Doesn’t Matter When We Concede with Chris & David | Sutton United v Forest Green Rovers | Transcript

Welcome back, listeners and readers, to another episode of Sutton United Talk Time on Podcast, proudly sponsored by Lucky Star Gin. I'm your host, Mike, and today we're diving into the rollercoaster that was the Forest Green Rovers match with our insightful panelists, David and Chris. We'll also look ahead to our upcoming clash with Boston United.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:03 PM

Hello, and welcome to another episode of Sutton United Talk Time on podcast. It's the Sutton podcast in association with Lucky Star Gin.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:04 PM

I'm your host, Mike, and with me today on the panel, we've got David and Chris. I've got the right agenda up, and we're going to be talking about the loss to Forest Green Rovers, and look forward to the visit of Boston next week. We've got a whole week in between games, it's amazing. Love hearing from you, join the conversations, all the rest of it, share your thoughts and give us your feedback. And on that note, just wanted to say thank you to Darren.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:04 PM

And Neil for last week's photo, because in all the mishaps at the start, I forgot to mention that bit. And it's going to be Amber Army SU again for this week's photo. So do chuck in the photos, I do give you a shout out, and it means you don't have to use my rubbish photos anymore. But we're going to dive in. David, it's been a little while, we did the end of season, I think. How have you been since?

David - 6:05 PM

You might get very good.

Chris - 6:05 PM

Yes, yes, yes. So for those who don't know, I took part in the Epson Mascot Derby as Jenny the Giraffe, which was interesting. Because I do part-run, I was moderately, not necessarily confident, but thought I wouldn't let myself down.

Chris - 6:05 PM

And then I realised I was up against a whole group of, like, 20-year-olds who looked fit as anything." It is, it is. Because like most of the other costumes, the people aren't having to hold on to their necks as they're running to prevent decapitation of the giraffe or themselves. Yeah, yeah.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:05 PM


Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:06 PM

It's off the firm. But you beat the Wumbles, didn't you? There you go, you see? So, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, but they're the ones. They're the ones to watch for, and I think probably middle of the pack is the highest we've ever finished in this, so congratulations.

Chris - 6:06 PM

I beat the Wombles, I beat Rockin' Robin. Amongst others. Amongst others. But, yes. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I mean, people did say, oh, you did well. Did I? Really? Okay. Yeah.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:06 PM

So, you were set some homework, as always, and we're going to hear the still-not-copyright-claimed Knowing Me, Knowing You song in this section.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:07 PM

So, we are asking various questions just to get sort of an insight into how people think, what people think is important to them. These are your answers. There are no right or wrong answers to anything at all. So, David, we'll go with you first. What piece of teen lore or story about Sutton United do you think every new fan should know? Obviously, lots of people do know a lot of Sutton stories.

David - 6:07 PM

The legend that is Paul McKinnon, the club's leading goal scorer. I think he should be on the O-level syllabus for everybody as they start out their Sutton United journey. From memory, I think he scored 287 goals, was it?

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:08 PM

Don't be asking me facts, come on. There's going to be people nodding along or shaking their heads. I'm not going to take that abuse. But yeah, I think I have made my thoughts clear on Paul for a long time because when I first started is when he kept getting transferred to Malmo and coming back well after the season started. Everyone was delighted to see him back and poor Lenny was pushed aside and my heart belonged to Lenny.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:08 PM

Years later, I realized how and why, but yeah, Paul is amazing. I did mention to him once we should get him on the show, but apart from a brief nod, I never heard back. So I had to chase him up. But yeah, absolutely right. Pumpkin is a legend. Chris, what's yours?

Chris - 6:08 PM

I'm going to go for something slightly more left-field, to Mike's shock. I am going to go for Sutton United Gambia branch. Yes. So, Sutton United have a club that at least for one stage was named after us. And the story is, I think, round about the year 2000.

