Gander Green Lane Hoodo! With Lucy Clark & Sophie Modack | Transcript

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:34 PM
Hello, and welcome to another episode of Sutton United Talk Time on podcast. This is the Sutton podcast in association with Lucky Star Gin. I'm your host, Mike. And I'm delighted to say joining me today is Lucy and Sophie, who are going to talk to us about the women's team. And if they seem cross in any way, shape, or form, it's because they've been sitting here for half an hour waiting for me and I thought we're recording tomorrow. So it's all on me, everyone. So thank you both for your patience. And remember, please do like, share the episodes, retweet, reblog or whatever they tell you to do, comments and all the rest of it. Tell us what you like to hear. Tell us what you want more of and less of. Less of me doesn't count because it's my show. So anyway, Lucy, how have you been? You've planned a very, very big.

Lucy Clark - 6:35 PM
Fail to prepare, prepare to fail! Yeah, I mean, we did have a lot of games, to be fair. There are sort of a lot of reasons as to why getting training venues is hard, getting matches was fairly easy when we're playing away, which all our matches have been, so that's one of the reasons. Plus, yeah, we wanted to have a look at sort of different formations and different players, etc. Problem we've had is, yeah, holidays, you know, people have to have holidays, I get that, you know, we're not full-time, so lots of players are away on holiday, so we've not really, you know, managed to do some of the things that I was hoping that we could do over the pre-season, but yeah, there's lots of positives to take. Some really good results, some really good performances, and some not-so-good ones, but you know, good and bad. It's pre-season.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:36 PM
Exactly, exactly. And Sophie, how's it been for yourself? As one of the players, he's kind of going, oh, there'll be two or three friendlies. Oh, 27. Lovely.

Sophie - 6:36 PM
Yeah, well, when I first saw the fixture list, I was like, well, that's a lot. But I've never done a preseason like this where we've had so many games. And I think I worked it out. Obviously, the league is what I'm off by myself. I was stupid. I was 22 games in the league. Is that right? And I think including tomorrow, I think that's 10 games we'll have played, which is nearly like half the fixtures in the space of six weeks or so. But actually.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:37 PM
Yeah, I mean, it doesn't matter who you have playing. Players want to play. And therefore everyone going, training or matches? Yeah, let's do some matches. So everyone's going to prefer that anyway. There were a couple of little bits. One, I am going to direct at you, Lucy, because you've been a Sutton United supporter for a very, very long time. You know what happens to strikers who score lots of goals, and then they come and start playing for Sutton United, and all of a sudden that stops. Why have you signed a striker that's scored loads and loads and loads of goals, and hopefully that won't stop, will it? Yeah, exactly.

Lucy Clark - 6:38 PM
Break the hoodoo, right? And if not, we've got Sophie now scoring lots of goals, so, you know, we're covered, we're covered if she doesn't. Yeah, I'll be honest with you, it's kind of a bit of a shock that she's gone under the radar from other teams, so the fact that we managed to get her over the line, and to be fair, whilst it's only pre-season, she's already scored a couple for us. And I think she's got three assists in two games as well, so, yeah, she's scoring and assisting. And yeah, fingers crossed, you know, she's going to score loads this season. And I take it onto the fact that we're not going to play many games at Gander Green Lane this year, so the Gander Green Lane hoodoo will not come into effect because we'll be playing at Chipstead.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:39 PM
Yeah, that's where I was going to go with the next one. I was like, well, because we're not playing at Gander Green, I guess it might be all right. But Sophie, just in case you don't realise, over the years we've signed for the men's team loads and loads of strikers who have come in with huge reputations and don't do anything. So we would have ruined Messi, Ronaldo, Mbappe. If Haaland came to us as well, he would have struggled. There's a lot of changes, lots of players sort of coming and going. I kind of keep looking at the team going, I knew them all not long ago. Now I'm trying to work out who's who. Is that sort of normal and just a part of the way it is in pre-season and especially sort of in women's football where people do move around sort of a bit more?

