Can't Expect To Keep Your Place with Joe & Sarah | Post Sutton United v Boston United Transcript

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:16 PM

Hello, and welcome to another episode of Sutton United Talk Time on Podcast. It's the Sutton Podcast in association with Lucky Star Gin. I'm your host, Mike, and on our panel today, we déjà vu with Sarah and Joe. I've got the correct agenda up, and hopefully at least one of them have paid attention to the match this time. We're going to be covering, very quickly, Boston United at home, and look forward to our trip to Dagenham. And by the way, I've got one spot available if someone wants to jump on.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:17 PM

You'll be coming on with Seb, who is new, so let's get someone on to help him out. Also just another little thing, I'm trying out a brand new little gimmick gadget thing, and it's going to remove pauses and filler words, so there might only be about 10 minutes left of this, so let me know how it goes, and especially those watching, because I'm interested in how it does it on the video side, because apparently it chops it all up for me. So, we'll see. And hopefully that filler

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:17 PM

word will go. We love hearing from you. Join the conversations, stay connected, share your thoughts on all the episodes, and just copy us in and tag us at Sutton Podcast on all social medias. The likes, shares and comments have really helped us grow and reach lots of Sutton fans and other people this week. And a big shout out to regular listeners and those who engage always. It's really nice to see. We're going to jump in, and Joe, how

Sarah - 6:18 PM

Well, I'm really sorry to say I did pay attention to the match yesterday. I wish I hadn't, but... Yeah, I'm all right. Thanks, Jo, for reminding me that I'm old enough to be your mum. But other than being old, I'm good.

Joe - 6:18 PM

Yes, I've been very good, Mike. I was on comms once again yesterday, which was a joy. But yeah, I've been very good, gone back to school. Gone back to school for the last time. That's a really weird thing to say and it makes me slightly upset. But yeah, my entire year trying to get our head round that we're all adults over the next nine months or ten months. So yeah, that's been that.

Sarah - 6:18 PM


Joe - 6:19 PM


Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:19 PM

are you? Goodo, goodo. So, we did have a Knowing Me, Knowing You question. We do have a Knowing Me, Knowing You question. I know you've done your homework. And we're just going to hear the still-not-claimed-as-a-copyright music. Don't roll your eyes yet. Joe, wait. You've got to wait till it starts.

Joe - 6:19 PM

You know what, it's the ab a bit. I quite enjoy the ab a bit and then I just, my heart sinks slowly. Yeah.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:19 PM

Exactly. It's gone all the way around. That's what I aim for. Don't worry about that. So, we'll start with Joe because it's going to be a lot more recent. What was your first Sutton match? And how has the perception of the club changed since for you?

Joe - 6:20 PM

Well, I kind of have two things. My first match that I properly engaged was Wigan away, Papa John's, and I distinctly remember, well, the Rochdale game at home before that, we've gone three now, and that Wigan game was the proper ones, but the first game I actually ever attended was the game after the Papa John's final, and that was late in Orient at home, which really wasn't...

Joe - 6:20 PM

a stunner of a game. But, you know, for someone who'd followed the club across the season, and had been a football fan for many years, but kind of never really went to the Prem games because they were way too expensive and all that, I really felt the club, it felt like a really nice atmosphere, it felt like a really family atmosphere, and especially, you know, I think I was 14, just felt very welcomed.

Joe - 6:20 PM

It was a few days before my 15th birthday, and I just felt like, yeah, this is the kind of place where I want to, you know, enjoy football and do that. And I still think that now, I think Sutton are seen now, because of our success, as a lot, maybe a slightly bigger club than we were three years ago, not much, but still kind of, you know, we had our time, we had our time in the spotlight, and I think we've kind of...

Joe - 6:21 PM

forged, forced some rivalries slightly, not mentioning any names, the Wombles, and Bromley and stuff like that, but I think, you know, I think my perception of the club is pretty much the same, just going to the game yesterday, still seeing the same people say hello every week, seeing us say hello to the same people every week, you know, every game I kind of speak to new people, meet new people, and I think it's a great place to do that, and I don't think it's something that's changed.

Joe - 6:21 PM

you'd find it. I mean, I think it's probably more common in non-leagues, there are less people there, and you see people more often every week, but I think the beauty of it is that, you know, you start to build a community, and obviously doing, starting the media team this year, it's a really, really good group of people who I'm now working more closely with, and we all have the same, as much of us as some people, you know, maybe aren't Sutton fans initially when they join, and doing it full time, I can

Joe - 6:22 PM

tell by having conversations with them after the match that they're certainly part of the Amber Army through and through. So, you know, it really, it's a really nice thing to see from someone, you know, who's only been a real, like, proper, kind of, going to most matches Sutton fan for about two, three years, that now I'm with people around me, some have only been for a few months, I'm starting to feel much more...

Sarah - 6:22 PM

Yeah, I mean, my first match was in November 1995. It was an FA Cup first round replay against Kidderminster Harriers, who would at that point have been the equivalent of where we are now. And we would have been what's now step two, which was the Estonian League then, because it was before the the whole National League North and South layer was put in. It was a brilliant experience.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:22 PM

You're the expert. Yeah. Perfect. Well, it is interesting on that bit with the, can wander around, can sort of have that non-league feel, meet new people. Because obviously the way, what happens at a Premier League where you mention you don't get that, is people tend to be in the same seats and you can't go wandering and talking to people, which would be, I'm

Sarah - 6:22 PM

Actually, I've been pretty football crazy for a while, but I'd never even been to a match before, and it was really, really exciting. So there's me, trotting along, 13 years old, all bright eyed and bushy tailed. One thing that really hasn't changed about our perception of the club is the fact that I walked in and instantly felt like this is where I belong. This is where I want to be. And that hasn't changed. Yeah, it was.

Joe - 6:22 PM


Sarah - 6:23 PM

Kind of blown away by the atmosphere, how it kind of felt like the whole, we are one, you know, we're all together here. And it just, it just felt brilliant. And I was like, I love the FA Cup so much. I can't wait till we get to the first round again. And it was another 13 years before we managed it. So never mind. We did win, we won on penalties. It was brilliant. And I guess to answer the second question.

