We Should Ask The Kids Really with Paul & Gabriel | Sutton United v York City | Transcript

Mike: Hello and welcome to another episode of Sutton United Talk Time on podcast. It's the Sutton podcast in association with Lucky Star Gin. I'm your host, Mike, and with me on the panel today, we've got Gabrielle and Paul. In this episode, we're going to be covering the 2-2 draw with York. Information that would have been helpful prior to Saturday is someone said, "Yeah, we always draw 2-2 with York," but okay, didn't tell us that beforehand.

Mike: Otherwise, everyone's predictions would have been quite obvious, and we're going to look forward to the bank holiday trip too easily. Yes, I use the phrase "look forward to." Some people have never been there before, so let them anticipate it at least, everyone. Come on. It can't be that bad all the time. We love the engagements and hearing from you. Please like, share, retweet. There were lots of lovely comments after last week, and yeah.

Gabriel: Good, generally good, but it was hard to watch and to talk about the end of last season, because at least at a certain point we looked destined to relegate, but then we had the hopes back and it was even more painful because of that.

Mike: Yeah, hard for you. Can you imagine what it's like for me doing it every week? Hi everyone, smile! And Paul, how have you been?

Paul: Hi Mike, good thanks mate. I tend to switch off over the summer on the football stuff, although of course I did watch the Euros. I did go to Croatia, and I went to Split and had a little nosy round the football grounds of Split, so I was a bit sneaky there.

Mike: Yeah, absolutely. And a bit different as well. Right, so you were both at some homework, I'm hoping you remembered it. And it's the Knowing Me, Knowing You section, and they still haven't copyrighted me for this.

Mike: Okay, so kind of a silly question, really, considering the makeup of a lot of our fans, but how can the club keep it going and attract more and more young supporters to the club? So Paul, we'll start with you, since you have a young supporter with you. So how can we attract more young supporters to the club?

Paul: Yeah, well, first of all, me buying his drinks and buying his money to get in would definitely... Yeah, yeah, you could quite finish your second bite, so, I don't know, I mean it's...

Paul: and actually what you want at a Premier League game, the atmosphere and going with your mates, community spirit and all that kind of thing, moments. So, if we can keep the price in, I reckon, and just get the atmosphere going and making it a day that they want to go to, then I think it'll get them through the time start. Well, the first thing it's got to be, it's the price point's got to be...

Mike: Mhm.

Mike: We should. It's a random selection of questions that I've kind of gone on a little geeky spreadsheet going, right, this guest got this question this week. And I have only changed one because I got Claire on next week, and the question that she had was, if you could create a supporters event, what would it be? And I was like, well, that's a bit unfair because she's done that already, so we're not doing that one. But yeah, you're right, the price point.

Paul: Yeah.

Mike: That's important. And I do think we've got slightly more open engagement between the powers that be, for want of a better word, and our young'uns, because there's been a lot of talk with them over the summer. But Gabriel, what are your thoughts? How can we kind of get more of the young'uns involved and coming to games?

Gabriel: Well, I remember last year that was an initiative of sending tickets to schools and that was good. I could see people coming for the first time at the gate. The problem is the results didn't help, because especially for people who are not already attached, they are kind of result-driven. You go to several...

Mike: Yeah.

Mike: Yeah, I mean, that is definite. You've always got to be really careful bringing kids to their first games. Otherwise you end up with, like, my nephew. He was brought to Tottenham Man United, and Man United battered Tottenham, and he supports Man United. But there is also, as Paul says, the atmosphere, the fact they can come in. There was one little girl, a boy yesterday, I was leaving the loo, and she was saying how she loved it, and it was all great, and...

Mike: ...she was saying, what do you think about the game? And she was like, I didn’t really see any. And I was like, well, that’s a good thing. I was like, you’re going to learn lots of words, aren’t you? Don’t repeat them to mummy. But yeah, it’s the whole package, and I think you’re both dead right. Get the results right. It will follow, because there’s nothing better than a winning team. It doesn’t matter what the level you’re at. If your team’s winning, you kind of, you just have that little swagger all the time.

Gabriel: You can look at the overall figures, because I know that before COVID actually, because that’s the relevant number, the average was 1,800 here, now it was over 2,500 at the first two games, at the national league level, so one level lower, so you can say that the club is on the right track and the figures this year are better.

