Don't Tell The Kids with Jenny & Neil | Transcript

Once again apologies for the YouTube Version, the platform I pay quite a bit for is not behaving!

hello and welcome to another episode of su United talk time on podcast is the Sutton podcast in

association with Lucky Star Jin I'm your host Mike and today on the panel we have Jenny and Neil in this episode we're

going to be covering the trip to Woodstone and we're going to look forward to the visit of York and the artwork that you guys can't see but it

will be on the thing um is from Leo who is Amber Army on Twitter so it's Amber

Army Su on X not Twitter so thanks Leo for the artwork

um we love the engagement the comments the sending stuff in answering questions

call me a [ __ ] Whatever It Is Love It Chuck it all in um as as Jacka said all engagement is good engagement don't more

on too much um chat with other fans uh let us know what you'd like to hear next let us know what you think of the

podcast and all those likes and shares do let the algorithms get it in other people's um faces as well we're going to

jump in and we're going to say hello to Jenny and was your summer off

Jenny very good watching the Euros bit like watching something got to say um

yeah time off bit traveling around as normal but looking forward to the football starting it's a long time since

MK Don absolutely yeah um and we have a

debut we have new Neil no I'm just gonna say Neil hello Neil mik

hi there Mike and Jen yeah lovely to be on lovely thank you for joining us um we're gonna ask you to tell us a little

bit about yourself and how you discovered your love for S United and in fact the sound machine's going to come

back into play I want to know who are

you see that little bit of panic when it didn't come in straight away I was like oh God it's not working um so yeah NE

tell us a little bit about yourself and how you started supporting S I know it's a fairly recent um

Journey yeah absolutely so um I I mean Cricket has always been my first love as

a sport and then in the last couple of years um I think it was the Australia World Cup there was a women's football

World Cup in Australia and New Zealand a few years back U or maybe it was in last year but anyway I was waking up very

early with my daughter my older daughter I got two daughters and we' be watching games and she she said to me Daddy I

want to go to a match a local match and then I I looked at tickets I thought let me look at Palace tickets and you know

it was a couple of days before uh it was it was like a Thursday evening and it was the prices are outrageous for the

Saturday I was like oh she might not even like it I might not even enjoy it so why spend all that so I thought let's

go down to certain and it was just a blast it was just a really really good experience that we met Jenny the giraffe

and like the kids still yeah exactly and um yeah I they remember Jenny many of

the game but no and then it was just it was a very positive experience coming to the game on the Saturday and I came

again on the following Tuesday's game I think it was I think I can't remember which game it was now anyway Tuesday

evening game was great atmosphere um couple of years ago now and um yeah and

then what happened is I grew up in the area we moved away and then sort came back I was bumping into people from

school bumping into you know you chat someone next to you in the crowd and you find out you know you live couple of

roads down from each other and then it was just a very congenial atmosphere and I just really really enjoyed it and I I

think it was a Saturday game against we played crew um this was a Matt graay was still manager and crew were one nil up

and then um freezing cold Saturday after we scored an equalizer and um there's two guys either

side didn't know them been chatting to them but when we scored we just all had arms around each other jumping up and

down and um yeah it was just unbelievable and it's just that connection with the S the other fans and

stuff really that that that that kept me coming back and uh yeah I still hooked

now to be honest yeah that's do you know what you you left that message on YouTube um where

we're talking to Paul Brunson and he' said his little story and you kind of

that Echoes a lot of what I said and it's almost word for word without turning to a stranger a hug on me I was okay I didn't

realize it was quite that um so I suspect at one stage this season your

girls may get a bit of extra attention from Jenny the giraffe because you may or may not know and don't tell them but

Jenny has been Jenny and at least two occasions now three now three now okay

only need two so Jenny has been Jenny so she can't see much but if she sees you

and you say hello Jenny you handing out Easter

eggs not that one the first time she did it was was it last season yeah yeah when

we played Wimbledon yeah so first time she did it and um and then there was

near Christmas I was guiding her around yeah and um I said something to her

because I I'd done a dress up in an outfit years ago friend dress and I said oh let me just double check are you actually smiling when the photos are

taken and she's like yeah and I was like you know no one can see what you're doing this outfit she's like I still do

you can't help it you can't help it but yeah no is it is it is a nice little

club and it does hook you in like as as everyone has said is once you start coming you start coming um you said it's

been a couple years for me it's um 35 wow go on Jenny

61 I my dad took me when I was five and I'm well you work it out then

yeah it's more you're 27 yeah 27 years young yeah it it does hook you in and

you can't get away from it yeah yeah hooks you in right so there is another

bit well not another bit a bit of homework I set you um I do have to say when I did these questions these random

questions it was at the end of last season and it wasn't when they were chucking around all the words professionalism and all the rest of the

changes they want to make but um this one's quite relevant I think so it's the Knowing Me Knowing You section and ABA

still haven't put a copyright on me for this


so the question I asked and we're gonna start with you Jenny because was have a slightly different perspective with

young on as well um but what changes or improvements would you like to see at the club over the next few

years I made notes I made notes oh my God I know no um um I'd love to see um

on a big scale the Collinwood road side you know there's always been the

plans about building something there you know changing rooms and and the thing

yeah I'd love to start seeing that come to fruition or being made a start of because it's such a big space there

could be a really good you know uh you know such a lot of wasted space for us

um you know it could be a great space I'd like to see that uh materialize or

starting to materialize and if I on a very small

note that hopefully this season the change I'd like to see I'm not sure how

they'll do it on Saturday um when I was coming back after

half time to go to this so from the grandstand side obviously when I was

going back to the standing where you were Mike um you know down the

Collinwood Road end the steward wouldn't allow me to walk through the seated part okay I had

to go round the back the back now I I wasn't impressed I won't say what I said

I think I just called him a jobsworth because I said I don't sit I mean he's not going to know me but I don't see it