Sarah - 6:23 PM

What's changed about my perception of the club since then? I think one thing is that when I first started going, I kind of took it for granted. Because I'd never been to watch another football team. I thought this is what it's like going to football. It took me quite a while to realise we've got quite a special club. And, you know, it's a lot of things that we have.

Sarah - 6:24 PM

But we aren't like what everyone's got. And I've learned over the years not to take that for granted, particularly in recent years where a lot of it's had to change because of what you've been saying, Mike, you know, the whole going up in the world and having to follow different rules. And it hasn't taken away what's right at the heart of our club, you know, our core values. It hasn't taken away from that at all whatsoever. But it has changed quite a lot about the matchday experience.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:24 PM


Sarah - 6:25 PM

Oh no.

Sarah - 6:25 PM

You know what, Joe's first game, the one that you were talking about, Lake Norient, that was the only one, apart from the ones, the COVID-y ones that no one was allowed to, that was the only game I missed apart from the birth of my daughter since 2004. And that's because I had COVID. I know, I was watching it on whatever platform we could watch games on then.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:25 PM

Yeah, your first game, I'm sure, is the same game that I was forced by someone in the other room to leave because we weren't going to equalise, it was clear we were going to lose and as I left I heard the cheer and then realised we'd lost on penalties and never left the game early since."

Joe - 6:26 PM

You didn't miss much. You really didn't miss much. Yeah, I mean, I was just going to agree with you, yeah. Obviously, you were a long time before me, but when... I can't remember when it was. I think it was the pre-season friendly for last... I think it was against Bromley. We went through to a pre-season friendly.

Joe - 6:26 PM

I realised this club wasn't like other clubs, because I went to other pre-season games over the summer and I went to a few other stadiums. Not Prem, but Championship and League Two and League One. And I realised... And there were people who I think I'd only seen two or three times. They asked me, how are you, Joe? And she was just talking to me. And even people... I remember, I think it was... I want to say it was Dundoe, but he came up to me during the warm-up and he kicked a ball over.

Joe - 6:27 PM

And you know, when they do their shooting practice, he blazed it wide, wide, wide. And I was standing behind the goal eating a bacon roll and he just started having a conversation. Because I don't think he was particularly fussed about the situation, because I don't think he was playing. But he started having a conversation with me and my mate just about, you know, just I think it was about life. It was literally nothing about Sutton. He was just like, you boys here today about the weather. And it was just two minutes. I was like, you just don't get that. And, you know, I still think that.

Joe - 6:27 PM

At the club, is that a heart. Edwino Vaz and I arrived at Sutton station after yesterday's game at the same time. And I've seen him a few times easterly around doing the media. And there's no reason, like obviously there are more visible people in the media team you'll see every day. There's no need. He was with his family and he was there. And as I passed the turnstiles, he was like, I didn't even look at him because I could tell it was him. But he turned around and said,

Joe - 6:28 PM

you're right, mate. You just don't get that anywhere else. It's just a nice, warm feeling. As someone who's living out the dream of working and helping for your club, as we do with the podcast and the media team, it's quite a cool thing. I was on the way home on the train and I was like, that's pretty cool. I've just lost freedom and I'm smiling quite a lot. So there's something to do with the club in there, definitely."

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:28 PM

Yeah, definitely. Well, let us know what your first match was at Sutton and how your perception has changed and all your little memories like that, because that went off a different way than I thought, it was excellent. I just thought you were going to go, well we just might have So, thank you both, that was really, really fun. Club news.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:28 PM

The ladies team lost today 4-2. It's been a fun week. Yeah, I don't want to go on too much about it, I'm sure everyone's seen it on social media, but we've had a bit of a spotlight and I just have to remind a lot of people that there is a person at the centre of all of this, so let's just behave ourselves.

Sarah - 6:29 PM

I didn't say that actually.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:29 PM

But for me personally, it's been pointed out that I'm now a raging misogynist, so I'll have to stop women coming on soon, Sarah, sorry about that. And I'm at the helm, not part of, actually steering the destruction of women's football or sport everywhere, or the UK, I can't actually remember, I'll have to check back on the details, but that's good to know. I think there's a badge, I'm not sure if there's any financial compensation for it, but yeah.

Sarah - 6:29 PM

I think that's quite fun." It'll see like, if coming to watch Sutton is a prize, it kind of puts value to it, that people might not, I mean, people who are football fans who don't necessarily come to Sutton, because if they come to Sutton all the time, they don't have a season ticket anyway, um, or they might find one for their mate who doesn't normally come with them, um, it might be a great way of getting people hooked. It'll give people a challenge for a prize, and they'll go for it even if they don't particularly want that prize.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:29 PM

Yeah, it's wonderful, it's great. One other question was raised by Andrew on Facebook, the free tickets, I don't know if you saw them on social media Sarah, they were hiding tickets around the borough of Sutton, and you could kind of pick up the ticket and come to the Boston match, did you see it, did you think anything of it, or no, you haven't seen it? No. What do you think in general about the idea of

Joe - 6:29 PM


Joe - 6:30 PM

For, for the icon.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:30 PM


Joe - 6:30 PM

I think one of my biggest pleasure activities of an evening is to go through Sutton United comments on Twitter, just because it's just a weird place. And, you know, you can find anything after yesterday's game, after this week, after that. I'm just like, sometimes it's just like, it's just some people. I'm just like, just give it a rest. Just go home, log off, have a cup of tea and get up the next day and move on. But, you know, it's what it is.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:31 PM

I think what they should do is get people involved to do the... Have you ever seen that bloke who gives away the... I think he does more Instagram and TikTok. He gives away watches and he hides in a random place. So they should do that and suddenly they sit in a random place and they just sit there and put a timer on, see who finds them quick enough.

Joe - 6:31 PM

Do you know how brilliant that would be? Just like, sits there with like two season tickets and is like, I'm in a random... Oh, I'd love that. Well, I'm going to pitch that. I'm going to say that in the next match. I'm going to say, we should do this. You will get immense reception and there'll be no controversy, I can guarantee, and I reckon they'll bite it. Hmm. There'll be some person from some place who will do it.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:32 PM

Right, let's go for it. Come on. What was your thoughts yesterday, Joe? Line up and formation and expectations before the game.

