but it was like we


don't want to drum it [ __ ] it's rubbish blah blah it's like great actually you know what he's quite good quite good at


it he's not overusing it it's not constant constant thing um but so yeah um big shout out to Seb that's well done


even when you got the old gits like me and Dan saying no we're not having drums but yeah um it's really really good um


it's easy to get caught up so if if you're a younger one and you come start you don't know people just go into that end because they they're all super


friendly and there was one little thing that you know how you know how the Sutton fans of this young disrespectful


little gits and all the rest of it Jenny was with me for quite a lot a while cat chatting then she said all I'm going off


and I'm going to find some other people and I wasn't really paying attention to what was going around me um and next thing one of these kids kind of moved up


to where Jenny was standing and two or three of them moved him away and I'm kind of looking and then went no there's


a lady standing there she'd be back in a minute they moved him off and I'd go no she's not coming back I oh my God you're


supposed to be horrible people what's wrong with you um so yeah they were really really nice um people of space


for someone as well um so is it too early for this to be any impact in the


season um I mean we've got 95.7% of the


season to go but what do you feel like the impact


is if there's any um I mean I think they played with confidence aside from that first


bit but it's going to be even more work to do with getting on the same wavelength and I think once they do we


will we will really really play well um so Alex start with you what do you think


is it too early or are you excited to see what yeah it's definitely too early I think but you can be excited as


well you know I think I think both things could be true um it's way too early to say what this means you know


altering as we have discussed were pretty poor I mean I know we we as I say


I do believe that we forced them into the mistakes that they made that led to some of our goals and that is a great thing but they they weren't a


particularly good side from what we saw even before then they a better side would have capitalized on our nerby


first half an hour so I think yeah I think it's it's early to be making season predictions and all that kind of


stuff having said that different to KN County last season because of how well we played versus just getting lucky in


basically every respect completely agree with your point Mike that if this is what they're doing now having you know


still a relatively new group of players learning how each other work and starting to trust each other and build


those relationships on the left wing and the right wing and the center backs and all that kind of stuff that can only get


better and that is the thing that I am most excited by not much what it means for the season yet but the fact that


they're doing this already and it presumably with the training getting know each other will will improve that


that is is definitely exciting and there's some real players in that in that Squad yeah absolutely um Neil what


about you is it too early or what we calling comp promotion now it's it's far too early but it's


living up to my pre-season prediction which was with this group of players we


win a few 4-0 we're potentially because they're young in experience lose a few 4-0 and probably draw a few four all so


so far you know but I suspect that we're going to be you know in and around and


the right end of the table come Christmas but you know I I think there's going to be a bit of a roller coaster


between then and now and you know it's far far too easy to get carried away


absolutely yeah I mean just the same if we'd lost fournil I would have said you know it's not going to it's not going to


define the season because there's a heck of a long way to go there was a reason for that so apparently on the coach back


from tanworth um last week there were people on the coach saying well we're we're two points worse off than the


opening game last season and we got relegated last season so that means we're g to get relegated this season and


now we're a point better off than we were time last season so clearly clearly we're g to win um do have we learned


much about the side or any particular players I mean you can take a pick if you want to say anything we've learned or was it as as you expected Alex I'm


gonna go first for you because you kind of pulled the on to no face yeah did we learn much I don't know that we did


because you know once the first couple of goals go in and it's a romp away in the sunshine everyone plays really well


they're full of confidence it's all going swimmingly fantastic that's and that's great and I think the points that we've made about them continuing the the


fitness and and pressing to the end of the match even despite being so many goals ahead on a hot day is it's really


good and that that can only bu well and I think that speaks to a mindset that Steve has instilled within them which is


a really positive thing have we learned much about individual players yet I don't know that we have I mean there are


a few well most of them I think you could walk away saying yeah he played well he played well yesterday y he was good you know and all that kind of stuff


and there's obviously couple I mean just a couple that um stood out for me I thought um simper in the Midfield was


excellent thought he looked really really good on the ball his touch and cross for the fifth goal fantastic and I thought Nana on the on the wing looks


really exciting um but as I say you could talk about Harris you could talk about Davis you could talk about Sig you could talk about the center backs a lot


of them on a day on a day that goes as well as yesterday did you could you could talk about most of them so I think