Chris - 6:09 PM

A mysterious man, known only as Walter, appeared in a Gambian city. There was a club that was in, I think, the equivalent of League One in the Gambia. And he said that he would give them £1,000 if they renamed the club to Sutton United Gambia branch. They duly did so, because £1,000 is a fair amount of money, especially, I would say,

Chris - 6:09 PM

you know, in those days, and etc, etc. So, yeah, they then contacted Sutton United Sutton branch, who were, I think, somewhat surprised. And I don't think we know who Walter was or is. I mean, I must say, I have my own little theory. I do wonder what Tim Vine was up to in the year 2000.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:09 PM

Okay, well, yeah, I do know that inquiries were made and no one ever knew who Walter was. And obviously, bearing in mind on the forum that there's a lot of people that go back a lot of years, and you'd kind of think, you know, a lot of people, but no one.

Chris - 6:10 PM

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I think it faded a bit with COVID, because I definitely, I remember pre COVID, sort of like the late 2010s, you would see Gambia flags. And I remember also as well, working with volunteers who'd come over from the Gambia, there was there was a guy at the Arsenal match, who did a fantastic job in the tunnel. And he

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:10 PM

Yeah, it's very Sun United, but yeah, you're quite right. That's one that a lot of people wouldn't necessarily know. Perfect.

Chris - 6:10 PM

had come from the Gambia. No, and if you ever go up into the boardroom, you will see a kind of like a ceremonial shield that was presented as a gift by such a nice Gambia approach.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:11 PM

I don't know. Is there giraffes in Gambia? I don't know, but that'd be a nice little link. Yeah, let us know your thoughts. Did you know about both of those things? What's your favourite piece of Sun United sort of legend lore that everyone should know or remember? Because there's things that people wouldn't know and forgot all about. There's no real news this week and LadySide have taken...

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:11 PM

quite a bit of drama over the last few days for a player that's played in the league for five years, but once they've signed for us, it's suddenly become very dramatic. So I think their game was postponed. I'm not entirely sure the reason. I'm not sure if there was a lot of interest in it as well, but I'm just speculating there. But there's no real news to go through there. Podcast-wise, I did the meet and greet.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:12 PM

In the hospitality, I had roughly three jobs to do and forgot one of them completely and had to keep running after people anyway to hand in the second one, but I did manage to tick people off. So I was very proud I ticked a piece of paper, but then I had to give them all the bands and then I went, I've forgotten to scan the tickets. I'm really sorry. So where the attendants were, there was probably about another 14, 15.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:12 PM

And I also did a live chat with Josh Coley, thank God it was with Josh Coley, I have to say, and there was about 40 people watching, which freaked me out immensely. So if you were one of those people, let me know how I did, because I didn't like it at all. But

Chris - 6:13 PM

I think my expectation, or my hope, prior to kickoff was we wouldn't make a fool of ourselves on television. Does DAZN count as television? Or DAZN, or however it's pronounced? Yeah, it does count as television. There was cameras. Yes. Yeah. So, yeah, I kind of hope we might win. Oh, well. And, like, regarding the line-up...

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:13 PM

yes, kick-off was moved for TV, so yes."

Chris - 6:13 PM

I mean, this is only the second match I've seen so far this season, so I was kind of like, these are names. These are names with numbers next to them. None of them are Josh Coley, because I know Josh is kind of, like, coming back from injury. And none of them is Dylan, who's lovely, who is the player, one of the new recruits who I spent the most time with. Yes.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:13 PM

I did see him in the tunnel with you. What about yourself? Yeah, what about yourself, David? What were you sort of hoping, expecting before kick-off, and what were your thoughts on the line-up? You're muted yourself.

David - 6:14 PM

We're a bit early in the season to have a settled XI and it would appear that our manager likes to rotate the players, so I'm not at a stage yet where I can really second-guess what the line-up's going to be. I don't really have any hopes or expectations. I think I probably now know about five.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:14 PM


David - 6:14 PM

Because he couldn't remember their names either, so I'm still at that stage where I'm just saying the big lad and the little lad and the one who guns one down the wing. But the team, what I've seen so far of the games this season, they all look very good in the sense that they...