Joe - 6:32 PM

Um, so X.

Joe - 6:32 PM

I don't know why I keep getting muted. I feel like you're doing it, Mike. I feel like you're trying to sabotage me. Um, no, um, I think, I had this debate, I thought, so it ended up being a back five kind of ish, back three, back five. Um, I thought, well, Vaz kind of ended up playing there. I thought Vaz would play kind of a left wing role, which he ended up kind of doing. Um, but line up, I'm surprised to see everything.

Joe - 6:32 PM

He had a go, because he was good last week. Um, I didn't think Josh would be on, because I obviously had the knock. I'm trying to think who else. I think, you know, I think Simpa, Harris and Barbrook are a very good midfield three, but I think Sidge is getting a little bit overlooked here. I don't know. He had a good start to the season. He does provide a backbone, which I feel like we lacked in midfield yesterday, and I'm sure we'll get an opportunity at Dagenham on Tuesday night."

Joe - 6:33 PM

But I was a little bit disappointed, because I looked at Boston, and they're a big side. They play long ball, aggressive kind of football, and that aerial presence felt like something we might have needed yesterday. But, you know, I feel like you go into the game and you see where they are in the league, and it's a game you think, we need to get three points here if we're trying to realise ambitions. It's all very tight in the table. Like two games ago, when we'd come onto the pitch, we'd come to the table and we'd say, we've got a goal,

Joe - 6:33 PM

and we'd win the podcast, and me and Sarah talked about Aysley, who were third, and now are 13th, which just shows the tightness of the league, and now Boston are up to 17th, and then again two wins this week, and we could be right up in and amongst it. So it was all very close. But, you know, I wasn't unhappy. The change in shape, which was pretty evident from the line-up, unsettled me slightly. I thought it might be Vaz, and Addison, and Davis through the middle.

Sarah - 6:34 PM

Well, I didn't, um, get a chance to look at the line-up before the actual, before the players came out, um, I was a little bit, I mean, I don't know about surprise, because I don't, I mean, we change it up every week, I don't really get surprised, but I did think, well, this is a bit different, um, how's that going to work? I thought we might be missing Josh Coley a bit, um, I didn't really, I mean, to be honest, like I said, I've learned not to be surprised, so I was like, okay, let's see how this works then, I mean, I obviously, I didn't expect a pushover,

Joe - 6:34 PM

So they perceived them to be. But, you know, the team looked OK. Matt Rush wasn't in there, obviously the new signing's injured. But, yeah, I don't really know. I'd like to see Jack Gimms get a run out, but that's maybe in hindsight

after yesterday's game. So, you know, it is what it is.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:35 PM

Sarah, were you a bit surprised as well to see, and especially, I know this is afterwards, where Steve said we changed it to match them up or to go with it, and it's like, why are we not imposing ourselves on this team? As Joe said, we would have expected to get a result from, but what did you think of it before the game?

Sarah - 6:35 PM

oh, I was hoping for a 2-0 win, that's what I was thinking."

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:35 PM

Yep. Yeah, absolutely. Just on the, we'll talk about it later, on the prediction league, not one person went for a Sutton loss. So, yeah. But yeah, not one person went for it. I think even their guy that I had on, I can't remember exactly, but I think he was hoping for a draw.

Joe - 6:36 PM

I mean, I had the Boston BBC Radio Lincolnshire and I had the Boston United social media admin next to me. They were both, so pre-game, they were like, oh, let's get a draw to that. Point on the road would be absolutely brilliant. These lot look proper good and only one loss so far. And doing commentary on it, I had to be somewhat, as much as the Sutton mix of XLR, you've got to be somewhat kind of...

Joe - 6:36 PM

You can't be too partisan, but they were having a wild time with the press box. I was like, fair play to you, because we've been utterly out of thought. The one thing I was actually surprised, I didn't say, was Charlie Waller at centre back. That was weird. He's been so good at left-back. And I know Vaz was out wide, but I don't know. Charlie Waller at centre-back, he doesn't... Unlike Tyler French and Hayden Muller. I don't know, the defensive structure just wasn't there. It just felt like...

Joe - 6:37 PM

Unfamiliar, it felt. French was pushing really wide. Waller was way too narrow for how he likes to play. And then Muller and Barbrook ended up playing centre-back at times. Vaz was basically... He was meant to be playing left-wing-back, but realistically, Edwino Vaz has got a mind of his own, and fair enough to him. He's an incredibly talented player. When he came forward, it was a moment where we could score every time. And Ryan Jackson was so high up. It was almost like it felt like Hayden Muller was the only person who was massively...

Joe - 6:37 PM

He was massively comfortable with what they were doing. And that's not what you want from a defensive line. And we were playing so high, like ridiculously high. I get that we want to be attacking, but I just remember saying at least two or three times in the first 20 minutes, every player, apart from Steve Arnold, is in the Boston half. And it caught us out. And it put us in problems which we didn't need to be in.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:38 PM

Yeah, I mean, Charlie was signed as a centre-back who can play at left-back, I think. That's how it's kind of come across. But, this is something that someone said to me, that, obviously this is again in hindsight towards the end of the match, that the crowd seemed very flat as well.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:38 PM

You've got the young'uns doing as much as they can, but the crowd seemed very flat. So it's a question of, are we supposed to spark the players? Are they supposed to spark us? Is it a mutual thing? What do you think, Joe? Is it down to us to kind of get them going, or should we have this naff little thing of them coming over to us before the game and getting everyone going?

Joe - 6:38 PM

I mean, I do like them coming over before the game, but we were flat. We were dead quiet. And they were having an absolute party in the Boston away end. And fair play to them. They didn't expect what happened. But we were noticeably quiet. And I'm not saying we're not the Toon Army in St. James' Park. The home ends of the season have been pretty good.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:39 PM

I've made noise yet.