the thing is I went around the back quite fast and I only just got in when

the second goal went in and I would have been Furious if ID missed that and I

thought is there not a way where you know if people walk by and

they suddenly sit down the stward could go up yeah I'm not GNA do that I you know so I'd like to see that sort of

sorted out maybe it happens um I think they got to be sensible I I don't want to see it don't you know I need to give

you a pass because you were been Jenny so they should have said you a little bit paper to say they didn't know that

that was me EXA EXA but I only just got that goal and I was thinking as I walk around if I miss a goal I'm going to be

furious you know there was there was a lot of things like that yesterday with not yesterday Saturday with theing um

because apparently Paul got stopped coming up the tunnel um asked for his media pass and it was

uh no no no um Paul the photographer um it was media passes haven't been given

out to anyone yet well we can't let you pass without media pass and you had people coming out go no no one's got a media part it's fine they to argue to go

no let them out because there are no media parties um so yeah there's going to be a few things like that obviously

it's new I'm being I know it'll probably get sorted out and and I don't expect special treatment and it what was nice

is that some of the stewards recognize you know we recognize them they recognize us and I didn't get any greef

about going in the the 1898 thing um the last down our end she was the one that

used to be at the other end she knew so oh lean yeah yeah she's yeah the new

people and you know I'm not I'm not g and it we'll get sorted out but I thought there must be a way where we can

walk through that area um yeah I hopefully because I'm not I'm not

confident there will be because it's such a small um walkway um not that it's

to stop people necessarily sitting down it's more to stop people walking across people's view as well so you have people

going paid for a seat and I got people walking in front of me I yeah yeah Fair it's something supporters and I go me

I'll run yeah exactly that's a that that that was what I'd like to see maybe

they could sort it out absolutely there's loads to sort out um yeah stand I think a lot of people like the idea of

I'm GNA get this wrong was it Maidstone who had a new stand and they were saying

we could have one like that it wasn't did M stand have 3G which one of them's got 3G yeah maon have they had a new

stand a few years ago and a lot of people were saying something like that across the um the park end would be

lovely um but whe we're gonna get it or not um I'd I'd love that to happen you

know it's been a long years now they about it when we played Arsenal that they thr before that

yeah Neil um with your your own thoughts and your dad thoughts what changes would

you like to see at the club in the next few years so I think um and I haven't been

to um Ganda Green Lane this season so far I missed the first home game but

last season I did think the fan Zone area was really quite tired like if I I'm honest now that may have been

upgraded and I think it has like from what I've seen but yeah so I mean that's

sorted already probably so I can't make it this weekend but when I come to next home game in a few weeks I I'm looking

forward to that because I just thought it was just looking really disheveled and probably for good reason they holding back until end of the season to

to fix it but the nice thing is that they I like I like when they the club

have done um you know sometimes they had the the women's players out there sort of greeting fans some the the men's

players before the game and I think you can't underestimate how much you know how much that that that's appreciated by

like the fans especially those with kids and stuff and um and times when there

sort of a little football Court set up so the kids can run around and play Just near the fans and I think that works

really well and everyone's like you know everyone you know it's just good fun that engagement you know you play a bit

and then you go inside and you watch and it all builds up builds up to the game doesn't then you see Jenny and then you

know then it's just life is life is peat to that point but if you're if

especially if you're below eight years old but um yeah so that that was probably my main thing really the fans

are but it sounds like that's that's um improved and probably the other thing again this is pretty quite small but um

and it's probably not directly to do with the club either but the sort of range of food and drink um in the in the

in the stools um inside the ground yeah Beyond just you know chips and the burger like which are which are great

but like maybe a few more ranges of burger or I don't know some kids drinks

or something just like those fruit shoots or something it just makes it it's it's a very very small Point um but

it makes it makes a difference like when you when you're taking little ones along no absolutely um it it is on the radar I

have no more information than it's on the radar um and yeah there's lots of little things that aren't there there's

um no sort of vegetarian or vegan options other than chips um so there's

lots of little things that could easily happen other for me sort of sit there and I think there's no reason why we

can't have a massive pole a bowl of chili or a massive like vegetarian Curry

or just there you can dollop it into like one of those poistar and go there you go off you go to make so far the two

away games we've been shown up with our catering yeah they've been very very good and you know they're smaller clubs

in theory than ours and it we would be embarrassed if they came to ours at the

moment they would it's very very good at Wilson and at Tamworth yeah I mean the

only thing I know is it's been mentioned many times I think you were very generous with your oh the burgers are

good um but it's been mentioned a lot um yeah the fan zones changed a little bit

um I have to admit when the first fan Zone went up I did I was kind of really excited for it um and it was coincided

when we went to Wembley I was asked to have a little look at the fan Zone Wembley take photos and I was like yeah this is going to be great and I got there and I was like it's literally a

bar a a food out and some barriers that's that's all it was so then when people start moaning

about hour one hang on a minute this is way better than was a wimbley so let's just let's sort it out so yeah there's

lots of nice little things that's G behind at that end and um it can be sort of developed because it's kind of nicely

hidden away um so you can't see the pitch which is obviously you're not allowed to um so I think you'll enjoy

and there's a look semi permanent um small area for the kids to play that um with the footballs and there was someone

there certainly feeding the ball in as as they went flying off so they got to carry on playing as well so that was

good um yeah I mean for me this it's the little things um the the that side would

love to see it developed my my dream was a big stand with the change rooms and stuff underneath the stand um food and

drink Outlets so because I know at some stage especially if we go up we're going to be stuck in our little bits so if you

choose that end you're not going to be a just to wander around and stuff so everyone's got to have their own little things as well so um just get all those

little things take people's money is what I want but don't make them feel like they're taking their money like

they got have a great day out and so on um right quickly on to Club news uh the

coach to eastley is uh being taken bookings for now so make sure you jump on it it's shaping up to be a very