uh I don't think my I know much has changed about how I feel about the squad and the players yet other than it's it's


going the right direction perfect sorry bit bit of a diplomatic answer that's fine that's


fine I'd say there's a lot more footballing skill throughout the entire


Squad we've got more play players are two-footed um players are much more


comfortable on the comfortable on the ball and uh I think there is we thought


we'd got depth in the squad last season I think actually we've got genuinely


more depth in the squad this you know this year when they're playing well but as I said


because of their youth and relative inexperience they're going to have more bad games in them so I think


consistency will be harder to achieve with this squad at the at the moment but


yeah overall I'm impressed I think there's they're far better collection of players than we perhaps dared um hopeful


yeah I think we need to see a bad things going bad before we can actually learn


much about them because then when if it goes bad you'll learn more about how they react to it and um how how they


cope with things going against them let's let's see him let's see him one nil down at home and the fans are


getting frustrated his moans and groins that let's see how it the the week the two foot point is an interesting one


because I think the first the first three goals so Josh and Jaden and will all scored with their week Foot Right


was it they that's a good point you raising it I think that is you know promising more two footed players can


only be a good thing absolutely right we're gonna almost finish with this um game um but there's a Good The Bad and


The Funny


um I got copyrighted flagged for that one last I got away with the ab one copyrighted for that


really um but so what was it's going to be nice quick


one what was good from yesterday Neil we'll start with you what


what was good from yesterday um I think the fifth goal was a thing of beauty it


was perfect off the uh off the training ground out from the back down the


channel simple a perfect cross and Ashley that was a fabulous goal it was


it it was the perfect goal perfect I mean was that the


did simpa do some amazing footwork for that cross or was it for a cross just before it he cushioned it on his right


foot then came back and whipped it left stunning no it was a different one


um Alex what was good for you I decided to pick something that was not during the game because they would I couldn't


decide um CW's fist pumps in front of the new home end at the end that was the


thing that brought the biggest smile to my face probably because it was just sort of that recognition that we've got a home end the reception they gave the


players at the end of the match was fantastic and him doing the fist pumps I could I could get used to that I did


think when he did it I was like oh you set yourself up now it's gonna be every time he could quickly be a fan favorite


that boy yeah oh yeah I think he already is I mean he's got at least one stalker is he Jen Jenny sponsored him it's just


like um but um what was bad match they experience just anything what was bad


travel Works trains whatever you like well I've already said it the A3


road work B you know I'm afraid you know that was the only downside in the entire


or apart from the fact you forgot to bring me my shirt but you you forgot to remind


me my memory for me it was the the the fact


that I always predict 40 and they won 5 nil for seeing the curve at empty I get


it it was was it was quite funny when when will scored and ran over C over there


just no one there oh and I gotta tell I got introduce um Paul to to Josh because


Josh Josh when he scores he seems to run in the opposite direction to where Paul is so all these pictures that Paul get


of his great goals and his great celebrations so you [ __ ] the back the one he got um this week was a good one but he's like Josh you know where he is


run to him um what was what was funny Alex


start with you um my dad recreating jayen Harris's celebration in the you


know the sort of I don't know I think is it called The gridy Dread to think if I'm pronouncing that right or if I've got it right but


it's something with your feet and then the head goes back and forward and the hands sort of come up like this and my dad started recreating it and that was


fantastic oh that's a Tik Tock one Neil was what was funny for you I've


got a funny peculiar and a funny haha whichever you want so the funny peculia


was watching the game from the opposite side of the ground because that was that


was just odd it just just seem discombobulating I think the word definitely the word and with all the


thing on the social media about altering and all that sort of thing not only with them making Al the abbreviation for


altringham they actually spell altringham with a G for when theyve had the score line down at the botom on