Joe - 6:39 PM

There was a bit more noise, but we were really quiet. And I know we were poor, but I feel like there could have been a little bit more, a little bit more, even in the main stand, which isn't normally a hub of noise. There's sometimes the murmur, just the casual murmur during a game, but there wasn't even any just annoyed moans or groans. It was just dead silent. Like, I could hear my voice and people were turning around because it was

Sarah - 6:39 PM

Mmm, kind of yes and nah. I don't think it was like, we're not going to make any noise until you entertain us or anything like that. But it just almost felt like we didn't have much to cheer for. But I know that's not the point of supporting a team, is it? You're supposed to support them. On the other hand, they're the ones who are being paid to play football. So they're doing a job, we're just, we're paying to watch them. And I don't actually normally, I normally criticise people for saying that.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:39 PM

Being so loud.

Joe - 6:39 PM

people listening to the commentary at the game. Like, it was just weird. It just was a bit of a, yeah, just felt like a bit of a weird atmosphere. It never felt like anyone apart from the Boston fans were massively comfortable. But I think it was also because I think everyone went into the game thinking, this is a win, surely, and it didn't happen, which maybe contributed to the bit of a strange kind of fan response.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:40 PM

Yeah, I mean, so do you kind of feel that it was, again, this isn't criticizing anyone in particular, it was just everyone there. Do you feel like we were kind of going, right, come on, entertain us, do something?

Sarah - 6:40 PM

I know, right?

Sarah - 6:40 PM

Well, there's a lot of psychology involved, both on and off the pitch, isn't there? I mean, it's like, the first goal didn't... Boston's first goal wasn't that far into the game. The lead-up to it, though, it felt like a long time, because you could see it coming a mile off. And there's a few occasions where Steve Arnold absolutely went missing, and that's not going to give you peace of mind, is it? And there's a lot of stuff like... There were loads of, like, really easy passes between...

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:40 PM


Joe - 6:40 PM

Yes. They're all in amber. They're all in amber. They're chatting United and the Amber Army. I'm like, this is dead confusing. This feels really weird, especially on the park

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:41 PM

Yeah, I mean, we were quiet anyway, but yeah, we have had a lot better atmosphere this season so far. But there was just something wasn't clicking yesterday from everyone. And again, it's not like me moaning saying, well, we need to make noise because I'm silent in football. I don't ever really join in. So if anyone's going to be criticised, it can be me.

Sarah - 6:41 PM

It was going to happen. It felt like blooper after blooper. And I don't want to be disrespectful to our... You know, my lovely team, who I love to death. My team. But, come on. There were some pretty disastrous errors being made by pretty much everybody, and there was no sense of cohesion between... It was like we didn't know each other, you know? And, you

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:42 PM

Well, that was what I was going to say leading up to the goal. We did seem to have a lot of slips and miss hits and passes that just weren't going to where they went. And is that what you feel that you could see it coming for quite a while? Go on, Sarah, you talk us through, or you've just done it.

Joe - 6:42 PM


Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:43 PM

Joe, what were your thoughts on the lead up to the goal and the goal?

Joe - 6:43 PM

It was just a comedy of errors around everyone. I love Steven and he's a really good keeper but I think it's one of the funniest things I've ever seen at a match. Just him charging out in that bright pink, outrageous kit and then just missing the ball completely. I just keep running towards the touchline, watching back, not moving. He didn't move, he just stood there.

Sarah - 6:43 PM

know, I don't think they even looked that good. We just looked terrible."

Joe - 6:43 PM

As he watched Tyler French, Charlie Waller and Hayden Muller try and stop the ball going in the net, which they did. And then I think it was Hayden Muller who clipped the pass to Steve Arnold who was standing at right back. He was just left with the ball at right back and I'd like to apologise to my commentary because I think it ended up being Steve Arnold's walked past the ball, he's not moving, the ball's going in the net, Steve Arnold's got the ball back, he's playing where Ryan Jackson should be and I've lost the plot."

Joe - 6:43 PM

But yeah, I couldn't quite believe what was happening. We just looked incompetent to say the least. We made them look ridiculously good when all they were doing was playing pretty simple and pretty not spectacular football. Jacob Hazel I think is a very good number nine but we made him look like Erling Haaland yesterday.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:44 PM


Joe - 6:44 PM

He was getting on the end of every ball and just getting anyone in his way, it looked like he beat them. I think Jack Sims deserves a run out against Dagenham. Just give Steve a break. No offence to Steve, I do love him, but yesterday was not a good day for you, mate. You had a few good saves but the lead up to the first and the third just made me a little bit nightmares.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:44 PM

Yeah, well, my favourite bit of that sequence you said isn't necessarily just the running out, it's just when he had the ball then, in the right back position, he got the ball, he had lots of space, and I was like, go on, go on, long shot forward, and he knocked it for a throw-on. I was like, you can't lump it forward! But yes, obviously we're not there making decisions on the pitch, we don't know and see everything, but it did look quite amusing.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:45 PM

It did spark us, OK? So at that point, and especially when you're watching back on the highlights, we had lots and lots of chances at that point, and it was a matter of when that ball goes in, but just nothing would. There were several good chances. Joe, do you want to talk through any of those, or that period?

Joe - 6:45 PM

Yeah, well just lots of blocks. Coming forward we looked like a real problem, especially Edwina Vaz and Ashley Nadeson with those long balls forward, Tyler French trying a few for Louis Simpa. Our final ball was awful. I know awful is a strong word but our final ball was absolutely atrocious yesterday. We got into so many good positions on the

Joe - 6:46 PM

final ball. Will Davies was obviously there to be in the middle but he never had the final ball. He was dropping deep, getting physical and he was winning the ball and flicking it on to more creative players. But the more creative players just couldn't do anything with it. We had the chances. They put their bodies on the line for that second half, or the second part of the first half. Michael Boswick, their experienced centre-back, number five, he actually played with Steve Morrison at Stevenage back in 2011.