interesting match at the moment um and um yeah thanks Steve and everyone you've

signed a new player I managed to get someone to a scouting report for me tomorrow but you chose to play him literally the day after so everyone's

going to seen the player before they hear um my in-depth report about the player and there's nothing really

special to say on the podcast so yay um prematch Neil we'll start with you did

you even try and predict the lineup because um if I had I would have gone

with a very unchanged side um because you win 5- nil you keep it the same no

no not Steve five Chang I think it was but how did you feel line four or five yeah yeah

yeah five changes wasn't it yeah I I didn't I didn't try and predict it I I was I just did the same sort of guess

work as you Steve my come in sorry and um that it'll be largely unchanged maybe

a couple of the players had niggles I I don't know but um it was it was good that um was it CH did Charlie wall was

it his debut yeah yeah and he I I I thought that was good he I thought then

we're going to come on to this but I did think sort Wiston were were you know quite good going down that side and you

know he had a lot of work to do but the goal was was would have boosted his confidence a lot so in terms of the

pre-match from the previews I'd read I thought largely unchanged team I was completely wrong and I was thought we

would probably eat a narrow win which thank goodness was a was right basically based on based on the results I'd seen

from Wiston last year it would have been quite poignant to see um Craig as well CRA play but I think he

had an injury he did he was about beforehand did you see him Jenny or no I didn't I was look but I didn't see him

but um he was about I know I know quite a few people had a little chat with him and stuff oh right oh that's good

because I thought well to be quite honest like the team he would only know like

Jacko uh Steve Arnold and and Josh Coy and I thought so he he might have stood

with the fans which wouldn't have looked good at Wilston so exactly yeah yeah well think of poor enzio he would have known any of the

players en no he would have known Catherine and yeah I don't know but they

would have known they would have known the fans more they would have known more of the fans than the players yeah yeah to sort of mix more with us than them so

but no I didn't see him which is a shame because a lot of people wanted to thank him because you never get a chance to do that when you you know when these

players go so but what were your thoughts on the lineup and your

expectations ahead of the game me yeah the lineup yeah I saw no cuz I am

still getting used to what who who they are thank God they've got names on the back I do know a certain amount I know

about five now um and it never occurred to me because uh I still have to get efl

out my head because when you're in the efl you don't play bank holiday Monday and then it made sense that he

would change people around because although they're a very young and fit Squad there's a lot of games there's

what they're going to be playing four games in what eight days or something you know Saturday Tuesday Saturday

Monday so when that was sort of pointed out to me I thought yeah but I didn't

appreciate it because I thought it was going to be same St great I'm raring to go I can look at this now though oh no

he's changed it so it isn't to my mind it isn't that they were injured or they were retired he was mixing it up because

when with the greatest respect to Wiston I don't know he's ever going to

say but I think he might may have thought that York City was going to be a

harder match than Wilston and eastly definitely then maybe both of

those so I think he was just you know fresh yeah I think there was nothing

more than that that there's a lot of games because I remember bank holiday Monday's last

three seasons I used to look for oh we're not playing you know you didn't have a game so I used to go down and

watch you know National League sides if I could can't do that anymore well you can it's just our national

league no absolutely love it so the I don't think there's anyone everyone's

given a figure yet but they announced the crowd is just under, 1600 but I don't think they actually announced the

away attendance but um from different reports I'm hearing sort of 350 to 450 do what kind

of read somewhere 310 where I read it that's that's still

it's a lot more than we would normally take away I mean I go to m a lot of the away matches and you know we'd be to the

hardcore of you know 180 200 if we got 200 it would be

fantastic um usually maybe up to 100 on the further you know not count things

but yeah I mean a lot of the Amber Army young Lads they f one of the stand they

were there um and I could see and I thought great now whether that was on the back of Saturday I don't know but a

lot more than I would suggest normally go um and in a sense by the train and

that it wasn't too difficult a trip to make but yeah a good turnout a lot you

know a good turnout excellent um yeah right so the match let's let's get on to

it um yeah Jenny we we'll start with you um what how I mean I know we scored

after 11 minutes but how are you kind of feeling um leading up to the goal um

yeah I mean what I'm we always have a lot of energy

um it it was what what I like on and I see it whether people say it wasn't a

very good match etc etc is whenever the opposition seem to have the

ball we're on them or get to and it's not just one that you know sometimes we

we we you know we like hering imp packs and I noticed so often when one of them had the ball uh someone came to them but

then there'd be another one trying to get on them yeah and the fact that um

you know it it wasn't spectacular but I I'll be honest it's the third match they

changed the team and I'm still as far as I'm concerned still in the jail because

we're doing so well I think people well that wasn't a very good match and I'm not being funny I will forgive them

anything if we come out win but I'll forgive them anything you know after 10 games I expect to see them firing a lot

more but for what they're doing at the moment I have no complaints um really

have no complaints and then that goal you know listen for what we went through

last season I'm happy it's a better style of football I

know it can be bitty I know that they're not always but it's not hoofball they're fit they're hunting

impacts they're pressing they're really getting in there what's not to like it's a simple for me abely um and and the

goal did you realize how good it was when you were watching it or what was

annoying oh we're down the other end and so far when they're shooting into a

like Saturday they're not score well they Saturday and I must admit half time

though we're up the slope I'm thinking right Y come on we're going to get a couple of goals here and it didn't happen but so we we could see it but I

must admit I said to the other Neil who was I went who scored that I could oh yeah yeah it's very difficult to see and

I don't know them well enough you know oh the guy with the blonde hair who's that no bless him sorry Mr Waller but

you know what I mean so that aspect but that's sort of um second half was

different okay come on to the second half in a second yeah yeah but first half bitty but you know no complaints