David - 6:15 PM

It's pretty unlikely you're going to get through 46 games based on 11 players, or even 13 or 14. So I think you're going to need 17, 18, 19 to get through the season. Plus there's all these wacky trophies on the side as well.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:15 PM

Lovely. Well, I... I think I probably know... That's fine. Don't worry. I think I know quite a few of the players, as long as they stay in their correct positions. I think if they started dropping wings or playing up front and going into defence, I would struggle, but as long as they're where they're supposed to be, on the pitch, I'll be fine. Off the pitch... Tyler's got tats, yeah, and...

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:16 PM

If they were off the pitch, I would be like, Uhhh... Just remind me who you are again. But I can put that down to being old. That was one of my big fears on the hospitality thing, is if someone comes in that I've spoken to a lot, and then all of a sudden I've got to go, And your name? Even though I've spoken to you loads, I don't know who you are! But...

Chris - 6:16 PM

And to add extra fun, there was somebody without a number on their back for the second half.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:16 PM

Yes, I knew that. That was Charlie, because there was blood, I believe. Was there? I think so. He had his shirt changed. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But, how did we... I mean, Forest Green, they've gone almost the opposite to us. They've gone for the experienced players, and they would be spending loads...

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:17 PM

Not loads, but trying to get up spending rather than with the younger players that we've chosen to go on with. It was kind of bitty, but then the goal came. Did you... I mean, it seemed to me that when Ransom came on, there may have been a little bit of confusion of who was picking up who, and we scored the goal.

David - 6:17 PM

No. It wouldn't be a concern for me, because I think you're going to concede goals. I can't remember the guy's name who's got that massive long throw. Toza, that's right, yeah. And it's a pretty...

Chris - 6:18 PM

Tozer, isn't it, I think? You can pronounce it differently if you like.

David - 6:18 PM

Any shame, particularly concerning your God, we we can see that you go, that's that happens, you know?

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:18 PM

And do you think it was more to do with the change and the little, little kind of... It was a forced change, so it wasn't a planned, we can go, we'll do it here, there. So do you think it had anything to do with the change, or is that just me closing the straws?"

David - 6:18 PM

I really couldn't, I just, I don't know my word, far be it from me to say that you're overanalyzing anything. But I don't know, I don't, I couldn't necessarily correlate it to that, no, I don't think so.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:19 PM

No. Fair enough. Chris, what do you think about the set piece for it, and was the first goal down to anything?

Chris - 6:19 PM

I think I'm less forgiving because it's no secret that the man has a catapult throw, so we ought to be able to kind of go, yeah, yeah, yeah, this guy launches balls like ballistic missiles, so we need to be watching. It looked to me, from the title, as if...

Chris - 6:19 PM

as if we fell asleep. I watched the highlights this afternoon. I think I'm, yeah, I think I'm a little bit more relaxed, but still, I just felt that it was something that we could have and should have dealt with. So it may well be confusion, kind of, yeah, yeah. I think you certainly, you need to, you need to mark your centre forwards." And it didn't look like that was happening.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:19 PM

Yeah. So, we did have a few sort of chances, half-chances. Were you a little bit frustrated that we didn't convert any of these before half-time, Chris, or was it just good marshalling? Because again, I mentioned Tozer, he's obviously a very experienced bloke, organising everyone at the back. Was it frustrating, or was it just that kind of, like, it's not quite our day yet?

Chris - 6:20 PM

Um, so I think it was frustrating. I mean, I just felt it wasn't going to be our day. And like earlier on today, I watched Steve Cottrell's post-match interview, the current Forrest Green Rovers manager, and he, yeah, I kind of agree with him that we, to be honest, we didn't really look like scoring. And yeah.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:20 PM


Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:21 PM

And what about yourself, David? Did you rue those chances, or were you thinking, oh, it's gonna come?

David - 6:21 PM

Yeah, I thought we played pretty well. I mean, I was quite impressed actually, there was two or three players that I thought were particularly, that were kind of standout for me. What did seem a bit lacking is we had a lot of play being developed down the right hand side, as far as I could see.

David - 6:21 PM

of the definitive pass into the box and it did feel sometimes like the crosses were a bit more in hope than expectation, you know, kind of lobbing a wedge into the area and see what happens, whereas as opposed to a pass to somebody in a scoring position. But of course, that's also because we're not playing on the

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:21 PM


David - 6:22 PM

seem to kind of get anywhere interesting. I don't know if you guys have this sense, but I got the sense that we're a bit lopsided in the sense it all seems to be happening down the right hand side. Is that fair? Or is that very unfair? That was my perception.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:22 PM

Yeah, I mean, this is one of the points where I've had...