Sarah - 6:46 PM

It was really frustrating, wasn't it? It was just so, so frustrating. We had so many chances and we just didn't capitalise on them. I remember one point where we basically nicked the ball off their keeper and it was an open goal and there just wasn't anything behind that shot. Yeah, that was the one. There was just nothing behind the shot and that's when

the defender cleared it off the line. And it was almost like there was some sort of higher power stopping us scoring because there were so many chances.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:46 PM


Joe - 6:46 PM

And so they played alongside one another. But he showed what he's, you know, he's only just dropped out of the AFL with Stevenage a year and a half ago. But he, you know, he led from the front and anything that came their way, the keeper didn't really have to do much. Either we bottled it or they blocked valiantly and our decision making just wasn't there. We looked like a team who just didn't know how to put the ball in the back of the net.

Sarah - 6:47 PM

It was like anything was happening to stop us scoring. But it wasn't that, was it? It was us and we can't deny it. I mean, I think there's a few balls just going into the box. You need a man to be on the end of those, but there was nobody there and then we've just squandered a chance, haven't we? It was going crazy, honestly. To be honest, at the end of both halves it was like that, but particularly in the first half.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:47 PM

That's a lot harder.

Joe - 6:47 PM


Joe - 6:48 PM

It was a combination of the ball was bad and the fact that the only person in the middle always seemed to be Davis. It was Davis versus three defenders and normally it would be Simpa or Harris or someone coming in behind. They weren't there and that was the problem because as much as Will Davis is quite a physical player, you can't beat three defenders.

Joe - 6:48 PM

The ball was never into him. The ball was into the box. I get, put the ball in the box, but when you're, I can't remember, I think it was Edwino Vaz, he beat two players brilliantly. I was like, Edwino Vaz, he's like one-on-one and then he just laid the ball back and just rolled across the box. Simpa, Harris, Barbrook, like four players just at the back post just watched it sail and they came up the other end and almost scored. I'm just like, if we just have that one ball with this, because in other games, Ultrium, York.

Sarah - 6:48 PM

Yep. Well, as you know, I very rarely comment on refereeing decisions because they are the ones who are qualified by EFSA, not me. And they're usually in a better position to see them on that. And most importantly, they don't have that massive bias that I have, which I think a lot of people underestimate how much that affects your perception of what's going on. But he may as well have dived for it like the keeper, because he's on the ground and the ball is in the box.

Sarah - 6:48 PM

The ball's come through and his hand is up near his head for whatever reason, and you not only see the entire ball hitting his hand, but you hear the slap. And it did change the direction of it very significantly. It was heading towards goal. Would we have scored from it? Well, you can't say, but that was a very obvious opportunity that we then denied. So I think it was quite a clear penalty shot. But what do I know?

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:49 PM

And Sarah, a lot of people mentioned there was a penalty shot. I didn't remember it myself. There was a handball. What were your thoughts on that in the first half?

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:50 PM


Joe - 6:50 PM

I would agree. I know I've got the bias as well. I don't like to be critical of referees, but that referee got on my nerves yesterday. I had some people saying six or seven pens and I was like, all right, calm down. You're not getting six pens. One I can pretty much say, but I think the referee wasn't amazing and I didn't particularly, he wasn't a fan. I think he was very inconsistent.

Joe - 6:50 PM

I think Simpa got a yellow card for what looked like a very, it looked like a strong challenge. I was probably away from the home end. It looked stronger than it was. He got the ball completely. It was an excellent, excellent centre midfielder's tackle. But because of the reaction of Giro, who went down like he's been shot, and then the moment the referee turned around, got up and started running again. Jeremy Sivis did the same thing in the second half. But then, you know, Boston got away with a lot yesterday.

Sarah - 6:50 PM

Wouldn't hear that.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:51 PM

Hmm. No. No, and you do that. That would come under the basics where Steve was talking about is there's no point getting an aggravated referee because you're just going to not get anything. You've got to be praising the referee. Oh, that was a difficult decision, ref. Or I wouldn't like to be in your shoes, ref. All that kind of crap. But we go in 1-0 down. Lots of wins.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:51 PM

I've heard a lot of cringing about the lady in the tannoy saying it was nil-nil, and blah-blah, but as Dan said, always find it stupid. They announced the score of the game you're watching. You know the score of the game you're watching. What's the point of announcing it? But yeah, made a boo-boo. Who hasn't made a boo-boo?

Sarah - 6:51 PM

Well, I don't really know. Again, I like, like I said, I tend not to judge refereeing decisions. I wasn't really, I wasn't really clear on what would actually happen there. You know, to be honest, I think that goal was probably the least embarrassing of the three. It was a decent free kick, but yeah, I didn't really know what to make of that, to be honest, so I'm not the best person to answer that question.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:51 PM

There was an injury. Obviously at first it was like, oh is he faking it, blah-blah-blah, then it went on for a bit long, and you're like, oh god I hope he's actually alright, and then he gets up and he runs around again, and it's like, well he wasn't concussed, so what was the need for all that? But that did add on to an inordinate amount of injury time. But what did you make without...

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:52 PM

Yeah, well they did score from it, and it was a good stop from Steve, but everyone did kind of stop to look at, oh he's made a great save there, oh damn I should be running in after that. Yeah, but Joe, what did you think of the retaking? Did you see why it was retaken?

Joe - 6:53 PM

Yeah, the referee just said, I asked you to wait till I whistled. They didn't. They tried to take it quickly. It was a bit like us. We've tried a few times, Josh Coley running off the shoulder of the wall, and they just didn't play to the whistle. Which I said on commentary, they, well, they can't use that again, because we'll, we'll, we'll, we covered it. And then I said, well, Boston have schooled

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:53 PM

They did.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:53 PM

Well, obviously there's lots of different things at play there, but I think if someone does that and then they miss out, you kind of go, well, no, if they score from it, you go, no, I'd say go back and get, wait for the whistle. But if they, if they do it and try and take advantage and it fails, you just go, okay, well tough, tough for you. But the, Sarah's not going to like this one either because the offside goal. So Joe, we'll start with you.

Joe - 6:54 PM


Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:54 PM

I had actually started walking around at this point, so I didn't actually see it. I heard the cheers, so I didn't actually see it until I watched it back. But I had a lot of people saying it shouldn't have been given because it was deflected by one of our players. And there was a whistle and blah, blah, blah. So when I've watched it back, I'm like, that clearly is not a deflection. That was a tackle. And the whistle thing.