I'm sorry that's right was nice still learning they're still learning what what were your thoughts kind of leading

up to the goal Neil and uh similar with Jenny were you impressed with the the the energetic pressing is it High Press

I don't know what they call it yeah I I was was impressed at the

sort of the pace they played at I was I didn't go the only um preseason friendly

I went to was Branford but it was a similar style actually that s high energy pressing up the pitch and um and

yeah I was especially Jade I noted this down actually because an was coming on here Jaden Harrison Jeremy civia was

very impressed with they you know they were very very good caused um WI a lot of problems um especially in the first

half an hour and um and that sort of opened that opened up way the way for

Charlie Waller's goal but we you know they we all still had their moments I think um I think late in the first half

like Steve had to make a really good save and you know that could have changed the game but I didn't feel that

sense of fragility last season if we did go one nil up you saw of could just you

just didn't feel comfortable that it would stay one nil up or we whereas yesterday I didn't feel like oh we're

going to let another goal in or we're going to let one in 95 minute or anything like that even though Steve did

have to make some really good saves so no I was I was very happy with the first T I was impressed all b i I agree with

you J I couldn't see who scored it was quite difficult to make out the but the fact was most of the game was seem to be

being played especially the first half now in in the Ron's third which is a good sign which was a good sign so yeah

I liked wat definitely last season it was that game you're like or when are we going to concede not will we concede

it's like what minute are we going to concede um so neither of you had a good view of the goal but you've obviously

seen it since or I hope you've seen it since on on the on Twitter and whatnot and can I just say w a go yeah oh yeah

yeah oh hang on I'm gonna do that again oh w a go what a come on oh sorry oh no but yes

well an amazing goal and um as he said himself he might need to work on his celebration a little

bit yeah he wasn't expecting it was he it was a good I know Josh probably Josh

probably didn't get the assist but I can remember you know from Midfield when he passed the ball out to I mean that was a

fantastic pass I thought Josh played he was all you know that those goals he's

had his confidence I would like to think is really there he was into everything

even to the point of getting booked which was a bit bizarre but um you know it was a great cross I know it was a

couple of more passes then but he he to me he set it up because I could see that

bit and then it was because there was quite a few players around wasn't there uh well and and then it went in and I'm

like oh right and we couldn't we couldn't see who finished that off yeah he almost kind of stepped back wait the

ball yeah yeah another time you're always attacking the ball because you're desperate to do it and he kind of saw it coming went yeah I know I'm exactly what

I'm going to do and just step back and it's just that little bit extra um obviously we don't see so much because they're coming from theems um but yeah

you you you're right we we doing the high press um there were a little a few

instances um Steve Morrison what didn't seem too fast he said allthough a few times that Steve had to come out and

smother the ball um but there wasn't anything that he was too concerned about he's obviously only been at something

for six months so that's why he's not concerned did did Steve Arnold save that and it was we were right behind it when

he was a brilliant save did that come across on the on the TV so he in the

first half oh in the first half uh yeah he he really had to that was that was the only save he really had to make yeah

aot to do yeah I have to say better te Wilston great but they

didn't have a finisher their finishing was the build up was all but it didn't

bother me because they actually didn't really have a poacher or a finisher yeah

my knowledge of football is legendary but I did say as I was watching it I said to the misses we're lucky that they

[ __ ] and can't score yeah basically but we again these are the

games we were losing yeah but yeah halftime Jenny's

Boy comes on um so first half Finn um the new signing

um lots and lots of uh hype with him and uh he was one that they were definitely

after and in fact um I think it's the athletic um paper magazine thing they

picked him out as one of the players to watch going into the Premier League from theems this year um and then surely

after he signed for us on loan um so did he I didn't see an awful lot wrong but

it was clear it seemed clear he'd only just met the players um but did he show anything for you guys to kind of go oh

that's a good player I'll let Neil go go on so

interesting interesting uh experience last night I spent the whole second half chatting to Finley's dad basically yeah

on the yeah so I was just I didn't know we just started talking to each other and um and you know and I asked him oh

do you come off and he goes well no but my son's playing today so and then you know we went from there and um and

slightly embarrassing I didn't you know I wouldn't S I just remember seeing moments with um Finley um and he looked

neat and tidy he didn't look overly sort of hustled on the ball so like he didn't

seem troubled by the pace of the game but he did pick up a knock and his dad was you know his dad Matt was a little

bit concerned about that but he wasn't hobbling at the end I think he probably I think um Steve would have probably

taken him off at anyway I think that's probably planned yeah yeah yeah so I yeah I think

yeah as far as I said he didn't do much wrong um but it's yeah he probably needs more time to bed in and and just yeah

like gel with the players like Jenny said yeah absolutely I me Jenny you hopefully know I mean but do you

remember when we had Jack Jeb yeah when he got the ball he just

seemed to have time he seemed exactly what he was doing yeah he didn't quite

make it and all the rest of it but he just seemed to get the ball and have a bit of time did it feel a bit like that or again is it just you think isn't

criticizing him I think he's had like one training session yeah I mean yeah

considering he had one training session um you know I I thought he he was he

looked like he'd been in the team longer but I mean he no disrespect to the lad

but he he he wasn't tearing up the pitch and you know um but he looked like he'd

perhaps had preseason with them and that he was playing you know he'd been playing in the team longer definitely he

he looked okay didn't look nervous he he just slotted in um you know obviously

fit like quite quite tall was happy to get in there was happy to try and win

the ball back um yeah he looked okay um but I think that's good because you know

if sorry but if he really is um we wouldn't have him I would suggest if he was

suddenly looking like Messi you know why would be at Sun

United yeah so I mean it's quite noticeable the game kind of not stop

start but it did kind of Swing there was no real chances Steve again had a couple

things to do we'll talk about the one at the end in a it but um we Steve said

this and I agree we just went through that thing of oh we've got the we we kind of what 65 70 minutes we've got