Mike: Yeah. Yeah, if there was better weather yesterday, we definitely would have hit the 3000 mark.

Paul: I’ll be interested to know, Mike, what the drop-off is. I don’t know, I haven’t seen any data or anything, but the drop-off between 17, 18, 19, where, because you know, those initial season tickets at that early age, they’re absolutely dirt cheap, aren’t they? Bargain. And then, and then they jump quite a bit, and whether they were in relation to a wage of a 17, 18, 19.

Mike: Yeah, one of the big differences on the price point this year was they allowed free tickets to the under-14s, however, they have to be accompanied by an adult. So all the sort of young ones who may have been sneaking things in or not are suddenly...

Paul: Hmm. Yeah. Yeah. You can see the thinking behind that. Yeah.

Mike: ...over 18. It’s not just someone in the next price point. I can’t remember exactly what it is because I don’t have anyone in that group. But yeah, what do you think? Let’s hear your answers. How can we attract more younger, long-term supporters, not just people coming and going? But they’re doing very, very well. I will be having Seb on in a few weeks actually, who’s been doing a lot of work behind the scenes with...

Mike: ...with all those flags and organizing things. And we’ll talk to him about the drum as well. But he does alright with a drum. I’ll have to swallow that. So club news. There were a few changes to the Match Day experience and it’s evolving. So it is a feedback process. As I have said to one person, changing the way things work doesn’t necessarily...

Mike: ...mean that they’re backtracking. It just means they’re listening to feedback and changing it. But yeah, do give them feedback. As I said last week, not just moaning that I don’t like it, because we all know what I don’t like. And the ladies side, they won 6-0 today and that’s a brilliant result. But it’s even better for me because I was under threat because I did mention when I spoke to Lucy about her wonderful new striker and the striker’s curse at Gander Green Lane.

Mike: And Gabby scored three today, but she hadn’t scored since I mentioned it. So I was in danger of being beaten, I think, probably. But yeah, well done to the ladies. And Gabby got a hat-trick and someone else got the hat-trick as well. I didn’t write that one down. I was just so relieved that the curse had been lifted. But yesterday, what were your... We’ll start with you, Gabriel.

Gabriel: Yeah, exactly. I noticed that, that they are also on the top of the table, so it would have been a tough game. I don’t know much about York, I know that they were sixth league, if not last year, two years ago for sure. I looked at our game on National League TV, I watched our game against Wellstone, World.

Gabriel: Good, but not that good, we had an ending in which it could have been a draw. You don’t know what to expect, it’s a totally new team, most of the players are under 25 years old, except Ryan Jackson and Steve Arnold, and it can go.

Mike: Yep. Yeah.

Paul: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I certainly got a feel that York would be a really good test. And I thought, I saw one game at Wilston and I saw plenty of endeavor and commitment and trying to play some good football.

Mike: Mhm.

Paul: Some of the performance levels were a little bit inconsistent and stuff, but you’d expect that, wouldn’t you? But I thought we were... I put us down for a draw. I felt that we had a draw in us. And actually, we nearly won it, didn’t we? And again, the game and the game itself, I thought, was very similar to Wilston. Again, lots of endeavor.

Mike: Yeah. Absolutely. Lovely. But were you surprised at all with Josh not starting, considering he’s had a couple of games where he’s scored already? Did that surprise you, or were you expecting Steve? Fair enough. Yeah.

Paul: Yeah, a little bit. That’s more that he was the only player I know. Sorry, I talked over you. Yeah, yeah. It was... Yeah, I was. I was, actually. As you say, he scored a few and he’s one of the more experienced players.

Mike: Exactly. Yeah, I mean, he did already say that on some other interview I heard that there’s sort of four big games coming up, so in 10 days or something, so it’s like, well, we need to manage this squad. What about you, Gabriel? Were you kind of surprised at any of the line-up, or were you again, like, I don’t know them enough to make a decision?

Paul: Yeah.

Gabriel: I was surprised, because I noticed that he scored important goals, but I also noticed at Wellstone that the coach goes for squad rotation, so I assume that this is what he means and he rests some players, especially that there’s a game tomorrow.

Mike: Yeah, yeah. Well, in the first half we played a bit consistent in the first few minutes because we gave Altrincham a really good chance, we gave Wilston a really good chance, and we gave York a really good chance. So how were you kind of in the first few minutes? Gabriel, I think you were doing turnstiles yesterday, so you might not have seen the first few minutes. What did you get in? Right, okay.