Joe - 6:54 PM

Right, and I'm going to address this once, because I know there's people who are listening who have been in my DMs saying there was a whistle, stop being such a pacifist. There was no whistle. I asked on the Sutton Media group chat, the moment you have the replay, confirm if there was or wasn't a whistle. There was no whistle from the referee. I've checked for replays, I've slowed it down, I've got it on picture time. There was no whistle. Now, Simpa makes an excellent tackle. Unfortunately, the guy who's offside...

Joe - 6:55 PM

He's coming back from offside. Simpa's the last one who's touched it. It's really clear no-one else touched it because no-one in the vicinity, and he's played it through to Hazle. It's... As much as it pains me to say it, it's completely on our players. You play to the whistle. Now, I don't play football. I play football at lunch and I play football with my mates. But

even I know you play until you hear that referee's whistle. There was no whistle and we just stopped playing. Steve Arnold could have saved that. It was a good finish, but Steve Arnold definitely could have saved that.

Joe - 6:55 PM

We didn't defend him and he just curled it into the back of the net. The referee's flag was for the offside of the player who won the ball. Now, that was, I think, erroneous because, obviously, because the ball came from us. But the referee went over and said... The referee had a much better view of it. He saw he didn't take a touch and that means he's not offside because technically, although it was a slide tackle from Simpa, we passed the ball to them."

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:55 PM


Sarah - 6:56 PM

It doesn't matter if the linesman puts the flag up, does it? It's the referee's whistle that you're playing to. And if I was a Boston fan, I'd have said, well, that was actually a really good decision by the ref there. You know, I think actually that's probably the most clear-cut lesson to be learned for our players from that game. You can't just call the engines like that. You've got to wait for the whistle. I didn't think, I thought it was offside. Everyone around me thought it was offside. But, you know, they had a chat about it and now it's clear, you know, I've watched that one.

Joe - 6:56 PM

So, yeah, no whistle. It's on us. And Steve said it in his post-match. I was there and he said, look, we didn't play to the whistle. It was the thing you saw. And Charlie Waller said it as well. He was like, yeah, it's all on us. We didn't do that right. And they were complaining. And I think I do get, you know, it was a mistake from the linesman to put his flag up because he wasn't offside, which probably is going to throw a defender."

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:56 PM

Is there all your thoughts on it?

Sarah - 6:57 PM

No, I don't think we have, because we look different every game. I don't think, in the wider context of the season, I don't think it's a terrible thing to have happened. That's probably Steve Morrison's worst game in charge for us, actually. He won't be feeling satisfied with that. But his attitude is very much, don't look back once you've learned your lessons. And there are so many lessons to be learned from this game. And I think, you know, every team's going to have one dog game in the season. Every team is. And I think having it at the

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:57 PM


Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:57 PM

But yeah, it's also, I mean, it proves what you said earlier, the massive, massive bias you've got. Oh, it definitely, it was a deflection off our player. No, it wasn't. It was a clear, definite movement to win, to pass that ball. Not pass the ball, but the ball went off of that player. So, Sari, what were your thoughts? Were you, I mean, we were well beaten.

Sarah - 6:57 PM

end of September is a lot better than having it in, oh, I don't know, mid-December at Stockport, where it's kind of, you know, you've got time to learn your lessons and you've got time to, you know, you've got time to make the changes that you need to make. This team isn't used to each other yet. A lot of them don't have as much experience as a lot of other sides in the league, but they are willing.

Sarah - 6:58 PM

to learn and they can do that from this. So I think, you know, having this little wake-up call so early in the season when we, you know, apart from obviously before a screen game, we got points from every game so far. You know, when you have a disappointing performance like that, you've got to bounce back, you've got to hold your head up, you've got to walk on, you've got to look to the future and we've got time to do that because it's only the start of September. So bring it on, rest of the season, let's do it."

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:59 PM

Absolutely. Joe, what were your thoughts after the match?

Joe - 6:59 PM

I feel like Steve's post-match tells you everything you need to know. As Sarah said, I feel like he's really, I think he's just a very frank manager and he'll be honest when things don't go right. I completely agree with what Sarah said. Better to get it out of the way now. I think, you know, I think Tuesday will be a bit of a, not exercise in just bouncing back, but also...

Sarah - 6:59 PM

To the League's new champions, not to Boston United. No, you're right, you're totally right, totally right.

Joe - 6:59 PM

I think this will be more of a bounce back than Forrest Green. Like, we lost against Forrest Green. Forrest Green are an incredibly good side. They've got that power long throw from Bentoza. They've got an exceptional... Realistically, both their goals, I'm looking back on them. Amazing long throw, which not many of the other teams in the league have. And a ridiculous, when I say ridiculous, I've seen it all over Twitter. That ball forward from their keeper to split our defence open in the 89th minute is ridiculous. Brilliant finish. We didn't close them down good enough.

Joe - 7:00 PM

And we should have scored others in that game. But, yesterday, it wasn't good enough. And people like, the Stockport away, I saw things on Twitter, people like, worst performance in recent years. I'm like, did you see last season? Did you see? We lost 8-0. We lost 8-0 in the middle of Stockport and we got absolutely through. Yeah, exactly. We lost to Atherington 4-1. We lost...

Sarah - 7:00 PM

did not say that earlier, Mike

Joe - 7:00 PM

With all these matches, we were much worse. And, yesterday, defence was poor, but, you know, coming forward, we were a promising outfit. So, I think, hopefully, Dagenham are players who haven't made their mark. Hopefully, Harry Ransom, Sit Jack, Sims, Oduludu, who hasn't been out for a while, none of those things, comes back in, Josh. And just a new outlook, maybe, going into...

Joe - 7:01 PM

September, because, you know, it's a difficult run of games. I don't think there's any easy game in this league, as we're starting to find, because you think Boston's an easy game, you think Tamworth's an easy game. Well, they both weren't, at all. There are two worst performances this season, if you ask me, and that's even Forest Green we lost. So, and obviously Tamworth, there are other reasons. Yeah, so, you know.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:01 PM


Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:01 PM

This is what I was going to move on to." Yeah, well there's more. So I'm going to chuck out some words and stuff that I've picked up from various social media, and you guys can kind of pick up any of the ones you want. Disjointed, little communication, both fair. Feel like we're suffering from that late goal to Forest Green, possibly fair.