that thing of we've got the one nil let's drop back and defend and start pulling back um were you nervous at this

point Jenny I have to say um I was quite right like last

season it was like when's the other team going to score I didn't feel that but um

sitting next to Neil for the last gosh it was like uh on the you know

75th 80th minute and they were pressing I mean thank God you know they didn't have a

finish on them but I'm like I said to Neil this is starting to feel a bit like last season um you know and I was

actually glad when the final whistle went it it I'm not sure because they were such

poor finishers MH thank God if they hadn't have been I suspect we would have

probably drawn it and you know because again like that oh that save at the end that he knocked onto the post I mean oh

my God like just blow the whistle you know please and what I did notice which was which was strange and I think this

might have been because they're young Lads so there's we're in added time we

actually got the ball I'm not sure it was they went down the wing and we like take it into the corner take it and they

weren't that was us know and it and that yeah and I'm like whoa and that was in

some ways was good it's like we're still going to be attacking here and every we were all going take it into the corner

take it into the corner they didn't and then lost the ball and it's like you know but I think that was an experience

if you scor another a goal you don't need to take it but I did get I did have a little bit of last seasons in the last

three or four minutes and when everyone went oh you know I'm like just blow the whistle please and I was happy with the

one nil absolutely what were you thinking towards that that that s of in part of the game where we

were just dropping back and back and back yeah yeah I I got a little bit of the same feeling that that we used to

get last season but not so much it and I agree with Jenny like we when we had the

ball we were really like we were trying to throw a second goal we weren't holding back from that which was which I like to see which I actually you know we

put you know put two away past them then the game's over so I I thought that was good but the game did get very very

messy and got like from what I could tell anyway like there's lots of niggly fouls and from both from both both teams

so it sort of lost its Rhythm didn't it but I I didn't feel as I would have been like if they had

scored I would have been gutted because I thought yeah you know we didn't you know we really should have won that game

in the I mind you before this before this um podcast I looked at the stats

and the stats are fair I think they were fairly even possession wise and shots wise and stuff but he didn't I think

anyway so um but nevertheless like yeah I I I thought I didn't have the same

worries as last season I don't know why I think it's just the aura the team has they just don't look as nervous or as

fragile um yeah it's very hard to put your finger on it like but I didn't get

that feeling to me it feels that we have

confidence they're going to score or they could score if they needed to last last year we were scratching around for

goals I know we won 5-1 the opening day we beat W 40 but it felt like every goal we scored we had to really work for and

every goal we conceded seemed to just be like oh here you go have a goal um so and it just feels like they if they had

to so if they I think if they had to score if we equalized they would have and I would have got a result right

because I said 2-1 but they also know that I I predict one two two one so

they're not going to do that um let's talk about um Steve livening the night up for everyone um Neil how did you

think of Steve's um juggling and punching it onto the post and saving it just just checking everyone's heart rate

was was still still okay oh he's just such a solid presence though isn't he's just well before I don't know I don't

know well you would have known this watching T but Jenny you may have saw that a young lad a certain fan in the

warm-ups during the warm-ups got hit in the head from just a shot and then um um

yeah he had a bandage put on and first aid and whatnot and it was very unfortunate he was very upset but Steve

Ral came over gave him a hug and you know it was it was just a really nice gesture you know he wanted to stay for

the whole game like Dad said we can go home he said no but Steve I thought was

impressive and you know you know as he has been for a long time he's just a very he's very calm presence from what I

could tell s see I sitting right behind the guy he's got very calming present he doesn't shout and scream like maybe you

know keepers other Keepers should but um yeah it's uh yeah I I got no complaints

got no complaints at all who's our who's our captain is it Josh no it's Ty I just it just occurred to me

okay I just wasn't sure yeah yeah J I was just saying Josh playing he's playing like a senior player sorry

digressed something may have said to him I was looking forward to seeing him as a

senior player because pretty much everywhere he's gone he's been one of the younger ones and now suddenly yeah you're the you're the old boy now well

not the old boy but you're one of the old boys and it's just going to be different to see how he takes that mantle but Jenny how are you feeling

that Steve's juggling uh yeah that but well you know in in some ways I think he

he's earned that that he can do that because I actually am watching it now

okay Wiston you know sort of couldn't hit a barn door but they could what was

there was when they did actually get it on target Steve was there and he was saving them and to me our first half

particularly the def I I thought our defense looked okay but if what was

brilliant is if they uh got shown up Steve was the solid I was sure that he

would then survive you know he's there as the presence that um you know if the

if the defense gets split open anything Steve's there and I had every confidence that whatever went wrong if the defense

let someone in he would be be there and that's the big difference from last season well until the last when he did

play you know honestly I especially when the first half we we we sat I sat behind

him we could see you could see that if the defense didn't clear it up or anything he he was solid he brilliant

goalkeeper and okay he say at the very end I mean it all gave heart fat because

we all thought it had gone in you know from where we could see even the commentators thought it in um it's only

when I've watched it back yeah he put it onto the post great save why not you

know either lost out of his hands or lost sight of it and reacted very very quickly um but yeah the um we should say

the podcast and her G to sponsored Steve arold um the yeah um but I mean we we

saw it out um what are your kind of thoughts on it was the slope that um

important because um a couple people have mentioned it obviously we were going down the hill first half and up

the hill second half um did it seem that obvious Jenny I didn't I didn't think it