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:22 PM

I mean, a lot was, I'm not sure if that was deliberate, because Nana's very, very quick and very good as well, but the getting the ball into the box is something I was going to kind of go on to do. It was a couple of people have mentioned that on social media about things like free kicks and getting early crosses in, but I was feeling that we did do that early, but they were just dealing with it.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:23 PM

with everything, and we weren't winning anything in the box, so what's the point of crossing it in or lumping it in if all it's going to do is come back out? So I think they were trying to keep the possession and work it in a bit better, but it just wasn't happening, but I get everyone's just like, get it in the box, but there's no point if they're just going to head it back out.

David - 6:23 PM

Yeah, and also, again, based on what I was seeing, their defenders were very tall and our front line is not that tall, and so in terms of aerial balls into the box we're clearly at a disadvantage, so that didn't seem to be...

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:23 PM

Chris, what did you think about getting it forward, getting it in, or were you happy to see them try and work it?

Chris - 6:23 PM

I mean, I was happy to see us trying various things, but I mean, those, it was, yeah, as David was saying, it was quite clear that we were dealing with a very well-martialed defense. Um, I mean, I did feel that, like, we might get something sort of like, that could be a little bit of a, um, a scrappy goal. Uh, and like the goal that we did score was definitely not scrappy.

Chris - 6:24 PM

Uh, it was, it was a very good goal. Um, but also as well, it was kind of like a bit of a ways back. So, and I'm glad that we did try a couple of attempts at kind of like longer age shots on target. So like we were kind of going, okay, well, this isn't working, let's try this. So yeah, there's creativity, um, which, yeah, which certainly, yeah, we didn't see that much of.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:24 PM


Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:25 PM

It is, again, game six, so I know there's lots of other teams in similar positions with teams as well, but sometimes you feel a bit harsh. But you mentioned the goal, did you think at that point, Chris, that, you know what, we might go on and do this now the momentum has shifted to us, or did you think, shut up shop?"

Chris - 6:25 PM

I did have this sneaky feeling that we might win it. Uh, and I was thinking that it would, yeah, it would have been quite unfair, but I'm also, I wouldn't have had an issue with it, uh, but, uh, yeah, uh, I, I, I did think cause like forest green did seem to collapse a little bit, um, um, and, but then it was like, what a minute or two later that.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:25 PM

David, how are you feeling after the goal? And what did you think about the goal and not be scored?

David - 6:26 PM

Oh, I thought it was a great goal. I mean, it was like a proper goal, you know, like properly worked and there were some passes and the guy, he laid it off, and I can't remember the name of the guy who laid it off now, and the guy who scored, which I should have...

Chris - 6:26 PM

Civvie, I think.

David - 6:26 PM

lively, and it was a shame that they got one at the end. I reckon a draw would have been a fairly fair result. But in the end, in football, it never is a fair result. I mean, whoever scores more goals wins. That's the name of the game, right? So there's no point saying it would have been fair or it should have been. I mean..."

Chris - 6:26 PM

Yeah, history doesn't... Yeah, yeah, history doesn't record... Yeah, history doesn't record all the various different chances.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:27 PM

Come on, you can't ruin the process like that. Yep.

David - 6:27 PM

I found yesterday really actually very encouraging. I felt very positive about it. I thought there was tons of good stuff. There was a lot of good play. There was some really good... I thought there... I don't know if I'm in a minority of one here, but I thought there were loads of good individual performances, lots of energy. You can see what we're trying to do, I think.

David - 6:27 PM

Let's move on to the next one. But I think we've got move on, but being encouraged, I think, because we weren't walloped by them at all, I don't think. We held our own. I think for... I would say if it was a points decision, it would be something like 5.5, 4.5. I think they shaded it probably.

Chris - 6:28 PM

That was the thing I found slightly strange about listening to Steve's interview, or little bits of it that were on YouTube, where he sort of like felt that we outplayed them. And I know he's the manager, he's going to talk stuff up and everything, but yeah, because I certainly, I would say, well, I mean, yes.