Gabriel: In the fifth minute I was in, I think.

Gabriel: We had a good start and we had that huge, huge chance resulting from our pressing. I also felt, and I heard people around me saying the same, that it could have been given a penalty, because there’s an obvious foul before the pass and before the miss, but probably the referee considered that it was advantage.

Mike: I don’t think there should ever be advantage. Yeah. Yeah. I’m very much a fan of only advantage if it does go in, otherwise it comes back definitely for the penalty. Paul, what were you feeling in the first bit when they had a little scare and the overall pressing and so on?

Paul: Yeah, we were quite open, weren’t we, at the start there? Yeah, I mean, Felix shot over the bar, didn’t he? And I think Boateng had a volley, didn’t he? Before Jadon Harris’s miss. But it was...

Mike: Yeah, you mentioned Felix. He was one of the very few players I’ve put my neck on the line going. Oli Pierce had gone to York and I was like, never mind him. I know everyone wanted to get in because he had scored like 4,000 goals or something last year. But I was like, Felix looks the player that we should be getting. Obviously, I didn’t know about Fazza or anyone, but I was that he’s been involved in a lot of those goals. And obviously, it was a done deal.

Mike: he went to York anyways. But he looked like a good player. I think if he was, and I hate to say these kinds of things, but if he was a bit taller, he definitely would be playing levels above. But first half kind of petered out. We kind of blocked each other out or canceled each other out is the phrase, isn’t it? So second half, we haven’t actually dared to watch these goals back yet.

Paul: Yeah. Yeah.

Paul: I think the second half, they were certainly targeting our left side, weren’t they? So they were definitely knocking it down that right flank and targeting our left side and getting some progress in that space. So I think, who was it, Akinwunmi, was it?

Paul: direct play, weren’t they? So the through ball, it looked like, I mean, Steve Arnold did some cracking things yesterday, but it did come out, I don’t know, I’ve only seen it once back, and it felt like he came out, committed himself a little bit early and then committed himself chasing the player. I think that was the first goal, wasn’t it? Yeah.

Mike: Mhm.

Gabriel: So, I was just coming back from the beer, from the break, and I was just taking my seat when I found him, the guy on the right, and I watched the goal, but before that, I don’t know how the build-up went, so I actually looked at the highlights this morning, and the guy that goes into the area,

Gabriel: has passed with a superb backheel, I don’t know if you noticed that, I haven’t noticed it, watching, it’s a backheel pass, absolutely superb, and I don’t think Steve Arnold could have done much, because the guy would have been alone with him anyway, if he was on the line, there was no defender in that zone.

Mike: No.

Mike: Yeah. Yeah. Fair enough. So, just, Gabriel, where were you yesterday? Were you in the stands or the far end? Okay. So, our first goal, I don’t know, Paul, whether you had the same, were you, you, you were behind the goal as well?

Paul: I was to the right of the goal, I was on the perfect angle of our goal, yeah.

Mike: Yeah. So, to me, that looked like a really weak header. So, as I was standing there and he’s headed it, I was kind of like, he hasn’t connected with that properly. And it’s bounced down and the keeper was then flapping and it looped over the goalkeeper. But then watching the highlight, they put it out on the, on Instagram or whatever, watching it back earlier this morning, I was like, actually, from the side, that’s actually a really good goal, but it definitely didn’t look...

Paul: Yeah.

Gabriel: Yeah, also from the highlights, because in real time you don’t realize many things, you just watch and see the ball going into the net. He jumped very high, he had a super high jump for this goal. It’s what you need. You can notice also that basically...

Gabriel: All our players are above 183, only Ryan Jackson is below 180 tall, so you would expect that this superiority would give results in the end. In the first half, we didn’t get much from the corners, but this goal came as a sign of our aerial superiority, I think.

Mike: Mhm.

Mike: Perfect.

Paul: Yeah, yeah, they were actually I was looking at them. I thought they look quite small as a team I don’t think we were massive, but they look we were definitely small there, but one player. I think it was who you’d say was reasonably tall, but other than that that, and it wasn’t surprised that we got the goal from...

Mike: Yeah.

Paul: So, and I stood next to Mark who’s got a great photo of it and he’s stuck it on Twitter, isn’t he? So I’m right next to Mark there.