Sophie - 6:39 PM
Yeah, I think so. I think it's a time for players to trial at new clubs and it depends how they were getting on last season, whether they're with us or coming from a new club and people hopefully see the vision that Lucy's got with the club and the team and where we want to push it and where we want to go. And I think that shows in the players that we've signed this season. Probably one of the strongest group of players we've ever had or I've ever played with anyway. So I think it's quite normal for preseason players.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:40 PM
Yes, absolutely. And for you both, we'll start with you Lucy. I know we discussed it previously. How important is it to kind of say no, this is home? Yes, obviously we'd love it to be down the road from me obviously, but how important is it to be this is home? We know where we're going to be, we know we're not going to get shunted around for the whole of the season.

Lucy Clark - 6:40 PM
Yeah, I think it's important not to be sort of the nomads that the team were last year with sort of four or five different home grounds. So yeah, if we can't play at Gander Green Lane this year, we know Chipstead is our home and that's where we'll be playing. So we can, you know, we can get some branding up as well and, you know, the girls will get familiar with the venue and the people there and, you know, we'll try and make it home.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:41 PM
Yeah, you're all right, that's it, it's all good. For yourself, how kind of, I mean, there's always reasons and no one's going to be going, well, you can't play on the pitch for just no reason, but it was always you guys ended up being shunted around a little bit. So how important is it to you to say, right, we know we're playing on Saturday, weather permitting, not just something else is going on?

Sophie - 6:41 PM
Yeah, no, it's not. I mean, those sort of things happen at clubs. It's a shame that that was always a reason and that we did feel a bit of bottom of the pile sometimes. But yeah, now we've got our own pitch and own stand, we can make it our own. So that'll be our ground. But I think times are changing. So hopefully, you know, the club can realise and as soon as we start getting the results, a lot of it comes through performances. You know, if you're playing well, people want to come and see it. And then hopefully they're like, oh, actually, yeah, that'll be fine.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:42 PM
Yeah, no, it's absolutely, it's always difficult because obviously, I'm a Sutton supporter, and I support any team wearing the colours of Sutton, but then there's obviously the financial side where you look and go, okay, I can kind of see that, how that helps us as well. So it was always a bit of a weird one, and I don't know if you still go on the forum Lucy or look at it, but people kind of were questioning it at the time. With the move for Palace ladies on there, but you can steal some of the players, hopefully. So what is your hope and expectation for this season? I know last season we were okay, but there was a tiny chance towards the end that, oh, hang on, we need to pick up some results. And what are your hopes and expectations for this season, Lucy?

Lucy Clark - 6:43 PM
So, yeah, I mean, you know, last year when I come in, the aim was to stay up, so that's part A achieved and I always said, you know, from the get-go that the plan for this season was to get into the pack. You know, there's generally a pack in this league, sort of four or five clubs that sort of break away that are up there challenging and the plan was, or is, to get into that pack. And that's where we're going for, you know. I don't like relegation battles. The first time I've had to deal with one as a manager or a player and it isn't very nice. So, I'd much rather we're at the right end of the table this year. I mean, listen, it's a strong league, you know, and there's some clubs with some big budgets and we're up against the equivalents of sort of, you know, your Man Cities and your Man United. So, it's going to be with only one going up as well.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:44 PM
Cool. And Sophie, do you have any, over and above that, personal targets? Are you having any goal targets or any clean sheet targets?

Sophie - 6:44 PM
I think you always strive as either individuals or as a team just to perform the best you can. So I think for me, what can I give to the team to put us in a strongest position possible? I think for us, or definitely in the past to build on is having like the strongest sort of family feel and togetherness that we've ever had. And I know Lucy's really driving that as well. And the season's not started, but it feels like we're in a really positive position. Because if ever you've been apart.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:45 PM
Excellent. And Lucy, I know I'm going to put you on the spot now because you probably haven't remembered everything. I know there's bits and pieces you want people to help with and just to just generally do lots of things because we chatted just beforehand and you're still doing lots of the bits that perhaps you shouldn't be doing. But what kind of were you especially hoping people to help with? Was it the stadium work, the match day stuff?