Chris - 6:28 PM

Yes, we did well. Yes, we are doing well for a team that didn't know each other two to three months ago. So yeah, we are doing well. Though also, I think, yeah, I think we were kind of like a balance outplayed. But yeah, it was, yeah, yeah, I did slightly wonder what Steve had watched, but also he's always going to be the fastest.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:29 PM

Yeah, I mean, well, he did that a few weeks ago, there was a game where he kind of roasted the team, was it Tamworth, and said we weren't great, or, no, it might not have been Tamworth, but yeah, and he kind of roasted them and was the list, and then he sort of said, actually I watched it back and it wasn't as bad as I thought, so when he was saying all that

David - 6:29 PM

What what did Jesus look like?

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:29 PM

I did think, I wonder we're going to hear him go, well, I watched it back, actually, it wasn't as good as I thought it was, but yeah, I mean, as we said, Forest, or as I said, Forest Green have recruited experienced players, they know how to play, our players know how to play, but I think the experience told. I'm not saying I'd rather have a team of experienced players because I think our team is far more exciting and going to be interesting to watch, definitely we're going to get the fun

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:29 PM

back, which is what I've been saying is what I want, so yeah, I thought it was disappointing and yes, I get why some people have said the things which I'll get on to in a minute, but David said we're going to lose games. If we went through the whole season unbeaten, it would be very surprising. But the late winner, which came very shortly after the late equaliser,

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:30 PM

I mean, first of all, how the hell did he keep it in? It's like, come on, let's go now. But the cross then was an excellent cross and a good finish. Obviously, you hate to say it, but were you gutted or did you think, you know what, they probably did deserve that? I know it's a late conceding goal and you're always going to be gutted, but...

David - 6:30 PM

Well it's disappointing isn't it always to lose it I mean it's disappointing to lose a goal in the last minute effectively I mean that's what it was and that I don't think they necessarily deserved it I mean they deserved it because they scored two we scored one that's the name of the game right so that's

David - 6:31 PM

because it happens to be scored at the end and it would be in the first minute or the 23rd minute so I think the all of that side of it does I don't think makes any difference really to how I feel about losing or winning I mean we were there when

Chris - 6:32 PM

I, yeah, I think frustrated, but also as well, like, after the match, I didn't feel melancholic, which is what I did sometimes last season. So, yeah, we're also just watching back on the highlights. It was an incredible kind of, was it a kick?

Chris - 6:32 PM

Or a throw by the keeper to kind of, like, get it up there. I mean, it was, yeah, it was phenomenal work. Like, I would almost say Pickford-esque. So, yeah, he did, even, so it seemed, yeah, right down there in the tunnel, like, watching it, it just seemed as if it kind of, like, came from nowhere. But, yeah, which is what.

David - 6:33 PM

yeah and it was brilliant it was brilliantly taken the goal was very well taken I mean it's you know that you put into the bottom corner Steve Arnold had not not a chance

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:33 PM

No chance at all. But the question is, is it a bit of the youthful naivety that we had just equalised and we were going to try and get the winner, rather than just going, you know what, lads, we've got out of jail here a little bit, let's just sit tight. I personally, and I think Steve...

Chris - 6:33 PM


Chris - 6:33 PM

I think I would have preferred us to have settled for it, but I can also understand the appeal of the, to use a cricketing term, the bass ball approach, which seems to be what we're trying to do here. So, I mean, it's entertaining, but there are times where I'm just watching through my hands. I mean, literally, yesterday.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:34 PM


Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:34 PM

Yeah, but I mean, same question to you, David, but the question really is only coming up because it didn't go our way. If we had got a late winner, we'd have all gone brilliant, fantastic, but do you think it was maybe we should have went, let's just stick with what we got. We got a draw. We're unbeaten still.