Mike: Excellent. Yeah. Yeah, no, it was... I said at the time, I was like, we got away with one there, but then watching it back, it’s like, no, no, that’s a much better goal than I ever gave credit for. And Lewis’s cross from the set-piece, very, very nice. And then Josh came on and ran about a bit, scored a goal. He leapt quite high as well.

Mike: Importantly, I think possibly for the first time, he found Paul for the celebration photos. He headed towards Paul, because I’ve been moaning at him, because I’m like, all the photos of you, which Paul’s got from the back, can you just go towards him a little bit? So I was like, yes, you did it. He was like, yeah, found him at last. But where were you thinking at this point? I mean, he’s now matched his goals from last season in four games, and he hasn’t started all those four games. So that’s...

Paul: I mean yeah yeah I mean well one is he finding his form or has he found his level or or is he in the right system? It’s all those isn’t it? It’s probably one of three or all three but the goal itself I thought was great, it was a cracking header really was because he’s quite far out.

Mike: Mhm.

Paul: looked dangerous on the break so but yeah but from yeah from 0-1 down 2-1 lovely.

Mike: Yeah, well 2-1 I was very excited because I’d gone for 2-1 and I’d gone for Will Davies’ first goal scorer, so I’m sitting there going, I’ve got maximum here on the prediction league, this is awesome! And no, it wasn’t to be. But Gabriel, how did you see Josh’s goal and how are you feeling at 2-1 with 75 gone? 74, 75 gone? Oh, okay.

Gabriel: Yeah, it was a great joy to go 2-1 after not creating that much, because maybe the goals were our only chances, major chances in this period. Josh is a great asset to this team. He shows a bit...

Mike: Yeah, I think Josh, the bits that Paul mentioned, there’s also the bit he mentioned himself with his confidence. He knows Steve believes in him. He gets it and he’s full of confidence. So, obviously scoring a couple already is going to give his confidence a big boost. But they did take a late equaliser. I think, I can’t remember where he put it, but Mark Bravery said that he feels there’s something that we’re missing, a big lump that...

Paul: Yeah.

Gabriel: Before that, we had a better period for a few minutes after 2-1, in which we had a huge chance with... I don’t know if I spelled it right, Nadesan or how do you spell his name, Nadesan, yeah, when he was alone with the keeper basically, but he couldn’t hold the ball.

Mike: Medicine, medicine.

Paul: yeah, that’s...

Mike: Yeah, Charlie Waller came all the way through, I think that was at 2-1 as well actually, yeah, he came all the way through and you’re like, go on, go on, go on, and then as Paul was saying about decision making, he obviously decided he was going to pass it rather than just give it a lash, because obviously as he’s run the whole length of the pitch he should have just finished it off, but...

Gabriel: The...

Mike: Yeah, yeah, but overall 2-2, did you find it, did you feel it’s fair for the game, or were you disappointed?

Gabriel: 2-2 is fair, I feel that 2-2 is fair, but we had an incredible ingenuity also from the highlights at the equaliser. The two central midfielders do not drop deeper and leave our line of four against five opponents. There’s definitely five opponents there and only four people to mark them. And this is where it results.

Gabriel: Only one of the midfielders realizes and tries to come back, but it’s too late. The other one doesn’t even try to come back. I don’t know, maybe they were tired, maybe it’s the age and the inexperience, but it is a major ingenuity when you are up one goal and there’s five minutes to go. That ball, you should expect that the ball will be played there.

Mike: Yeah, it’s learning to manage the games I think, but Paul what do you think, was it two points dropped or fair?

Paul: Yeah, well, yeah, if you’re 2-1 up with five minutes to go, it’s two points dropped, isn’t it? But I think the result was... I thought the result was fair. Yeah, they looked like they were good for a point. And it’ll be interesting to see whether a point against York at home is a good result, isn’t it?

Mike: Yeah, yeah, of course we did. Yeah, yeah, I think Jadon had a miss at some point as well, but I think some of the players, I mean, looking at various different things. I think Jadon can be a big player for us. He’s full of energy and running things down. There’s little bits, as you said, there’s bits of like, oh slightly better decision-making but...

Paul: Yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah, it’s an interesting one, isn’t it? I think generally the composure of trying to play out the back, I’ve been impressed with them all playing it.