Lucy Clark - 6:45 PM
Yeah, no, there's a lot. There's anyone that can help out on match days, whether that be sort of, you know, working the gate, collecting the money, yeah, just helping out possibly with the hospitality. So, obviously, we've got to look after the match officials and the opponents, as well as, obviously, you know, hopefully some match sponsors and stuff, which is something that we're going to be looking to introduce this year. We've got to find a place that can sort of, you know, help out and help guide people and do a little bit of skip-ups that they'd do on a match day, so we're looking for a kit person, somebody who wants to come in and sort of get involved. It's a great opportunity to sort of see the workings of a football club from the inside, as well. And, yeah, everything. If someone wants to go and get some sponsors for us, that would be great, yeah, but, no, you know, if there's anyone out there that would like to volunteer some time, especially.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:46 PM
Okay, so the message is obviously there's a lot that goes on and it's a lot that goes on behind the scenes. People who rock up to watch matches don't necessarily know that. So if you are someone who's got some time available and you ever want to sort of help out or you ever wanted to help out at a football club, drop Lucy an email, drop me a message and I'll gladly pass it on and get yourself involved. It is great to kind of just be around the whole football thing, as Sophie says, it is a bit of a family. You do get treated by, as a family member, they kidnap your children as well when they just take them off into the changing rooms and you suddenly go, where's my child? And it's, oh, she's leading them out. So there'll be little things like that, it's really useful. But to you, Sophie, what does it mean to have someone coming along and just generally helping out with no...

Sophie - 6:47 PM
Yeah, I think I get the gist of what you're saying. Yeah, the more people that want to join us, everyone's welcome. We just want you to be part of it, part of the journey. And I like to think it's good fun to be back around the team. Like you say, it's a nice atmosphere and nice group of girls. So everyone's going to welcome you into it. And it's nice that you want to help out and be a part of it. So yeah, come and help us out.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:48 PM
Come and be part of the team. You get a free cup of tea or something. I think it was free hugs mentioned, Lucy, I don't know. It wasn't, oh, yeah. And also, you had me at hug, don't worry. It was too much. So the upcoming season, we're, we're...

Lucy Clark - 6:48 PM
You know, get a big hug, of course, yeah, yeah, a drink from a bar, a slice of pizza.

Lucy Clark - 6:49 PM
We get to the FA Cup fourth round and we draw Arsenal at home, I think that'll probably be a game we can't even name, right? So, you know, listen, I'll keep asking the question and if they say, yeah, we can play, then we will. So, I appreciate there's lots of, you know, they've got to look after the pitch. Obviously, you know, we are down a pecking order. So, I'm expecting a majority of the game.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:49 PM
Fair enough.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:49 PM
No no absolutely yeah no it's it's yeah that's that's that's um the important thing is as we as I already said it's we know you're going to be on we know it's not going to be shunted all of a sudden so that that was where a lot of frustrations were sorry about that um so how many new signings do we have do you know?

Lucy Clark - 6:49 PM
You have 14, I think, now? Yeah. Yeah, yeah, there's a couple in the pipeline too.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:49 PM
14 you got two more to catch up with Steve yeah very very good and oh thank you and where where do you do you see yourself right we're ready are you kind of behind the curve ahead of the curve because the first games this Sunday isn't it?

Lucy Clark - 6:50 PM
Yeah, this Sunday, home to New Haven. Yeah, I mean, we've still got a few girls away on holiday this Sunday. But, you know, I think what we've got now that we didn't have is we've got a good strength in depth. We've got players that can play a couple of, you know, we've got good backup for every position. So, if one girl does, you know, have to drop out, we've got another girl that's sort of really good quality that can come in. So, there's good competition for places all across the board. So, yeah, no, I'm really, really positive and really excited to get the season going. And obviously, you know, everyone's pretty much fit. We've got a couple of little niggles, but nothing too terrible. And yeah, you know, we're kind of ready to go. Those that are here, they're in the country and we're looking forward to it. So, yeah, I'm excited, you know, let's get...

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:51 PM
Perfect and how obviously this is your first pre-season with us not your first pre-season because you've been done it a few times before but um what has the first pre-season with us been stressful or?

Lucy Clark - 6:51 PM
Yeah, a lot of holidays. We've got a lot of schoolteachers. I mean, as if they don't have enough holidays already. I'm sure that they all do. You know, they're now all up on holiday and stuff like that. So, it's been hard because obviously, you know, I take my holidays at the right time, sort of June when there's no football. But I appreciate that, you know, people have to take their holidays at different points of the season. That's just me being, you know, I want everyone there. Yeah, no, it's not been stressful. It's been good. It's given us a chance to have a look at other players, have a look at different formations. It's given everybody a chance. We actually won a tournament as well, didn't we, Sophie? So, which was nice. Yeah. Yeah, the Sponsors' Cup, which we still haven't received. But hey, you know, we won it. And that was a good experience.