David - 6:34 PM

yeah hindsight so much easier than foresight the things you know in life had we scored having that attacking verve and intent and ambition then we would all be sat here say celebrating that attitude and what a

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:34 PM


David - 6:35 PM

is a spread bet where you attack and you leave a couple of people back or a couple more people back but I'm not the football tactician say how you do that but or but probably on another day you would have thought maybe the ball just needs to be booted into Collingwood Breck and

David - 6:35 PM

and I reckon if we keep on playing like that this year will do pretty well I'm not sure we'll do well enough to get into the playoffs that's that's a big ask I think for a brand new team but that's like another conversations that you know what time will tell but I think that they put I think it's a really good performance there like I thought the Charlie Waller right

David - 6:36 PM

simple it really good I think that they there was a lot of really good performance overall I thought was very positive you know

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:36 PM

It's very, very good." The unbeaten run, overrated, don't want them anyway, but now we can argue that there's no wins in three. It's one extreme to the other. So Steve kind of, as we mentioned, he's kind of put it down to one of those things. We played all right and it just didn't fall for us. I did, when I was speaking to Josh, the thing is though,

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:37 PM

I did try to clarify the whole thing where Steve doesn't mind conceded goals, and Josh kind of went, yeah, I think that's very, very simplifying how he actually feels about it because there's a lot of things that he would criticize to allow that goal. So he said, don't worry, he does criticize goals going in, it's not just all go for it. We've covered quite a lot of the stuff I'd written about post-match, about it was a good performance, certain players played well, but this just didn't click for whatever reason.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:37 PM

Some of the things I wanted to pick you guys up is, I'd already mentioned about the set pieces and the pumping into the box, but there was a couple things like worst performance of the season, which technically I suppose is correct, because we lost, it's the first time we've lost, yeah, not good performance, yeah, yeah, not good performance.

Chris - 6:37 PM

It's true. It's true. I mean, it'll be probably the best performance of Laugham, one of the best performances of last season, but it's the worst performance of this season so far. Yeah.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:38 PM

Not good enough, and we threw it away." I'm thinking potentially that these are knee-jerk, overly harsh reactions to a loss, but David, what do you think? As I say, worst performance of the season, not good enough, threw it away. Yeah, different people and different medias, I'm not naming their names.

David - 6:38 PM

I don't know I don't know who I don't know who said that is this like on the message board or whatever yeah okay so I'm very bad at following stuff online I don't really well people can say what they want can't they I mean it's a free country so but I do think you're

David - 6:38 PM

we don't so I don't think we've gone from being you know fantastic world beaters to terrible in a week and all that stuff about the unbeaten run was getting on my nerves anyway Mike because because that reminds me a bit of the the old days in the last period of the previous manager there was a lot of that

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:39 PM

Everyone knows.

David - 6:39 PM

it's more interesting to be winning games and getting three points in my opinion

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:39 PM

There is a psychological, we've not been beaten yet, but again it's one of those things of when it gets to like, let's say 12 games, you then have to think, well actually we don't, we want to protect the unbeaten run rather than go for the win. So you're right, it eventually gets too much, I think. But Chris, what are your thoughts on some of the comments going around?

Chris - 6:40 PM

Yeah, yeah, I mean, I think it's, yeah, I can, I can understand frustration. And also, I think the fact that we did it in front of TV cameras is also, I think that will rankle a bit. But I mean, I know of like one of my, one of my colleagues.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:40 PM

I don't know. Just don't watch, it's fine. Let's keep doing it, just don't watch.

David - 6:40 PM

If I could do a little shout-out, there was a friend of mine at the game yesterday, physically, I was watching on TV because I'm outside of the UK at the moment, and a good friend of mine was at the game and we were speaking on the phone.

David - 6:41 PM

Hey bro, I think we're looking good.

Chris - 6:41 PM

Yeah, when we concede, I have a kind of like, a hope that we will score again to equalise, whereas last season didn't, yeah, yeah.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:41 PM

I'm gonna concede again. There'll be another go in this, but it's going in Aaron. Right, we're gonna wrap up on the match with the final bit of the good, the bad and the funny. So it's the whole matchday experience. So David, I don't know what you're gonna say about the whole matchday experience, but you watched it on the new TV platform, so there you go. So what was good? Oh hang on, I've got to play the jingle, I can't just go into it.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:41 PM

And that one does get copyrighted every week. So what was good? So David, we'll start with you. What was good about the matchday?