I didn't think it did no fair enough they're so fit you know they I mean they're still running 100 miles an hour

at the end of the match and when they say slope I'm like really yeah okay they say it's a slope there's a slope and it

probably is if I was on it but yeah yeah no it

Wiston came out I don't know what they were told at half time but and I thought they'd run out of bit of steam but they

came out to give it everything you know they were throwing the kitchen sink they were doing everything and they seemed to

be able to do that for 45 minutes but thankfully they couldn't get many shots

on target no yeah um so there was a different type of win obviously Saturday

we we had the swash Buckle in and this one we had the kind of Defending it out grinding out the result which

if you're going to get promotions yeah you need to play you need to get points when you're not necessarily firing on

all cylinders um I thought they did all right and as Jenny said earlier this

isn't a team that you're thinking oh God they're lacking it's a case of they jelling they just need a little bit more

time Here There and Everywhere and things will just drop into place not like the disjointed from from last team

last season um Steve made a very funny comment I thought and I got what he

meant straight away but he was happy how we defended it but he wasn't happy with how we defended it it's like hang on

let's right and I get what he means is he's happy we we did defend but he kind

of wants to play on the front fo attacking football so like you guys were saying go to the corner he's like no go

for the goal and then it doesn't matter if they score another one um but how did you see

the the sort of the overall win um Neil will start with you how how did you feel postmatch apart from relief obviously

yeah I thought it was a good s of character building win actually other in a way I I think it would do the team

more good than than the 5-nil win probably um because because it it was tough the second half Wilston came out

and they really you know they troubled us and frankly if it a team with better Strikers they would probably scored

against th and got at least The Equalizer but I think we would have been good enough to to get another one if if

we had to that's that's the difference so I was I was I was really happy with the win I think um I think I think

there's a lot to learn from and and and and the fact that sort of Charlie and Finley and um these guys got you know

really good game time yeah only b as well so I was very very happy yeah Jenny

yeah um the same is interesting because Wiston have now played three games as

well and they've not got a point on the board and they haven't I read their report from Saturday when they played

oldum and if you know they only lost one nil there so they're trying their hardest they're sort of in many ways

they've been unlucky because of that you know they're like it you know to be

their supporter is what we went through last season you know had a lot of the play put you know the Endeavor was

there shootting nearly then but it saved and it hit the post you know I actually

you know I'm glad we won you know I felt for him a little bit bit because they played three probably deserve something

definitely out of Saturday it seems and then old them scored that with we us they hit the but Post in the extra time

um but for ourside these are the games that you don't play particularly well it's not

very good but you win that's saying something over the years that you've

seen whether it's Premiership or here not saying anything yet but they're the

matches that you should have been happy with a draw away

from home but we got the win so buffer um so some little just shouts

from around social medias we've got Kieran on Insta who was not happy that it was terrible in the second half we

had no shots on target um and then on Facebook we had Adam saying brilliant

result and then on uh Tik Tok it's Stuart he's been on a few times not

pretty but we'll take it which pretty sure is what Sally said in the wedding vows but

um so um we're going to finish up with the game and we're just going to do your

good bad and the funny [Music]

that one does get copyrighted um so let's start with what was good so um

Neil what what for you was good this is the match day experience uh last week they were um the both of their bads were

the travel to the game only old men one but um can be anything you like but what

was good for you for first of all well I had an interesting experience I think I shared it on my Instagram but I got off

at fingon station on the way to the ground I was wearning myself shirt and there was a group of maybe 15 20 lads

who weren't in any football kit they saw me pointed and go s s and then they go

what's your name and I said Neil and then they all started CH chining Neil in the middle of fing station in rush hour

and F it's got the it's you know it's quite an echoey station so there I was

feeling like I don't know the other commuters they must have thought I was either I was a celebrity or something I should have like offered been filming

this so that was that was was good it was nice and we had a chat on the way up and it was most of the Young The Young

Lads at the you know Amber army guys and it was it was fun fun so I I enjoyed the

journey up actually yeah um didn't realize how far R slip was you think oh it's London it's London yeah and then it

comes up 50 miles away whoa so so yeah that that was my good

everyone always forgets how big London is really um but yeah I absolutely would have been recording that and that would have been on the tanoy as I'm walking

into work every single morning where I'm working from home or not it's getting even worse now Neil you're good on the

podcast um Jenny what was your good my good um

I've got to name him suu at the end he's becoming his middle name will be urgen

I'm sure um but that's obviously what he's going to do every time if we win

but it it's great because there's the connection then with the fans um and

again it's only the third game but that connection and now people know that he's going to come up because he starts with

his hands shaking um and that's his and that's good it's great it's it's you

know it it does because apart from the fact we've won it leaves everyone with this feel-good feeling you know IE the

match might not have been brilliant but when you got that you know it's it's great that's good it's good with him

that's definitely something that got lost last year that that little walk around just the fans with their get it's

hard I get it's hard when you're losing time after time and you just want Hide Away um but it's that little thing that

keeps everyone on side yeah um Jenny will give you what's bad um the the the bad I I will mention

it is uh and I've dobbed Sid you in on it so I'm sorry mate but it was his shot

he was practicing shooting um and the ball it was a screamer it hit uh like

the top of the stand and a stanion and it flew down and it hit mini cheese

sorry Bruce um which sort of sent him flying and he went into a board that

actually was a bit dangerous um and and so that was bad but I have to say uh the

players that were still they were straight away there because he you know he screamed and that they were straight

away there and uh our you know part of the management team cat Chambers they ran across because

they were calling straight away for someone to come over Ryan was there um

but it was what happened shouldn't really have happened yeah um but so that was the bad

if you like and on a separate note the M4

closing certain Junctions when I'm trying to go to Swindon

the Travel section um so just get it right one second sigy was your good and your bad yeah it wasn't his fault and I

hang on hang on hang on you said he had a shot which hit the top of the stand how can that not be his fault yeah well

he was practicing but I I hold my hand up and if he ever watches this I'm sorry

because when I was speaking to Ryan um afterwards you know I said was that was a hell of a ball that you know s you

think and he went was it him and I went yeah did you not know and he went no I

didn't I'm going to and went oh no sorry he got he got a kit out of it he'll be

all right oh sure no fine I'm not no what what's the Terry butcher yeah had

the Terry butcher last said you know he'll love that I said milk it milk it milk it