Mike: Mhm.

Paul: They’re not really standing out but they all look, they all look as though they can play, and I think the summer recruitment looks, yeah, hats off to them, it looks really good for the tactic of the age and the potential and going down that avenue. We’ve got some good players there.

Mike: Yeah, you can build a case for a lot of them.

Mike: Mm-hmm. Yeah, I think he said, Gabriel, part of it is either people coming up who need to, who want to prove themselves and go on to the next level, or people coming down who want to prove themselves to go back up. But who stood out for you so far, Gabriel?

Gabriel: Not so far, but yesterday I liked the guy from Ipswich, the midfielder. When he was in, he looked like he knows what he’s doing, he puts a lot of energy in. He looks a little bit fragile, but probably he isn’t, but I think it will be quite helpful for us when he will be fully fit and he will be able to play the full game.

Mike: Yeah, absolutely.

Gabriel: Besides that, I don’t know, Nadesan has some qualities, but he didn’t show them yet, it’s still due to show them, and also there’s Josh, that is a very important asset, and in some moments I liked Boateng, and he showed some interesting qualities, but again, he’s not...

Mike: Yeah, absolutely. Consistency leads us on. Unbeaten in four. Magic number. Eight points from four games. That’s two a game. Obviously, if that stays over the season, you’re going to have a really good chance. We did have a few different comments, but actually the one I wanted to talk...

Mike: ...to was, Nicholas Graham sent me an email and he posed this question as a reason for optimism, and it was, how many other teams in the league are in a similar position to us, having cleared out an entire squad and brought in a new team of players, and are still essentially figuring each other out? This is a conversation we kind of had a bit, Paul, where I was kind of trying to say, I can’t quite find the words, and I still haven’t, that this squad...

Mike: ...of players, or this team, you guys have both basically said it, they look like they’re going to gel, and I think last year, no matter how many times I was saying, I’m hopeful, they just weren’t gelling. But this team, you can see that there’s certain little things that are going to get better. So, are you guys, I’ve done some research, so I have an answer, but are you guys aware of any teams who...

Paul: I mean, I don’t know. I mean, I can’t, I’m sure it’s happened. It was certainly in my seven years of following Sutton closely, I’ve seen nothing like it.

Mike: Yeah, no, well, in our league this season, we’ve had 17 in and 22 out, and Braintree have also had 17 in but only 14 out, and Gateshead have 15 in and 17 out, others have kind of, I think Barnet’s 14, so it is a lot, so it’s a lot coming in and out, a lot of different...

Paul: It’s not that unusual.

Mike: Yeah, yeah, yeah, but can you put into words how you’re feeling about the squad right now for the optimism with how they’re going to gel or what you think can come from them? Paul, we’ll go with you.

Paul: Yeah, I’m excited like I am as you know, I’ve seen two games. I’ve seen them. I’ve seen lots of endeavor I’ve seen lots of potential there. I’ve seen you can see what Steve’s trying to do with them You can see that they’re playing for themselves, each other, the team, the club. And I think that’s and play some...

Mike: Perfect.

Paul: I mean, who knows you know, but who we’ve played and stuff, but it does have a whiff of top six about it. It really does.

Mike: Excellent. Shout early on. Gabriel, what can you put into words how you’re feeling about the squad at this stage? I know obviously there’s lots that can go horribly wrong in the next few weeks, months, but at the moment we’re expecting it not to. How do you feel?

Gabriel: Yeah, I think the start is above expectations, especially after the poor game in the first game at Tamworth, but you need consistency, and this is a long, long season, and hopefully they will get better together, they will get to know each other,

Gabriel: they will understand each colleague’s strength and what they want, and it will look better. It’s a really tough, tough league, and a tough season ahead, and the confidence is that the coach knows what he’s doing, he did a very good job at Hornchurch last year.

Mike: Yeah.

Gabriel: I feel that we should have used the midfield more, and we’re passing, so we’re not totally progressive play. We’re different than we were last year, but that’s not progressive play, it’s national league play, with the ball going from the defender straight at the attackers to use...

Mike: Mhm.

Mike: I think it’s 4-3-3 is what he’s kind of aiming for. I think Jadon is more of an attacking midfielder, I think. I’m not sure, but who knows? Who knows? It’s also players that all know 4-4-2 anyway, so they kind of all revert back into what they know anyway. But, yeah, no, there are things that I...