National League TV so basically even when the football supposed experts get


something as badly wrong as that it just made me laugh yeah that that wasn't our lot maybe they're just buying into our


social media campaign I can't tell you how many times I've written ringham with the G yeah like why' they call it aling


ham he aling Cham um for me oh there was loads um I


did have well there was one that could have been funny should have been funny but it got ruined which is probably


funny um so the Jacksons all decided to have a picture on the giant dead chair


and I kind of said they're a pain to get out of and I was taking the picture for him and I said I'm going to take a video


of you getting out of it and Lynn was not overly impressed with it was her phone so it wasn't I was going to do


anything with it she wasn't impressed and got out of it straight away with no fuss whatsoever and I was like [ __ ]


sake got some content here but yeah the the all the little stuff they did in the fan Zone was


really great um I know it's going to take people a bit of time to get get on board with it but there was ice cream


yesterday I'm sure you noticed um and all sorts and the cues weren't too bad it was got bad closer to kickoff but um


it was really good so but yeah the funny thing was it's a funny that should have been right um we're going to do the free


free Q preview and we spoke to Paul who is um a host of stones cast and he's


actually the commentator for tomorrow night so if anyone's watching on TV you'll hear his voice um so I'm going to


try and get this right this one went on for a little bit longer than I had expected so um please bear with but


we'll just listen to what Paul has to


say we are back for our fre Q preview we're going to get insights of our upcoming o opponents fans and we are


joined by Paul and he supports wistone and um we're just going to hear a little


bit more of what he has to say um but before we start tell us a little bit about yourself and your worldstone


history and why you support them and whatnot yeah a bit of a funny one really


Mike I this is my eighth season falling worldstone um I I played a bit of non-


League flower league non- league football um sort of in my 20s and then 30s and I started to want to watch


football again and my little boy was uh Keen to go along so I took him to watch


chesham United which is our local side as well and wistone and at the time my dad my dad


was a wistone player in the 70s so they did a feature of him in the program invited him along and uh my little lad


was a little bit impressed that everyone knew my who Granddad was you know from school and football and they treated us


well so we we gave him a decision we sort of said to him who do you want to go and watch he said could we go and watch wistone and from that point on


we've we sort of chose them and started to watch them home and away and I've got two other children they come my sister


and her family comes so it's a real family Fair my my mom's from wistone originally he worked at the old low mid


ground when they had that in the 70s and 80s when she was a sort of teenager and young adult so and her dad was a bus bus


driver for the amateur Cup Final in the 60s so there's a little bit of a family connection so it's sort of resonated


with us and we've thoroughly enjoyed it they great football club they're very welcome in you know we we we go as much


as we can and um yeah we we're in the National League for for a bit of fun


it's it's a good it's a good ride isn't it it's uh there's lots of ups and downs but we enjoy it and he's a good family


thing to do that's excellent I mean when you said we went along to watch chesham and they


were playing weldstone um I was like yeah you've always got to be really careful with this first match because


one of my mates brought his his his son to um Tottenham Manchester United and


his whole family's Port Tottenham and man united battered them and M's man united fan well you should have gone


local mate no yeah it was a similar thing I went to I think we went to Hitchin away and it was one all in a


really cold December night and then we took him to a beckons field away game


and chesham got beat about six nil I think the manager got sat there soon after and obviously they've done very


well since chesham you know got into National League South and at the same time we went and watch wildstone and he


S I think he his mind was made up because chesh had got batted six n wield Stone I think one and we're very well in


so so we'll go back and watch wi St so no you're right first games do count do count and matter right


absolutely um never take them to a Premier League game um so you are host


or co-host of the stones cast podcast yeah there's there's a there's a whole group of us that contribute and I I sort


of share the hosting with two or three others and um I I actually do the


commentary as well for National League TV on behalf of wistone so I will be behind the microphone on Tuesday night


night for sat that is my the designated match because there's three of us that do it so we swap so that we get to


obviously watch the game with friends and family rather than being behind the microphone every home so yeah so I'll be


there on uh Tuesday night um commentating against Satan so uh please


be kind to me if you're watching and listening have to tell you how to say all the names no please do


yeah so what what were your expectations coming in into this season


and how kind of has it gone so far compared so I know it's only two games


in but how was preseason compared to expectations as well C BL see you know what Mike it was a really difficult one


because I don't know if you know but we we lost you at Main AR Nots County in January February time last year and


David Noble came in from St Aubin and it really didn't go too well and the the chairman and board out to make a


decision to get rid of him and let Sam Cox take the Reigns till the end of the season so we really were sort of up


against it right up until the back end and and we did survive and you know I never feared we were going to go down


but there was a lot of fear of that and then in the preseason we've had Matt Taylor com in the ex Wala manager the ex