Bruce so yeah but the M4 yeah the M4 they keep shutting between let me see uh

13 and 14 we're not going to Swindon we're all right we man yeah last we heard was Bruce is all

right but obviously we don't know how Rachel's gonna take it out on um but

Neil what was your bad oh it's difficult to say what my bad was really yeah I was going to say the

young lad I learned his name was Bruce that was I didn't see it but it was quite upsetting that's why I'm crying

you can be the same one if you want it's fine yeah yeah well no I can't say anything about

I I learn I got an insight into a football dad professional footballer's Dad's life chatting to Matt Finley's dad

for the whole of the second half and he had a long old journey home and he was coming back I think three and a half

hours home and huh don't tell me when on the M4 I think he was going back to suffk

wherever he lives in suff then he was coming back the following morning um so yeah the the life of a professional

sports sports person's parent is is probably is is a grueling

one that was something I considered doing a couple years ago um when

obviously knew lot of players a lot better I was going to get um Kobe's mom on and uh E's mom on and a couple other

moms just to talk about how I that would be an angle wouldn't it I sure how the

players would take it with their mom SP on never mind right um and Neil with you

what was funny about the day oh well the funny thing that the earlier farington experience was was

funny but yeah no I I no I enjoyed I just enjo I enjoyed the I I don't get a

chance to get to many away games because the young family so it was just it was just a fun experience being away and the

Amber Army were in really good voice and so yeah that was that was fun me you

will be surprised when you get to home game because now we're all down at the Collingwood and it was was um it was

very good um Jenny what was funny for you I know just to go back to um the

Bruce incident with the with the ball and his cutthe head you know the Su cat James came back and they had um they

were coming over the big bag that they would come out onto a pitch if a players injured you know they had all the kit

there they came over and it is funny the Wiston Steward bless him he'd run off and he came

back with a little and that's an iPhone all right with a little first aid kit

that was the size of a very small purse and I just I said to Neil well there'll

be a plaster in there and maybe AIT lollipop I mean it was funny we knew

that you know cuz cat was there and they said he'd be right but he brought he was carrying this the smallest first aid kit

I'd ever seen because probably he probably was trying to find one as well so don't so that I mean we knew he was

right by then so I just said to Neil that's me funny that's hilarious you know that's not funny fair enough right

so we're moving on to York very very quickly and I spoke to Simon who is a supporter of York and the podcast host

of Same Old City Podcast I think he he he um co-hosts it and he did a little

scouting report for us a little while ago when we signed Matt Davis I think from New York so um here he is and this

is what he had to say okay we're now being joined by Simon

who is a host co-host of um Same Old City Podcast a York City Podcast and

he's obviously a York City fan make no sense otherwise um so thank you for joining us Simon um can you tell us a

little bit about yourself and um your history with York and little plug for the

podcast yeah absolutely so yeah um I've been a fan since the mid90s

which was a bit of a high point for York City if anyone remembers the the 3- nil win at Old Trafford in 95 and we were

sort of a um established in the third tier back then so obviously as a kid I

thought that was what uh supporting York was going to be like and turned out a little bit different um but yeah so I've

been supporting I guess coming up 30 years really um in terms of the podcast

yeah it's Same Old City uh this is our second season that we've been doing this um and we're trying to collaborate a bit

more with opposition fans as well this season um and yeah it's myself and and my co-host Ben and we're we're pretty

solid sort of doing it every week um so yeah that's uh that's been a new fun fun

element um so yeah do do do check that out if you want to uh see any more York City content

absolutely um so coming into the season I know if everyone recognizes Simon's

voice as he did the one of the scouting reports for us um so coming into the season what were your expectations of

the Season what were you hoping for and how has it gone early doors I not it's

only three games but how how's it gone so far compar to your expectations yeah it's it's gone about

as well as anyone could have hoped so far obviously we only just scraped survival both of the last two seasons

and we were expecting to do better this season because we've got an established manager now in Adam hinwood he's been

able to bring quite a few plays he's worked with before um so we were hopeful that it was going to be better this

season um I think everyone would kind of been saying hopefully maybe a playoff

push but if not then kind of top half not worrying about um you know

relegation but yeah we've we've had a Fant fantastic start so started off with a one all draw way at South End where we

were probably the better team and and might have even gone on to win it um then beat Tamworth 2-0 at home which was

really kind of dominant performance could have been more um and then last night we just beat Rochdale one- nil um

and rdale look a decent team to be honest um so that was bit more of a scrap didn't have things all our own way

but you know showed plenty of fight so yeah seven points from nine which I think is the same you guys

um is yeah everyone's starting to kind of think yeah this could be a you know a really good season but as you say early

days um but yeah in terms of expectations we did do some predictions before the season started on on same old

city um I predicted seventh Ben went for ninth I think that's kind of the

ballpark people are thinking um and and that seems to kind of chime with what a

lot of opposition fans have been saying they expect from York as well so so yeah so so far so good but yeah three games

is not too many to do I was going to say after 30 years you know you know not to think of oh this is a great season after

of the three games I can remember we actually won all four of our first

League games the season we finished bottom of League two and went down to the conference so yeah

it's basically what we were saying is um we beat all 5 nil and everyone was like

yeah the first home game last season we beat KN County 5-1 so let's let's let's just chill a little bit um so what do

you see so far um as the strengths and weaknesses at this point and are there

any key players that you think we should be looking out for yeah so strength is definitely like