Joe - 7:01 PM

Yeah, that was. Oh, here we go. Yes! We're out.

Sarah - 7:02 PM

I think you're trying to wind her up, aren't you, Mike?"

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:02 PM

They're playing on their mind, Joe, playing on their mind. And we've never played that way before, you were shaking your head when I said it. But we've never played that way before, how perhaps they were unused to the system, which is something that we kind of said. But then it starts getting more interesting. The defense is awful, attackers are toothless, and the worst part is the midfield doesn't even exist.

Joe - 7:02 PM

Oh, well. Oh, just please. What's the point in having a count if you're saying stuff like that? We've got some of the best midfielders in the league. Lewis Simpah is way too good for this level. Attack is toothless. We've got Adrino. It just really riles me up. It just makes no sense.

Sarah - 7:02 PM

Um, I don't want to comment on those, to be honest, they're a load of rubbish. I like you know, the first two were fair, but... And I think we were a little bit embarrassing at times, but we can learn from that. If someone embarrasses themselves, you don't just carry on laughing at them, do you? You let them pick themselves up again.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:02 PM

Well, I haven't even started yet, that's only the first batch. Embarrassing. We need an experienced defender, midfielder, and striker, which does kind of say, hang on, that's a little bit at odds with the pressing game that we want to play. And people were talking about relegation, getting rid of Steve.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:03 PM

And actually, this isn't so funny, shouting abuse at Steve on the way out, he's embarrassing, he's useless, and all the rest of it. So, Sarah, did you want to pick any of those, or are you just happy with laughing and shaking your head? Okay.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:03 PM

I don't know, I've done it, I've kind of played your attention to death and everyone's still laughing at me about it, so I don't know about that. Joe, did you want to come back on any of those, or have you had enough?

Joe - 7:04 PM

It's just utter rubbish. I just can't stand it. Your team's lost and I get being angry but the last thing anyone needs is just... They know they were rubbish. You can tell by the way they react. I'm not going to even... I think someone DMed me because they obviously do the stuff and the commentary and they DMed me and said, as part of that club you should be ashamed of your performance today.

Joe - 7:04 PM

Yeah, yeah, sorry mate. My shift at left back was really poor, you know. You see that third goal, that was all me. I'm sat in the stand. Don't come... It's not even about me. It's not about the players. Let them do their job. They are a talented group. They are, you know... I don't know. I'm not responding because I'm just going to get more right now.

Sarah - 7:04 PM

That was positive. That's good.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:04 PM

Oh my God.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:04 PM

Yeah, well my kind of feeling is, hang on, when this all turns and does well, I'm not sure you have the right to be claiming it at some point. But then they'll say, well it's because I gave them those harsh words. But yeah, bless Laura Behan, she gave me something positive. She gets it, she knows what I want, and she picks it up."

Joe - 7:05 PM

I was going to reply to it. My positive, it didn't rain. Because I didn't bring a coat and I was quite cold. Because I knew I was travelling home on the train. I was slightly concerned I was going to be soaked. So that's my positive.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:05 PM

Fair enough. Well, we're going to do very quickly the good, the bad, and the funny. Obviously there's the, uh... I still need to get, like, Aussie Bear Wacka Wacka Wacka, but he doesn't.

Sarah - 7:06 PM

Hmm. Oh, Boston has a nice kit. I really like their kit. It's gorgeous, wasn't it?

Joe - 7:06 PM

The beaming smile of the Boston press. You know what, it actually made my day. They were like, well that was fun. And they just looked like they had a brilliant day out in London. So fair enough to them. They were lovely people. Really nice. And even though they could tell I was having a torrid time trying to commentate on that game, when their third guy went in, the Boston press guy smiled at me and said, sorry mate, you're having a miserable day."

Sarah - 7:06 PM

Lovely. This magenta socks. I've never seen a football kit that colour before. It's very nice."

Sarah - 7:06 PM

This is like when someone, like, offers you a tin of Quality Street and you're like, no. Except they're not chocolate, they're shit, and you have to choose one. Um, I'm gonna go with that handball. I'm gonna go with that handball, because I was like, come on. Yeah, that's what I'm thinking.

Joe - 7:06 PM

Oh, yikes. Do you know the official colour? Do you know the official name for the colour of their kit? Raspberry. It's a raspberry kit. No, no, no, because I thought, I said purple and Tony pointed to me and said, actually no, on their website it's raspberry. So for everyone that enjoyed it, that's a raspberry colour.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:07 PM


Sarah - 7:07 PM

Never happened to me, but I can imagine it, having watched the match. I mean, yesterday's match was like a box of shit chocolate. It was not chocolate.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:07 PM

I did say that I liked that kit to someone as well. But Sarah, what was your bad?"

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:07 PM

Okay, I feel we might need to explore this. It's like when someone offers you a box of chocolate and it's all shit. That sounds like it's happened. Joe, what was your bad?

Sarah - 7:07 PM

It's like the beginning of last season, wasn't it? You're 20 minutes in.

Joe - 7:08 PM

Yeah, right. The bad. I will go for the 10 minutes of added time. Just having to say that, just seeing it, I was like, because I knew the injury would take time. I thought it would be six or seven. I was like, okay, that's fine. Just seeing 10 made me just want to crawl inside a ball and weep.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:08 PM

I was behind the dugouts and when that went up I literally involuntarily shouted, what have we ever done to you? And Joe, I think it's, I can't remember which way around it is, Joe, what was funny?

Joe - 7:08 PM

Funny. I could go for the comments, but we've already rinsed that. We'll go for, what did I find funny? I found Charlie Waller's face when he had to come out for the man of the match. He'd just been thwomped in an awful defensive performance and then have to hold a trophy. I don't know why we do a man of the match for when we lose 3-0, because it's like...