Premier League footballer for the liks of West Ham and and Bolton and Portsmouth so a bit of an unknown at


this level hasn't done too brilliantly at League one League two wherever it is he's managed before so it was a it was a


a bit of a summer of transition we've gone from part-time choosing Thursday nights so two mornings a week and one


evening a full-time manager full-time strength and conditioning coach you know so there's Little Steps off the field


that the club are trying to make to to stabilize and and do well in the National League but clearly on the field


it's a different Challenge and I think this season with the with the league as it is you know the liks of you guys


coming in with forest green who are a stable set of football clubs rather than a bit of a basket case along with the


likes of maybe oldum and Barnet and South End getting there together everyone sees this opportunity because


there isn't a notot county a rexam a Stockport a Chesterfield to sort of run away with the league if you like so our


expectations realistically Mike is just to stay in the league you know after the scare of last year with the new manager


we had to have a turnover in our Squad we've just got to stay in the league we've got a really good future looking


if we get a new ground and investment but that can only really happen I guess if we stay in the National League so the


pressure is on that said so fifth from bottom is is what we would want you know


and I think there's a lot of fear that we're going to be relegation candidates relegation favorites how it started bit indiff


really no wins out of two we're in the game in both games you know it wasn't like we've been battered um dagging them


I think we gave their goals away too easily and we've missed a guilt chance at at one all and you know that again


that would flip the flip the game and do we go on and win yesterday similar thing you know that their their Center half or


the fullback has made an unbelievable tackle at nil nil we've not scored they've gone down the other end and in


my view they've got a bit of a Jammy goal and they've you know they've walked away from the veil with a one- nil win and that's what good big teams do in the


National League and if you want aspirations are getting promoted you've got to take those results so the problem I sort of fear is where


do we get our next points from you guys are coming on Tuesday night after off the back of a good win then go to


heartley Paul away the next two games an example you know you're looking four games in one month in no points on the


ball potentially and it can be quite damaging because previously with wistone we've always got points on the board


early and built that basis to try and almost get to Christmas and not fumble your way between Christmas and the end


of season but it helps right the pressure is off so that's where we're at


I gotta be honest I'm not looking forward to having you guys come down on Tuesday after yesterday's result but we'll see how it goes listen we always


put the lads put shifting there's 100% effort there is quality in the team no doubt about that I think we just got to


be a bit more clinical and and you know we will get those wins we will get those draws but it's got to come quickly yeah


so again early days but how how are you seeing the strengths and weaknesses at the moment at this point in the season


um what do we need to look out for what could we possibly exploit I would suggest the middle of the Midfield I


mean I know he both care about the Miss of Craig Eastman and you know don't want to disappoint any certain fans who like


Craig but I don't think he'll be playing Tuesday night from from what I understand I could be wrong and he may


have make an appearance but he hasn't played since I think this the second from last game of preseason so the


center of the Midfield is where we probably lack a little bit Mike you know in terms of strength and and presence we


got a lot of young Lads in there suggest lightweight you know I'm not no disrespect to them but you know they're


not your six foot two strapping rugby league looking Center Midfield players so yeah maybe that you know we've got Alex


dyr know he's done very well but can he last he last 65 70 minutes we lost


Christian Scott yesterday to a red card on his debut so he won't be available so I think just that that lack of


creativity and presence in Midfield is really is somewhere I think that we will struggle and against old him yesterday


you know where that matchup was was a little bit imbalance the rest of the side you know our back Fall's good has


been you got Georgio at left back and um you know cook are a Dependable Center


half with Adrian Mara's been a really good signing for us and I mean there's a little bit worry over the goalkeeper


I've not seen anything too much to worry about him in terms of his goalkeeping his his passing and distribution I think


you know me and you could be better stood on The Terraces Mike but as for another day so um yeah listen that


willstone will put sat under a lot of pressure they did with old it's just having that bit of quality


in both boxes we just need that bit more okay and um you mentioned Craig and said


if any Su fans like him that is every Su fan will like him but um you've also got


one of our ex another old boy um enzio um yeah how's he been how's he playing


he's he's another great guy love him yeah and again he's I think he's part of that experience three or four that Matt


Taylor's tried or the club of tried to recruit with Eastman maraa Enzo um you


know we need that a little bit of knowhow with such a young Squad that we have um I mean he's not pulled up any


trees of him on his M but you know I don't think any of them have you know you won't look at the team now and say


enzio's the man to give the ball to him and he'll do a bit you last year we had Taran alakia who's gone on to