I mentioned the playing style um hinwood likes to play quite a kind of fluid attacking style of play um get a lot of

players forward and that's really kind of working to to worry the opposition teams um we

have quite a small team I guess would be the weakness uh or at least we expected

defensively his previous team Worthing scored a lot of goals and conceded a lot of goals so we thought defense would be

the weak point but we've actually just come off two clean sheets in a row so so far that hasn't been as problematic as

as we thought it might be um and yeah so I think we we're a team that likes to

keep the ball likes to kind of win The Possession battle first first and foremost um so that's probably a

strength but yeah there's there's a potential that we might get kind of outmuscled sometimes alth it didn't

happen against Tamworth who who were definitely hoping to do that um in terms of

players I'd say there's maybe been kind of a couple of standout players so far this season so uh Dan batti who plays in

Midfield uh we did have him last season but had a little bit of injury troubles and didn't kind of see the best of him

but he's probably been our best player so far so he has been kind of slotting in further

back I mean he's playing in Midfield but he's kind of dropping back and he's got very good kind of long diagonal pass on

him very very accurate with those and that that's been key so far so if until people can work out how to deal with

those that's kind of been a big a big weapon for us um and also one of the new

players Joe Felix um who hin would signed from from Worthing um who again

he he normally plays at right back but often will be as far forward as as the

front players um and I mean he's only 5 foot two but he uh he can he can run all

day and yeah he's good going forward and at the back and he's he's really impressed all the city fans so far so I

think those have been kind of the two standouts um but also yeah a lot a lot of good attacking players and we've

still we've got oie Pier from Worthing as well who scored like 40 odd goals last season he's only got one penalty for us so far but definitely um looks

sharp another one to watch um yeah Joe Felix was one of the ones I was saying

we should we should be trying to NAB um but obviously decided to stay with his uh his his friends the Boston OE

um how do you see the match against suon going um from again all the early dos

and everything but how do you see the match going you think it seemed been quite Cy or do you think we're going to both just try and go for it and go for a

bit of a thrill I don't think hinwood really has it in him to play a Ki style

um he he's very much you know this is the way we play we don't worry about the opposition we go out to win every game

and sometimes that's probably going to come back to bite us so yeah expect us to to kind of come out definitely

playing for the win um and and definitely trying to get players forward and attack obviously it's going to be

quite a tough game because like I said you guys have had a good start as well um so yeah we're maybe expecting

something a bit more along the South End Game first day of the Season which was quite a close game

um and yeah it's difficult to know obviously without knowing too much about you guys and with it been so early in

the season um it it's really kind of Anything Could Happen kind of one but I

think people are expecting a tough game would be the kind of General consensus and just to put it out there

just to make the headline what's your prediction no no one's going to put money on it honestly don't worry um I'm

gonna I'm gonna say one all one all okay yeah and I think that would be a decent result probably for us excellent well

Simon thank you very much for your time um Good Luck obviously with the

parameters of most of the season and don't forget to check out same City Podcast um for their Su preview as well

where you can hear my voice again sorry about that we'll tag the the certain podcast

in as well so right so um this is going to be a

shorty because Jenny didn't hear most of that um you're both on mute because it puts

us all on mute straight away but um thanks to Simon for joining us and Neil

um any surprises there for you that um what he was saying about um what he

expects from the game or anything like that have you not even really considered any League tables at the

moment no no no real surprises I think it just boes for a good a good Clash um

you know both both got what seven from nine so I think that's that's the main thing to look forward to I don't know a

lot about York City but they'll be you know relatively hard confident so and we should be too so I think that gears up

for a good match I think I said on his one where we're talking about the different styles of football and nice Fu

flowing attacking High pressing and I was like nil nil B draw all over it um

so um so firstly um everyone Chuck in some suggestions because I did stand uh

behind the go in the Collingwood but obviously I'm trying to get out of this whole uh rigid I must stand in this

certain place or bad things are going to happen so if anyone's got any suggestions of where I could go um let

me know and tell me why and we're going to do the predictions um so

ah man I forgot that that covers half the screen so that's the top 10 so far I think it's about 40 people so far um but

get your predictions in hopefully this picture's going to be better so you can actually do the yes it's not covering

anymore um so what are your predictions Jenny we'll start with you what do what

do you think is going to happen in this game well although I didn't hear which is a shame really what the other chap

saying so I can't go on that but we're at home um I'm going for a 2-n because

I'm very confident with Steve um Yorker good have looked at the table it's going

to be a cracking match hopefully it's you know top top six uh but I'm going to

go for a two-nil I think we' be awesome on our carpet pitch and with Steve at the back no problem and don't forget

just because you're saying that now still enter the competition you don't have to stick with that if you change your mind it goes in

with whatever you in the competition uh and Neil um not sure if you if you play along with this um but what's your

prediction um for now your early prediction I think I I think I think we'll win I think it'll be a bit tigh I

think we're going to sneak it 2-1 at home yeah we absolutely won't win and

I'm going to start playing it actually I'm yeah I've been hit and miss with that and I had a good good few predictions last last season did

actually you got a couple uh you got two in a row right and then you just was like yeah I'm not doing this anymore no

I need get back on it need to get back on it yeah well it won't be 21 because that's what I'm going for and um today

will this this will be match 59 I get wrong um I suspect players listen and if

it's 2-1 they're going to desperately try and score another goal conceed a goal just to make sure I don't get it right um but we're going to the code is

on the screen um if you're watching you probably work that out and if you're listening um it means nothing to you so

we are going to start to wrap up um and uh as always we um appreciate your ear

attention and feedback there's lots of questions for you to get involved with what changes would you like to see um

over the next few years what was your good bad and the funny and where should I watch from and why in anything else

you want to be discussed on the podcast any sort of wider questions we can kind of put them to the panel and see um but

for now this is the episode of something podcast finished follow like share uh this episode um at Su podcast on all

social medias once again thanks to Jenny and and to Neil and next time we are

back with Paul Derby and Gabrielle I'm 90% sure that's the two uh so get your

questions sent in we're going to talk all things York and thanks to listeners our sponsors Lucky Star Jin hope you've

enjoyed this episode take care and we will catch up soon thank you bye- bye

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