Gabriel: Yeah.

Mike: ...are going to develop, as you said. One thing I’m fairly sure we don’t want to get afraid of making their decisions or doing things, because we know with the young players comes a bit of confidence and a bit of fun, and if you start criticizing them for every little decision they make, they’ll start overthinking it. Josh said that when I had him on a couple weeks ago. He said what he was doing is when he was getting into good positions, he was suddenly thinking, well, I don’t want to cross it and get the blame if someone...

Mike: ...doesn’t do anything, so he’s passing it back to Jackson for him to cross it and get the blame if someone didn’t do anything with it. So yeah, we’ve got to keep backing the guys. Not that I’m saying either of you criticize them, it’s just in general we’re going to try and do it. Right, so here’s another new little bit, another little sound clip. It’s the good, the bad and the funny, so I hope you’ve thought about this over yesterday. It can be anything to do with your matchday experience, it does not have to do with...

Paul: Hm.

Mike: ...the match itself. So, Gabriel, we’ll start with you. What was good yesterday? What was good about the day?

Gabriel: I feel that the attendance is quite good for a rainy, rainy day. It started to rain pretty badly half an hour before the game. I’ve been at the away gate and the away supporters that came were soaking wet, really.

Mike: Yeah, no, I’d actually written that one down as well. Paul, what was your good?

Paul: As I say, it was my first home game this season, and the away end being the new home end really works for me. The stand itself, of course, the fact that we’ve got us packed in there with the youth actually who have got their flags up and they’re doing a really good job with that, and there was a good atmosphere.

Mike: Absolutely. Paul, what was bad about the day? Again, it doesn’t have to be an infinitesimal to match. You may not have heard it, we had Neil and Alex moaning about their travel.

Paul: Do you know what, I’m going to go, I will go for something, and it was really mine, and I think we’ve made a lot of changes haven’t we, and I think a lot of the changes have been really good, and the club have been listening and stuff, and it’s been, and I think, as I say, I did the fan zone yesterday, did the away end, home end, walked to the bar, and it...

Mike: Yeah, I have to say when that scoreboard got first installed, there was me and a load of people going, what the hell do we want a scoreboard for? We all know how long’s left of the match, don’t be stupid. And then suddenly it’s like, oh, I really do look at that quite often. Gabriel, what was bad for you on the day?

Paul: ...was driving me mad. So can we have a little mini clock at the other end please?

Gabriel: Well, a personal thing, I was planning to bring my son to the game and he was very excited, he’s seven years old, he was very excited about that, but given the heavy rain I couldn’t rely on the cooperation of the mother and he didn’t come in the end because they would have had to walk through all that rain to bring him to the gate to me, so it would have been too complicated.

Mike: Yeah. Yeah, no, it’s always hard for them to, because they get bored and they don’t want to watch it. And there’s loads for them to do, but they then start moaning at you that they want to go home after about 20 minutes. And you’re like, no, you’re here for the whole thing, child. Oh, OK. OK.

Gabriel: He started to watch full games, he started to watch full games at the Euros, so I was relying on him that he will be interested for the whole game, but I told you the weather...

Gabriel: It was funny, I even wrote to you on the group, that not having Dominic Feldham to take care of the turnstile people, we were just sent from one person to another, just go get your machines from underneath the scoreboard.

Mike: Yeah.

Mike: Yeah. Yeah, fair enough. Paul, what was funny for you?

Paul: I mean we all like a glaring miss from the opposition don’t we? So Akinyemi’s miss from about six yards out. I think he must have took his eye off the ball or anything but completely missed it. Kicked the ball onto his own foot and yeah that was highly amusing.

Mike: Perfect. No, absolutely, yeah, we won’t talk about that at all. To be fair, mine was. Things must be going all right, because we had lots of people moaning about the announcer. So it’s like, no one’s ever been able to hear the bloody...

Mike: ...announcements, what does it matter? So yeah, mine was funny that it was her first time, and I think as Mark said, that’s historic.

Paul: Bizarrely we had a, well you could actually hear it where we were stood, we could hear her where we stood because there was a, I mean as I say what was the announcer and what is the actual system as far as I could work out, it’s the system troubles as usual. She hurt, she was clear, she was slower, that was key, she was slower.