Rochdale we missing that sort of creative spot that's something that will just get the crowd going but you know


he's a Dependable hard workking good footballer and and that's what we need at willstone we know we need we need a


constant squat a squad that's constantly the same sort of level whatever level


that is and um enio definitely fits into that and I would imagine his his


experience is invaluable to that to that team in that dressing room and not on training Etc as well so yeah he's he's a


good guy to have in won't like this but he's a great player to have um in the in the team on the on the bench because he


can kind of switch around different positions um and uh he's played left back right back left wing right wing and


I think Center mid for us as well so um he's definitely a player that you would like to have in the team oh yeah without


a doubt I mean he's been starting the last two games on the left hand right hand side rather so you know if he's if


he can play in inside if he can play as fullback that's going to help the squad because it's not the biggest and most experienced so I I hopefully you know


that that's one of the reasons they probably signed him yeah um so as for


the game itself how do you see the match going um and and what can we kind of


expect from your your players manager a a definitely a hard working


sort of site um performance rather you yesterday against oldum who are one of the bigger teams in the league which Su


will be seen as just putting them under a bit of pressure Mike you know just not making them play you know I don't I


don't know how Sutton play how Sutton set up it'd be interesting to see that especially with their sort of turnover


Squad and and a relatively new manager so you know I think


he favors like a a four almost like a 442 I would suggest is probably what he


favors slightly more direct than what we've been used to under Stuart mayard where Stuart played through the thirds


if you like and you know was a bull a bull retention team whereas it it feels


with Taylor that he can be slightly more direct um and they do press whereas with


Stew's team sometimes they dropped a little bit so that there is a there is more of a press in the team um and


they're fit enough to do that which is a really good thing to do it's just can we create a bit of quality to get some


chances away I think you know we created one or two yesterday maybe the same at dagenham so you know you guys got five


at altering them which is you know he unheard of you should you shouldn't be scoring five at Aly you know that's the sort of team that don't let those sorts


of goals in so my fear is that you're good going forward you're a good attacking Sider and and I guess from


what I read on the on Twitter feeds Etc was that something were quite clinical and something that we're not so you know


I think if something turn up on our clinical then we could be in for a long evening finally the one that everyone


always loves um what's your score prediction uh I'd love to say that willstone will


win and I'm gonna say that Sut will win so hopefully wistone win off the back of that but I think Sut will probably win


3-1 um yeah like I said it's the first time seeing them so it's it's a a purely


sort of a finger in the air going on what you've done before you know Tamworth away is always going to be


difficult when new team in the league they're going to be up for it it's going to be a bit like a cup final but you know to go to go to alham away and score


five is unbelievable it was at home aling was at home he still five


but yeah yeah I mean get to get a draw in


the first League game you that's no disgrace you know get yourself settled down and then to to bag five at home sry


I thought it was way just to yeah I'm I'm a little bit fearful m I'm a little


bit fearful so yeah if you hear that in my voice on the commentary on Tuesday night please don't laugh but you never


know you know willstone will put a shift in I can guarantee that that's that's that's a given you know that they they


won't be well I'd like think they're not going to be out class they won't be outplayed they won't be out fought you


know they'll be in the game it's just whether we can take our chances if we create them and be you know more better


in the Box to not let these goals in but uh we'll see how we go lovely well thank


you very much Paul um I'm sure lots of us will enjoy listening to you on Tuesday night because um if it been a


midweek we can watch it um so um take care and good luck for most of the


Season obviously yeah no thank you m thanks for having me on and uh safe journey to everyone on Tuesday night enjoy your visit to the veil and uh May


the best team


win right it puts us on the M stra away um I yeah he seemed very


impressed what we did which is always good um I think my big mistake there and it


lasted a quite a long time was asking about ex players I don't think I'll do that with other teams because took the


conversation off track a little bit um but um Alex what what did you what did


you think of what they had to say was it something you expecting or um how do you see anything going from what you heard


there yeah I think it's interesting think the um fact that he said they were in both games and despite stting two


losses very much in the games which is good from their perspective I think don't want to be too confident but


his main point really was how much of a shift they will put in you know he was talking about that being guarantee you