David - 6:42 PM

Are you talking about the game or the matchday experience?"

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:43 PM

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, cool. Was it our commentators that were on there? Do you know, or is it? No.

David - 6:43 PM

I don't know whether at some point there'll be people saying, well, I'll just stay at home and watch this rather than go to the game, especially in a league where you've got matches which are miles away. But anyway, I think that's really good.

Chris - 6:43 PM

A water tank.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:44 PM

Which match is that? Right, so if it's the Eastley match, that's Joe. That's Joe who comes on here. Is he? He's on to SUST this season, so he'll be delighted. He's squashed it up. Right. Yeah, fair enough. Fair enough, alright.

David - 6:44 PM

Yeah. Oh, is it? OK. Yeah, no, he was great. OK. And then yesterday there seemed to be a guy on who seemed to know a lot about football, and he'd obviously been on the inside, but I couldn't tell you who it was. Sorry about that.

Chris - 6:44 PM

I think there was a former manager of Forest Green Rovers who was certainly involved and part of the presentation team. I don't know if he was doing the commentary. But yeah, I watched highlights from both our Twitter, or ex-Twitter, it's called Twitter, account and Forest Green's, and it was exactly the same.

Chris - 6:44 PM

same feed with exactly the same commentary. So I assume it was kind of like, yeah, it was, yeah, that doesn't, D-A-Z N, doesn't, doesn't, yeah, whatever. But yeah, I will say for my good, so we had a lovely series of conversations with a gentleman in a, in a very nice suit called Tony, who was part

Chris - 6:45 PM

of the D-A-Z-N presentation team and was often kind of like in and around the benches. And he, he called one of my colleagues the most helpful man in Sutton, which was, I mean, and he was lovely. I didn't quite catch what Tony's surname was, but Tony was a treat and I look forward to him coming back. Yes.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:45 PM

Lovely. So we're going to stick with you. What was bad for you?

Chris - 6:45 PM

Oh, what was bad? Um, I don't know. I think, I think kind of conceding. Oh, actually the fact that Ambers wasn't available was annoying. Uh, so, uh, yeah, so people had to kind of like go into the 1898 slash VP bar, um, because, um, uh, because there was a party planned. Uh, and though I can also

Chris - 6:46 PM

understand from a commercial point of view that we had probably signed deals and contracts, uh, assuming that it was going to be, you know, uh, a three o'clock kickoff. Uh, so yeah, I mean, it was, it was slightly annoying and, and kind of did make us make, I think some people feel as if, as if we were kind of like being forced into a small room in our own club.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:46 PM


Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:46 PM

Yeah. Not sure. I'm not going to join in with all of it, but there was a bad to-do with the bar staff as well, because there were various people who weren't available, and one of the drafts went, or one of the guests went, or whatever, I don't understand it, and they were getting quite a bit of abuse, especially from one particular person. And it was just not pleasant, but unfortunately it was...

David - 6:47 PM

Conceding a goal in the 89th minute. It's got to be.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:47 PM

Fair enough, fair enough. And what was funny... Don't say conceding a goal in the 89th minute, that wasn't funny. David, it's you.

Chris - 6:47 PM

Um, well, I've got a kind of like, what's funny, weird was how pundicity the referees suddenly got in the second half, and I was like, oh, you want this to be a perfect game of football. Okay. All right. Um, that, and also like what, that there was, um, that incident, I think it was late on in the second half where, where kind of, uh, uh, it, where Forest Green

Chris - 6:48 PM

utterly seemed to miss kick a free kick. And, and it was, and then it suddenly became, uh, kind of like a, uh, like a drop ball kind of situation. I was like, I have no idea what was going on there, nor did anybody else. Uh, and that seemed all quite mystifying. Um, uh, uh, funny, amusing, uh, was, uh, overhearing, uh, a, uh, a member of Sutton staff

Chris - 6:48 PM

having to negotiate with Domino's and sort of like say, are you really here? Uh, cause like, we often, the players often get, um, their post-match meal from Domino's, uh, and, uh, and Domino's required a bit of persuading or something. I think the driver had got lost or, um, or there, there was certainly a bit of a to-do going on. And, uh, I was kind of thinking, yeah,

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:49 PM

Yeah, absolutely. There was another decision, I think it was in the first half, Will was being pulled back by his shirt, you could literally see his shirt being pulled, and the referee gave a free kick against us. Alright, I don't pretend to understand all the rules, but that seemed really odd. But David, what was funny about the day for you? Adverts during the first half? I don't know how it was.