Mike: Yeah, it’s the system, 100%. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I think, yeah, I’m not sure where, what, with the club, whether it’s professional or not, I don’t know, but she does a lot of the socials as well. So I think there’s definitely something there. But yeah.

Mike: I’ve been in the ground and there’s hardly any fans there at all, even standing on the curver. And it comes over as sound as a bell. So when they’re testing it, and they’re checking it in an empty stadium, it sounds lovely everywhere. But it’s not the case when people are there. Right, normally we would move on to the free Q preview where I have an opposition fan coming and joining us. Unfortunately, it didn’t pan out this week. They had a quick, well, a lumaire...

Mike: ...family emergency this morning, so they weren’t actually able to join us. So I don’t have that side of it. It’s an away game, so it’s not so important. It won’t need to go in the programme. But what do you guys think of the game coming up? I mean, they’re 4-4. Gabriel, what are you expecting from the Eastleigh game? Or is it still way too early in the season to kind of start worrying about the league table?

Gabriel: It is important, it is always important a result because it may look decisive at the end of the season. It puzzles me a little bit that we are already announcing with all these changes and with all this new team that we are planning to fight for returning to the EFL. I think we should, we’re not Wrexham, we’re not Notts County to say that.

Mike: Yeah, yeah, I think you’re meaning a club looking to get back to the EFL tweets and whatnot. I have pointed out that if we don’t do it, are they going to get up to date 1800 of a club trying to get through to the Premier League, back to the Football League? And the answer was, yeah, why not? Paul, what do you think about the game?

Gabriel: Yeah, exactly.

Paul: It is still a bit early isn’t it, because we don’t know what the standard of the teams that they beat, for all we know they could have been, they’ll be in the bottom six or something couldn’t they, but you know they’re 4 for 4, so they’ve got to be doing something right.

Paul: Well, at the very least they’re riding with confidence and full of it at the moment, aren’t they?

Mike: Yeah, they’re the ones to aim for, so everyone’s got to give it a go. Right, so we’ll do predictions in a second, hopefully I’ve done this right this week. Nope, I’m still covering some of it, marvellous. So, the Prediction League top 10, obviously it’s only four games in, but Pessimistic PC is in there, there’s lots of names in there, I’m not seeing Derby in there, a defending champion.

Mike: But, we did have a first maximum, I’m almost certain this is a rude thing, but Fank Lizzie, I think it is, it’s probably something incredibly funny and rude to youngsters, but I don’t know what it means. But yeah, that’s the top 10 there, so there’s lots to play for, there’s 8 points a game, so if you want to join in, the code is going to be on the screen now.

Gabriel: Well, I’ll go for an optimistic 1-1.

Mike: OK, lovely. Paul, again, obviously, same rules apply, you can put it in just before kick-off if you wish, so whatever you say now is a guide.

Paul: Hmm. I mean I was, I was thinking 3-1 to Eastleigh, to be honest. I think that’s, but yeah, I’ll have a bigger think about it, but yeah. 3-1 I’m going to go for, for Eastleigh. Obviously, I hope he isn’t, but new rules of Mickey Mouse.

Mike: I think it’s great, especially yesterday when I thought I was going to get 8 points. I was like, this is amazing! Oh, I didn’t actually check that. But I’m going to go with 2-1 because, once again, it’s got to happen sometime for 2-1. It can’t possibly never be 2-1 again. It’s looking likely, but hey-ho. Right, so we...

Mike: We are going to wrap up this episode of Sutton Podcasts. As always, we appreciate your attention and feedback. Follow, like and share this episode at Sutton Podcasts on social media. The artwork this week will be with Lewis Massingham-Rowe, so it’ll be one of his pictures on the artwork. Don’t forget, send me pictures of the match days and I’ll pick one and give you a shout-out on the podcast.

Mike: I’ve had quite a few people saying hello to me, some people I’ve never met before, so I’m guessing being in the program does help somewhat, so welcome to any new listeners. Follow us on all the social media at Sutton Podcasts and subscribe on your favourite podcast platforms and give us the little thumbs up on YouTube whenever you like something. We will be back on Wednesday, which is two days after the match, so I definitely won’t remember anything, but hopefully Joe and Claire will. Thanks to our panel Gabreil & Paul, Thanks to our Sponsors Lucky Star Gin and thats to you for listening, take care & see you soon, bye bye.

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