know the effort and everything as we've touched on our fitness is looking really good and the shift is was put in


yesterday it was putting away to Tamworth with the goal in the last minute there as well you know that is something we should be able to match


them at if not better than at and therefore if we do that with better players and the confidence that we've


got what could possibly go wrong that was uh one of buby things


fournil fournil he used to tell his players youve all they've got is strength and


stamina and if you can match them in that then that's it won the game um Neil


what was your thoughts I mean you seem to have gone dark on us so we may not see you I don't know


but I'm still here I can I can see you're still there and Alex is frowning at me so maybe he can still see you but


excellent um so what what what did you think of what Paul had to say and anything you picked up from there he he


seemed a bit downbeat so he's he's not over overwhelmed with the optimism so


that that seems to me that That's a classic Sutton banana skin isn't it so if if anybody's gonna slip over on


the team that's low in confidence haven't got any players and and all that sort of thing it will be us because I'm


sure we can find a way you know that is that is Sutton United that's old Sutton


um I mean it's gonna be interesting uh that it might be a completely different game because um he's mentioned as the


center mid being the point that they're worried about and I would imagine before


watching this Steve would have done some research and probably would find less similar and he may well decided we're


going to not attack the flanks at all and just attack through the middle um so um I mean it's going to lead us on to


the the nice part of it everyone loves this um the prediction League um Alex


may have already given away his thoughts um code is on the screen I've actually made this a bit smaller because I


realized I was watching a couple back last year my my beautiful face was covering some of the code so um you


should now to be it on screen and also tell me if these things happen so I can actually fix them um it's still covering


part of it Mike no I can see it it's


not sake right I'll have another look at that um but the prediction League uh


last week we didn't have any maximums um which is going to be actually really difficult to get this year um but the


closest we got was a team called Richardsons who got the correct outcome


the correct altringham goals and the correct first goal scorer so they got six out of the eight points and the leag


table has gone into the invite list um on your calendars so um Neil I think


you're actually second um yeah uh hang on yeah you're second on nine points out


of the two games and pessimistic PC I wonder who that could be Chas um with 10


points out of two games so um but it's lots to play for everyone should join into this it's lots of fun um but what


is your actual um prediction uh Alex go on 40 four I'm


sorry it is it you know it would be regardless because I predict what I want to happen but it is after what we've


just heard about Wilston and after the performance yesterday yeah 4-nil Jaden Harris first goal scorer for


me excellent oh no okay yeah haven't been saying which goal score I want um


actually going for Josh both times anyway um but uh Neil oh you're now back on my screen that's amazing um who


what's your prediction by way you can obviously change it yeah before you enter don't worry I'm sort of fascilla a bit you


know and I've got to try and put charms off the uh off the scent but I'm thinking I think it might be a 2-1 to us


and I'm still sticking with Lewis's Lewis simper is gonna get our first goal okay I've got really bad news for


you no you're not doing two1 two no no


57 in a row wrong now but 2-1 and I'm going with Josh for the first goal because um he's telling me


when I I was like oh you're top goal scorer and he come back with I want it right fair enough so yeah I'm going with


Josh again for first goal change I give you I give you four nil


nil I give it to you take it use it but we are going to wrap up this


episode which I've kept you way longer and it's a much longer episode than it should have been but never mind you will


love it it's an AAL and and visual treat um as always we appreciate your


attention and feedback um there's lots of questions for you to get involved in what does your normal match day look like or and how does that differ this


season what's your good bad and the funny for um the the the match day that just went on um follow like share this


episode at s podcast on all social medias subscribe on the podcast to the podcast um on your preferred platforms


I've mixed that up and um leave us aw if you want we I I get a little bit of dopamine when I get all the the likes


and the thumbs up and whatnot we will be back on Wednesday with Jenny and another


Neil not this Neil because he's panicked and I wasn't down for Wednesday um but we are with Jenny and Neil and they're


gonna talk about the worlds done away Neil's making his debut which would be a good one because obviously it's with Jenny so you won't need to actually talk


much um but get the questions sent in um and um we will um get them on on the


podcast thanks always to our sponsors Lucky Star Jin big thank you to today's power Alex and Neil and obviously Paul


as well thanks to your listeners hope you've enjoyed this episode podcast and take care and we will catch up soon


thank you bye-bye

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