David - 6:49 PM

I promise, Mike, I've been thinking about this for 24 hours non-stop and I haven't been able to think of anything that was particularly funny. I'm really sorry. I've screwed up your format. But neither weird nor humorous. I just, like, nothing particularly that falls into that category.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:49 PM

No problem at all. Excellent. Right, so we are going to dive into the FreeQ preview. I should have mentioned this before we were off camera. Apparently when this video starts playing there's a little unmute button that you need to press on your own systems which allows you to hear what they've got to say. So we're just going to go with this now and hear what Damien had to say from up the Pilgrims podcast.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:58 PM

OK, just so you also know, you go on mute straight away after the playing video. So what did you think there? Chris, we'll start with you. Did you match what your kind of thoughts were? It's been a struggle for them this season.

Chris - 6:58 PM

yeah, yeah, I, I, I, I think, yeah, that I can understand why, why they're kind of feeling a little bit like how they are given their league position. Um, uh, so I was also looking at Wikipedia at their squad, uh, and according to Wikipedia, they have an Australian international cricketer playing for them. Cameron Green, uh, the Wikipedia article, it's slightly amusingly links to the.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:59 PM

Perfect. David, I was just about to go David and he disappeared from the screen, but David, what did you think about what Damien had to say there?

David - 6:59 PM

Encouraging. Because, yeah, because I think if they like passing the ball around but they're not very confident they're going to do very well this year, that sounds like a great combination for us. So, I'd like to, I think if we go...

David - 6:59 PM

So, we've got to put points on the board. So, if we are playing one of the weaker teams and we're playing at home and we've got a week to recover from the previous game, then I think we should be coming out of the traps flying and looking to win comfortably. I think that should be the ambition.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:00 PM

Perfect. Well, I'm going to ask your prediction in a second. Oh, I've almost got that picture right. It's close. It looks awful, but it's close. So there's the current leaderboard at the moment. Pessimistic PC didn't get the result right yesterday, which is brilliant for everyone else. But hardly anyone got anything right yesterday, to be honest. I think the top point scorer was someone who got Jeremy as a goal scorer.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:00 PM

So, if you do want to join in, the link is coming up right now, or it's on all the socials, and I remind everyone twice a week or something. So, join in if you want to play along. But to you guys, what is your actual prediction? So you said three or four, David. What's your actual going to be? Go on. Is it three or four, Neil, you want to go for? Three-one. Okay.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:01 PM

And yourself, Chris? Two-nil. Well, I'm going to stick with my very boring two-one until I get one right, so we're standing at, I believe, 60 games now that I've not got a result right, so don't put any money on two-one. No, I'm

sticking. You know what, if I change, what's going to happen on Saturday? It's going to be two-one. I'll be like, you're fuming.

Chris - 7:01 PM

Hey, now.

David - 7:01 PM

Have you, Mike, have you thought about changing strategy or are you, no, sticking with that? Okay.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:01 PM

We were very close the other day as well, but yeah, we're all good. So we're going to actually wrap up this episode. Thank you everyone for your attention and feedback. We'd like you to follow us, share, like, retweet, do all the rest of it on social media, let us know which Sutton story lore you think others should know. Subscribe, leave reviews, let me know what you think. If you were at a meal yesterday, let me know what you think.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 7:01 PM

My live broadcast. And we are back on Sunday with Joe and Sarah. This is not a typo. This is not an old thing. We are back on Sunday with Joe and Sarah because it's kind of re-gone around again. We're in September now. So get the questions sent in. As always, thank you to our sponsors, Lucky Star Gin. Big thank you to our panel today, David and Chris. Thank you both. And thanks to you, the listeners. I hope you've enjoyed this episode of Sutton Podcast.

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