Sophie - 6:52 PM
So we did want to come yeah.

Lucy Clark - 6:52 PM
We had a team from New York as well. So, it's been a good, you know, it's been a mixed bag. We played some high-tier teams in the pre-season. There's a lot of sort of teams around our level. So, it's been, oh, well, it's been good, you know. It's been lots of getting the girls together. It's always great when everyone meets up on each matchday and you get that buzz, even if it is a pre-season friendly. So, yeah, it's been good.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:52 PM
Sophie, um are you on holiday from next week or and and how's um obviously this is always a tricky question and you're not being asked to throw anyone on any buses or anything but how how was pre-season differed from other pre-seasons for you um what's Lucy done differently apart from more friendlies?

Sophie - 6:53 PM
If I was out of the canceling it.

Sophie - 6:53 PM
Yeah, I think that's the main one. Mostly we've played loads of games. A lot of the time it's lots of fitness, lots of running. And like I said, when you see the fixture list that came out, it was like, OK, I'm not going to judge it. I've never done it like this before. But actually, yeah, it's worked really well. And it's meant all the new signings, obviously there's been a lot of them, have integrated really well into the team, into that matchday experience as well. And that maybe has helped players in their decisions to sign as well, because they've got that matchday experience rather than just trying to base it off training sessions, which sometimes are quite different. So, yeah, I've really enjoyed it. And I think we've got the same from it as what I have done at other teams, if not more. Because hopefully, apart from obviously people being away, we're ready to go and we're into that, the rhythm of playing games and playing matches from the start.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:54 PM
Yeah, I mean, because I know there are some players who can train very well and then play awful I'd like to say I'm one like that but I was equally good on the pitch and on the training ground I think you've seen me play anyway um moving on very very swiftly um what message do you both want to give to supporters um for the season ahead I know um we're in Chipstead...

Lucy Clark - 6:54 PM
If you can get down, come down, because obviously the girls need the support and having support there does make a difference, for sure. Chips did. Nice ground, you know, nice ground, nice people, plenty of parking there, so you're not going to have any hassles without, you know, not being able to park. The bar's open, they'll be doing a bit of food there, so that's a tick-tick. And, yeah, it's just a nice ground. Come and support the girls, the more support we can get. And try and create some atmosphere, you know, they will appreciate it and, you know, hopefully that will raise their performances as well, because we're going to go to some grounds that are going to have big support, so if we can make sort of our home a bit of a fortress and an uncomfortable place for other teams to come to when they come and visit us, then, you know, that's going to help us succeed on the pitch.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:55 PM
Yeah because I mean we all know the support is out there. Adalic still in our division?

Lucy Clark - 6:55 PM
So Dunleash have gone up, they've gone up, but they, you know, they've gone from five years from having, I think their first game where they had 20 fans, and in their last game, last season, they had 1,200. So, you know, if Dunleash can build a fan base, and, you know, why can't we? And they have the Pepper Army that sing the whole game, so let's get the Amber Army, and, you know, down there singing all game for us.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:56 PM
Yeah absolutely we'll get we'll get Paul Brunson on the case as well whip up a bit more support there as well um and Sophie as captain now come on what's your message to the supporters and what what do you want to say and what does it mean to you for the fans to make that trip over?

Sophie - 6:56 PM
Well, I think, especially this season, exciting things are happening. It's, you know, good quality competitive football. And we'd love just as many people to be part of the journey with us as possible. So, yeah, come down and get a good day out and Lucy will buy you a pint afterwards. Yeah, we're all athletes.

Mike Sutton Podcast - 6:56 PM
A pint of tap water is I think what that's going to be put a little caveat on there perfect um once again apologies for the start um that's on me I I've rattled through to try and keep this as short as possible for you because I both know you've got other commitments so thank you both for your time thank you for your patience with me um but we'll we'll wrap up this episode of Sutton Podcast.

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