Sarah - 7:09 PM

Well, I don't like to laugh on my own side, but that really was comedy defending for the first goal. You saw it coming out of St. Martin, you just had a feeling, no, it was more than a feeling, you just knew, you knew, 100% knew that we were going to concede a goal, a really stupid goal. And when it happened, it almost put us out of our misery, didn't it? But I was standing there laughing, like, not because I found it amusing, but it was just that disbelieving laugh that you do."

Joe - 7:09 PM

You know, you've been soaked by rain. You've had to pick a chocolate out of Sarah's box of chocolates, and he just stood there, glum, with his family sponsoring the match and the kids in front of him. Well done, lads. Someone's shaking his hand like, good performance. No, it wasn't a good performance. We were awful. You can see the three goals. And he just looked so dejected. I was like, yeah, that's great.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:09 PM

The best of a bad bunch.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:10 PM

Still? Again? Perfect. Right, let us know what your good fad, bad fad, bad and the funny moments were. We are going to move on to the FreeQ preview, and we spoke to Jeff earlier who supports Dagger and Redbridge, and he's the podcast host of Once a Dagger, Always a Dagger. I have done the AI on this as well, so you two can give me some early feedback.

Sarah - 7:19 PM

Leon Pereira. I loved him. I didn't know he was with Dagenham. Yeah, that's what happens to eloting players, isn't it? You can't keep track of them. No, he was great, wasn't he?

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:19 PM

Well, he didn't know he was with us, he'd been with us, and I was like, oh, OK.

Joe - 7:20 PM

One of our biggest mistakes of letting go, I can guarantee you. He was so good whenever he played. That game against Horsham, that game against Horsham, he was electric. That's all I remember. They've also got Christian and Gessen as well. I think he's Indian, but they've got Christian and Gessen, who was a rock for us when we didn't have anyone in the field at the start of last season. Well, not a rock.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:20 PM

Yeah, yeah, I think Dion leaving was just a matter of convenience, and it was, I think, up in January, or there was a break clause in January, and Steve wanted to get people in, so I think it wasn't anything against Dion, it was just space to move people around a little bit. Obviously, I don't know, but I think that's what I remember him saying, and I'm also convinced I said Billy.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:20 PM

to that bloke at some point in there. His name wasn't Billy, it was Jeff, so I don't know where the hell that came from. But what do you guys think about the game? Are we going to be a little bit cagey, a little bit tighter, and how's it going to go? We'll start with you, Gio, go on.

Joe - 7:21 PM

I think we'll go at them like 100mph. I think the boys will be very eager to prove that Saturday was a blip. I reckon we'll be in their face. I reckon, I think, to counteract the likes of Pereira, I think we're going to have to be… we're going to have to be

Joe - 7:22 PM

more of a back-and-defend kind of defender than Muller or French. We'll see what happens with that. But yeah, I hope… people haven't really been given a chance. Nanna Boateng has fallen out of favour slightly. Josh has come back from a knock. Sige. I hope Jadon Harris plays because I think on his day he could change a game. He didn't really perform on Saturday.

Sarah - 7:22 PM

Well, they'll have had a bollocking, won't they? And this is the kind of squad where you've, you know, you've got to really earn your place in the side because there's so much squad rotation. So if you're, you know, there's always someone to cover you, basically. So if you're not earning your place, then you can't expect to keep it. You can't anyway, can you? But I think Joe is right. They're going to

Joe - 7:22 PM

I'd like Will Davies to start because I think he makes a massive difference up front. But I think, again, like I said against Eastleigh, if we play well I think we can most definitely get a result. But it feels like if we play poorly, the way we play, we get punished properly for it. It doesn't feel right. I feel like as much as we've had a few draws so far, I feel

like it will be a very win-loss kind of season. If you win, you win properly and it won't be many close encounters, especially at home.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:22 PM


Sarah - 7:22 PM

go for it, because we have got something to prove now. And it's, it's difficult. I mean, I was thinking earlier, maybe it'd be a little bit like the Wheelstone game, a bit kind of gritty, but it's honestly, it's so hard to predict because yesterday turned out so different from how most of us expected. And there's other games this season that have not gone how we expected them to go. So it's really hard to say, isn't it? But I think, I think a draw is probably a fair prediction, to be honest.

Sarah - 7:23 PM

So you want me to actually commit to a proper prediction? Hmm.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:23 PM

Fair enough, we're on that word, predictions. Ooh, it looks alright today. There's the prediction league, top 10. I'm still clinging, clinging into it. Still, I think that we're on 62 games in a row now. I haven't got the result right, which is actually amazing. I don't know what I'm actually going to do when I get one right. It's going to be devastating. And there is the code for anyone who wants to play along.

Sarah - 7:24 PM

I think it was 10 more than the first time I ever went to Durham and Redbridge, because I'm not that old.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:24 PM

Nil-nil. Fair enough. Jo, you don't need to say gamblerware. I think me saying I've got it wrong 62 games in a row is probably enough for people to go, they're not going to do it. But what's your prediction, Jo? 3-1 to Sutton. Beautiful. Beautiful. Well, I'm going to obviously go with 2-1. It's going to stay 2-1 until we...

Joe - 7:25 PM

2-1. It's so good.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:25 PM

Well, if I change from 2-1, you can almost guarantee what the scores are going to be on the next match. So, at least everyone could win money by going, it's never going to be 2-1. Let's do that. Right, that wraps up this episode. We always appreciate your... Come on, Jo, say it. Do it for me.

Joe - 7:25 PM

I'm never going to say it, you know that. I'm not saying it. I refuse. On principle, I refuse to say. Bye.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:25 PM

Do it, come on, you could say it. I'll make it into a GIF. So, we appreciate your attention and feedback. Lots of questions for you to get involved with today. What was your first game and how has your perception of the club changed? Give us the answers of what you think about the tickets being given away. I think that's a great idea, to be honest.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:25 PM

And also what you feel about knee-jerk reactions. We're not the best in the world when we win and we're not the worst in the world when we lose. There's lots of lots of space in the middle of those two things. Follow, like and share our At Sudden podcast on social medias. Subscribe, give us a thumbs up on YouTube and give us a review. Let me know how the sound and the audio goes with this new editor thing.

Take Care & See you soon

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